Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Simulated Realities and Technological Dreams: Unveiling Mysteries, 'What Ifs,' and Future Fantasies

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 23

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What if we're all just sentient programs living in a vast, subconscious dream? Brace yourselves for a mind-bending journey as we challenge the boundaries of reality, starting with the eerie possibility that our world might be a simulation. We delve into spooky coincidences like déjà vu and ghost sightings as potential glitches in the system, drawing parallels to the classic Matrix movies. From the oracle's cryptic explanations to the twins' digital escapades, we immerse ourselves in a fascinating discussion that questions everything we think we know.

Ever wished you could go back in time and make better choices? Imagine the impact of traveling to the past to fix mistakes and create generational wealth. Inspired by films like "Hot Tub Time Machine" and "Back to the Future," we explore the tantalizing possibilities of altering personal history for financial gain. The conversation takes a whimsical turn as we envision a world where everyone can fly, transforming our daily commutes, home designs, and even societal norms in ways we can only dream of.

As we look toward the future, we speculate on groundbreaking technological advancements and their ethical implications. From dystopian pandemics and zombie apocalypses to the promise of living on Mars and harnessing fusion energy, the future landscape is both thrilling and terrifying. Sentient AI, telepathy, and even the moral dilemmas akin to becoming a Jedi or Sith come under scrutiny. Join us for a lively discussion that balances the awe of scientific progress with the sobering realities of human nature, making you ponder what lies ahead for humanity.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast. Hey everybody, kenny Cotman, lewis Crawford and I'm Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Yo, what is up? My fellas what's?

Speaker 3:

going on.

Speaker 2:

What up, billy. What's going on? Brother Ch, Billy, what's going?

Speaker 3:

on bro, chilling man, chilling man, chilling, chilling.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's good, everybody's good. Yes, so we're getting used to doing this thing with the camera, yeah Well, so everybody, please bear with us. We're getting there, we're getting there, and yeah, no headphones.

Speaker 1:

We'll be putting a lot more clips up on Instagram and. Facebook now.

Speaker 2:

So, it'll be, cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, good shit Please feedback.

Speaker 3:

as much, yeah, let us know what you think we want to know for sure.

Speaker 2:

Tell us what you hear, how it sounds, because it might sound different to us than what it is. We're still messing with the sound and whatnot, so we're trying to get at it. So try to look more professional. Woo-hoo, yep. And so tonight's episode is what ifs?

Speaker 1:

What ifs? What ifs?

Speaker 2:

So what ifs? What ifs as far, like for whatever, for anything so, or what if, like they have in the Marvel Universe. So what if?

Speaker 3:

and they have the Right and it's a reverse, or it's a different Right the character takes-.

Speaker 1:

Right. You know it's a reverse or it's a different the character takes. You know it's a good what if? Like with Captain. I mean God, I'm sorry, a good episode would be. I mean we could do a little what if? But I think we could make all episodes. You know there's a whole group of people who think we're living in a like a matrix, like we're living in a simulation.

Speaker 2:

What if we're living in a simulation with us? So there you go. So there you go. So we'll do that as number one. What if? Right now for this episode? So, what if we really are living, I guess, in the matrix, if we really are the matrix or just a simulation?

Speaker 1:

Maybe we're all.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking about it. What if you're?

Speaker 1:

a sentient program? Oh, how fucked up would that be. You're what if you're a sentient program? Oh, how fucked up would that be.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're not even aware of it.

Speaker 2:

We're all programmed, we're just a bag, we're all part of a simulation? Yeah, that would be insane, because then I would be upset.

Speaker 1:

We're just plugged into someone's PC. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Somebody else's game.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but see, then I'm pissed off Because that's not okay, because then I'm pissed off because it's not okay. Because, they just have to do board games and shit. You know what I?

Speaker 3:

mean, I get it yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know that sucks. Yeah, that's not all right, so dig it. I don't know if you remember, it's just fucking the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's right, we are the fucking Sims. Yeah, stupid fucking thing, would we be?

Speaker 3:

able to do do this. If we thought that was the case, you know what I mean. You think the program wouldn't have a way to make it, so you wouldn't be able to know whether to think about what you're thinking right now.

Speaker 2:

As far as whether or not we're a simulation, so, if I remember correctly, in the Matrix and how all those simulations work is that you're just asleep, like you're just it's your subconscious that's going through this, and that we're all linked together. You follow. So then, yeah, we would be, we would still have this. So this is a dream, it was all a dream.

Speaker 1:

Well, in the Matrix too, the programs they were running amok.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, but the programs that they put in there was to try to keep the control Right, so that then you know right, they threw, but the programs that they put in there was to try to keep the control right.

Speaker 1:

So that then you know this way, good movies man, yes, and then this way we wouldn't be crazy. But no, no, that's what it was I was gonna say. They said like anytime, remember the oracle, she goes anytime you heard of werewolves, right?

Speaker 2:

aliens. That was the program, so what's?

Speaker 1:

if anytime someone does see aliens, it's right, it's the fucking it's the, it's the fucking the simulation right fucked up, or like when you see some weird shit, like like there was a video and it's like it even said like there's a, there's a, um, you know a fuck up in a glitch in the matrix and there's like a fucking like bird, like it looks like it's floating right what about when he's sitting in the office, when he's late for work?

Speaker 3:

right, that one scene gets out he goes to work and the guy's, his boss, is talking to him yeah, and there's a window washer out there yeah, and the guy's still in the window, right, but it's still blurry, yeah right, that's what I'm so what? So it's like we're living in the matrix I will say but have you ever had something like that happen to you, so that they say the deja vu.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there are things that you turn around and you hear, so what we'll call ghosts could be a glitch in the matrix.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you know, I remember the twins were ghosts.

Speaker 3:

Right, the twins will go that's right yeah see, so that, just but they were able to move differently, though they were like literally like ghosts, where they were able to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they had no clipping mode. Yeah, if anybody plays games, that's when you can go through the walls.

Speaker 2:

Right, so that's the thing, though, they were ghosts in the movie yeah, right, but not everybody. They didn't have to deal with everybody, only certain people, certain programs that were hanging out in those places saw them and were actually being, you know, fighting them and ducking and whatever else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, you know, you know it was cool, though you know what that is he. There's so much lore behind the matrix right that it's almost like it could be, almost get like star wars, like yeah so, although now, if you remember the the uh, the architect says there's several uh versions of the matrix.

Speaker 1:

Well, they're one of the versions of the matrix. The first version of matrix supposed to be like, of Matrix was supposed to be like heaven, it was supposed to be like a utopia, yes, and the guards of the Matrix were angels, and that's why, when you see who's the karate guy that he fights Neo, that one that protects the Orc, oh, the Oracle.

Speaker 3:

Whatever his name was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when they're going to go and he's in the park and they go, hey look, it's Wingless. They called him wingless.

Speaker 3:

Why would they call him wingless? Because he was from the first version of the Matrix, where the people who was protecting the Matrix were. I never picked up on that before.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool. They were kind of like the agents Right.

Speaker 3:

That's an Easter egg right there, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And the Merovingian notice how he had that, the what is it called? Like he had the ghosts and he had those, the werewolf the guy remember they had to shoot him with silver bullets.

Speaker 2:

Oh right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was from another version of the Matrix. It was the nightmare version, so the utopia didn't work, thing.

Speaker 3:

So they they rejected it they rejected it, so they tried the opposite in the nightmare version and that was worse, yeah.

Speaker 1:

There were six versions of the Matrix. There were six versions of the Matrix.

Speaker 3:

So they had to find somewhere in the middle to make it where they accepted it and they were able to.

Speaker 2:

So look at where we're already going with all that. That's an interesting concept.

Speaker 3:

I mean that would be, that would be sick. I'm mad because I want to have.

Speaker 2:

I would love to be like the Neo or you know that everybody had that special something to be able to just have the special powers special powers. Yeah, yeah, yeah but I'm into special powers bro I like that shit, okay, why do my eyes hurt. Uh, what if you never used them before, remember? Oh yeah, all right, I don't know, poke yourself. I don't know what you're doing with this my bad stuff yeah, yeah okay, what if we could time travel?

Speaker 3:

that would be cool as shit, right, but then how would it mess up the threads that? You would mess it up. Regardless how careful you are, you would screw something up even if you didn't do it um intentionally you know, what I'm saying like even if I think you, because that's what they keep saying. They say, if you were able to go back, you're, oh, you're going to. By going back, you're already changing the past you're changing it right and your future is going to be different.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because I would change my future.

Speaker 3:

You know same people different money flow. I always think going back to do something that to I don't know, to fix that. I got wrong or something like that or correct.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Or to help save somebody.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. So is this a, a time machine?

Speaker 3:

I don't know how would it work or or is it like butterfly effect?

Speaker 1:

we can go back and more of a spiritual kind of thing in your own body into another time, like in butterfly effect.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean, yeah, so like that's what they say if I you know, if I knew what I knew then, but if I knew what I knew now, when I was younger, you know what I mean. Yeah, game over, that would be the butterfly effect. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I would like that better in all honesty, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I would like to be able to go back in my own body and do all the things that I said shit, I should have done that, I should have done that.

Speaker 3:

But what happens if?

Speaker 2:

it's actually. So now you go back.

Speaker 3:

It's still you, but you're not your adult self. Where?

Speaker 2:

you came from. Now you're in your own self, back into my, my younger self, right 15 year old. Can you imagine that?

Speaker 1:

that would be crazy. That would be like a really fucked up version of groundhog day we don't repeat that same day. You're just gonna keep repeating your life over my life.

Speaker 2:

You know, imagine if it was like a loop I'm telling I would not change big things and I know it's always the little things Like I wouldn't change the kids, I wouldn't change the people I was with all that other stuff. I would just change the money, like I would have invested money differently and you know, do that kind of thing, oh, dude, please. Yeah, there's so many different things you can go down.

Speaker 3:

You could sit down and write a list, probably fill a notebook up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Really think about it, right?

Speaker 2:

What was that movie? I'm sorry, coach, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. Hot Tub Time Machine. Yeah, hot Tub Time Machine. Then he turned the one dude stayed in the past and at the end of the movie sorry spoiler he had invested money for all of them in Google. Oh yeah, yeah, lugal Lugo, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Because his name was Lou. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so he changed it. Yeah, he changed it to Lugo, yeah, and he basically made his own version of Poison. Yes, he was saying at the end of the song he was like what song was it? Ah, mama wait.

Speaker 2:

Yes that's right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

That's what I would do.

Speaker 3:

I would just change the money flow. You know not be super rich, but how would you change it though? So, investments, I would have invested differently in money that I you know that I would have. So you would do it back in the future when he grabbed the sports almanac, right kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

Kind of thing I would turn around.

Speaker 3:

I said and which was a debacle by the way yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, only because of-.

Speaker 1:

She got it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so go in and change. Just you know, um, I had money at one time, so then the way I invested that money, right, you know that there was residual income. You know, buy that building, buy that property, do that because then it becomes, you know, the generation well, yeah, my kids would have be able to play the stock market right, exactly I would do that I would buy a shitload of apple stock right.

Speaker 1:

Uh in, uh, when in like 97, 98 yeah, and they were really not doing that you know, and then, all of a sudden, they start selling the, and then, oh man, you would be yeah amazon, but you know yeah google, google yeah google, amazon, absolutely you know all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

You know pork bellies.

Speaker 1:

Pork bellies Is that from Trading Places, that's right, or Frozen Orange Juice. Frozen Orange Juice, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, another. What if Go ahead? Want me to come up with one. You got one.

Speaker 3:

What was the movie you told me about, where they travel back in time to try to save the President Kennedy?

Speaker 1:

I think it was what was that oh Save the President.

Speaker 3:

Kennedy, I think it was. What was that I?

Speaker 1:

forget what movie that was. It was Amazon.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, it was 1960-something. James Franco, that's right. Thank you, I remember him telling me about that. I still never watched it. I should go back and watch it. I like time travel stuff man, you could do so many different things with it 11, 22, 63.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that it was a good.

Speaker 1:

It's really good yeah yeah, all right, we're gonna have to watch that. You're gonna have to watch that yeah for sure, yep so go ahead next.

Speaker 2:

What if, uh, what if you could fly, bro? What if everybody could fly? Or?

Speaker 3:

just you one person well, you know, I mean I guess it'd be cool if everybody could fly.

Speaker 1:

I oh man, it'd be like we would just be all.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to be, selfish.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, imagine how our, how our houses could be designed like bird houses just fly into the shits Exactly.

Speaker 3:

Would you wear a cape? No, when you're little you will.

Speaker 2:

You'll probably wrap a towel around your neck Because it got caught in the fucking air.

Speaker 1:

No, because there would be no that wouldn't be like a cool, that wouldn't be like a Superman thing. Right, he would have no reason to have it.

Speaker 3:

I'd still wear it if I was a kid. If I was a kid and I could fly, I would be putting this towel.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm saying everybody flew. We lived in a society like an alternate universe.

Speaker 2:

Right, oh, okay, I got you.

Speaker 3:

I got you, but yeah, what if we could fly?

Speaker 1:

that'd be cool, yeah you know that would be cool. How high could you go? Any you know like hotel or skyscraper would be designed differently. You'd be able to just fly to your entrance oh yeah, there'd be.

Speaker 3:

No, there'd be no need for elevators, right, everybody, just there would be like that's pretty cool to think like that, that is for a hallway or anything. Yeah, no, how fast do you think you could travel there would?

Speaker 1:

be no like hallway to get to the different. You know everybody.

Speaker 2:

Would you just go to your individual like, like company you're like you know what I mean like or like you're getting in and you start walking, you know where, like that'd be crazy the floor is two built, two offices so you wouldn't have to have a hallway connected or an elevator.

Speaker 1:

Do you know what I mean? That'd be great.

Speaker 2:

No elevator, that's that would be awesome savings. Well, you say that. Which one now?

Speaker 3:

no, no, I'm not. I was when you guys finished that, but now yeah that.

Speaker 2:

That would. That would be freaking flying would be cool man flying just to be able to just just kind of lift off the ground.

Speaker 3:

But when I think about, of course I think of right away, I think of superman, the way he does, like he automatically, just he just stands and he's just he's just floating, he's just hanging out. You know that kind yeah you know that's the yeah superhero kind of stuff. So what if you could be a superhero?

Speaker 2:

right, well, okay, so then what would be your super what happens if everybody has superpowers but then that would be, that would be like yeah, like yeah, it would be nuts, it'll be it because everybody's gonna be crazy, right, but then everybody's dead. We'd be a fucking crazy society it's like how would you be able to like have order? Yeah, like, because you know like who's gonna do it because you wouldn't know who his other yeah right exactly and you would.

Speaker 3:

I was just gonna say people's powers are.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean you wouldn't even know like he. I think people would actually be more peaceful because you wouldn't fuck with anybody. You don't know what their powers are.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's like I'll try to freeze you and I just fucking melt you.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you think so yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'll just liquefy you my powers liquefy.

Speaker 3:

That's your superpower, right I?

Speaker 1:

just liquefy everything. That's fucking awesome. I'll just touch you To a puddle.

Speaker 2:

That would be so nasty, bro. Yeah, but that would be cool if everybody had superpowers.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. If everybody had them, maybe if that would be like this, that would be yeah, it would just be so crazy, it would be nuts. It would be just like the boys. Yeah, you know, it would be nuts, it would be off the hook. Everyone. Brutal, you know. Just think about it. Corrupt superheroes. Imagine Dude. Yeah, it would be anarchy man. It'd be people running in the streets screaming.

Speaker 1:

What if the zombie apocalypse happened? Oh shit what if oh now we're getting somewhere Now I'd survive.

Speaker 2:

Is that on my list? Here I would survive. So everybody that knows me know where I live. Meet me at the Walmart. Meet me at the Walmart, we could do episodes.

Speaker 1:

We could expand these into full episodes. Yeah, oh, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Because, if you listen, what if there is a zombie apocalypse? What if the first place you would go to is Walmart, the super Walmart? Why are you telling everybody, bro? Because I'm going to be there before them.

Speaker 1:

Because they're not gonna believe it. We're the geeks here, bro. We believe what that shit is. I'm out climate, so two op. So my thing is you could have climate to your advantage. There's two places you might want to go. One one is up complete extreme of the other one is you want to go to an area where swamps, so louisiana, everglades. So it's hot, it's humid, decomposing it's gonna happen faster. So all those and you got alligators and all that, and alligators eat decomposing things.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know. Maybe I don't know if zombies can attack the alligators. They got the thick skin. I don't know if they can bite the alligators kidding me rip them apart like it's nothing but still.

Speaker 2:

But they eat the g, the gator. I mean the gator eats them. It's going to probably turn into a.

Speaker 1:

It's going to turn the gator into a zombie.

Speaker 3:

It depends on the yeah, depending on which movie you're watching, it depends on which universe we're in, but I'm always From the very first one. We saw right, you know, dawn of the Dead Not all zombie movies have zombie animals. Right Like.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

War Z. World War Z was a great movie.

Speaker 1:

But my other place would be is Scary shit too. Think about it An area where it's cold all year round because they would just freeze outside.

Speaker 3:

And then you just take an ax and just hit them in the head. So you just take a baseball bat the frozen, hit them in the head while they're frozen. I was with the ax. I'm like fuck you know, when they throw out they might reanimate, I'm making sure this shit in Alaska like two month winter, you know, and a two month summer.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean then use them as fire that would be cool, that would be cool. That's actually the ultimate survival. If you, that's a good one. You gotta be in a cold climate.

Speaker 3:

I could deal with that, but that's crazy if something like that happened.

Speaker 2:

Hell yeah, bro man.

Speaker 3:

People would be freaking out.

Speaker 2:

Yes, They'd freak out now when they think about COVID. Everybody had a freaking panic attack. Yeah, toilet paper was missing.

Speaker 1:

It was gone. Can you imagine if we had a fucking pandemic TV, like a movie style pandemic, where people just fucking drop in like flies?

Speaker 3:

Flies, and they don't know what it is at all. They can't even give it a name. They have no idea.

Speaker 1:

The Earth's population gets down to like a quarter of what it is. People show up at your house with their suits from ET 8 billion to 2 billion people.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to ever hear you guys talk about how dark, I get. Because you motherfuckers are already out there. Dude, Show your house with the suits from et with the oxygen hose on you guys are really everybody dead just dropping waiting from your eyes could you imagine if we had like, if, if that was?

Speaker 1:

like you know, I mean people, like people went panicked and crazy over, like like covid wasn't, like, it was like crazy yeah it was, it was horrible because, people were dying.

Speaker 3:

I mean we can't make light of it. It was a bad thing, but it wasn't like if it was like that.

Speaker 1:

You just said that people just like walking and just like right right, just, you know the people are bleeding from their fucking eyeballs right like ebola type shit you know, like people just dying, like you know what I mean like, like and you catch it.

Speaker 3:

You don't even know what you're getting it from.

Speaker 1:

With covid COVID, you had a chance of surviving.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't a low death.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't a high death. It was high, but it wasn't like holy shit, we're all going to die.

Speaker 3:

It was like it was a plague of some sort. That's a whole different animal than a plague.

Speaker 2:

That's not good shit, I don't think about that shit.

Speaker 1:

Next one, your turn. I did.

Speaker 2:

Zombie apocalypse. Zombie apocalypse. Oh, you already said it, it was your turn.

Speaker 3:

What if you could live on Mars? You see, that's what I'm talking about, bro.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm fucking talking about so we could live on Mars. It's just who's going to take the three-month one-way ticket?

Speaker 3:

You know they discovered fusion. It's going to change everything. It's going to make things move. The energy source is going to be abundant. Once they figure it out, they're already on that path.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that's like no joke.

Speaker 1:

Can that be battery powered? Can you have like a fusion powered?

Speaker 3:

car you would have. It would be something in your car that would create it, I guess. Right, yeah, something I would imagine it would be something in your car that would would create it, I guess, or something right, yeah, something.

Speaker 1:

I would imagine it would be like that can people make fusion bombs? Because that's what's gonna?

Speaker 2:

wow who has access to it.

Speaker 1:

You see, I know right away no, because you know it's always fucking crazy people that ruin it for everybody right, yeah, ruin it for us if there was never any violent people who would hurt other people, they'd be like it's unfortunate we have to think like that. But they're like oh, we have fusion and we could probably get them small enough and put them in every single vehicle, but we can't, because you fuckers will use it to blow people away.

Speaker 3:

They would probably make it in a way where you can't get to it. It's impossible, and it would probably be too. It probably would be. I would think you would get hurt by even trying to mess with something like that you're talking about an enormous energy, so I wouldn't even you, wouldn't even want to fuck with it. But I'm trying to think positive and think, you know, they would be smart enough to know how to contain it, so nobody would even think of something like that you know, yeah, no, I'm with you.

Speaker 2:

That would be cool, but then that would make it everybody could fly.

Speaker 3:

No, not necessarily, it just means that your car you could have those, but I'm assuming that's probably have to worry about energy again.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you know how many people would be dropping out of the sky?

Speaker 3:

They would do it for but they would not only be for cars, it would be for homes, it would be for cities, it would be for everything. Once they get to, they figure it out, it's going to change everything.

Speaker 1:

You would buy a car and literally the battery would outlast the car Right.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean, so you would never need to charge car or whatever you're buying the box exactly, yeah, so they'd probably be able to do something like that's cool.

Speaker 3:

See, we're super geeks, man, we are, and there's people like these guys aren't geeks. They're no bigger geeks than these guys.

Speaker 1:

Power was never an issue for anything, ever. Yeah, yeah, and we won't be here for it but I definitely see it.

Speaker 3:

You know, maybe we'll see some more advancement by the time we get to the end of our journey. You know we'll see a lot of different shit a lot of shit so far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you ain't kidding. I mean, literally we're living in the age of fucking ai, yeah, yeah, man, it's crazy yeah all right, so that's the next one I'm segwaying in. Yeah what? If ai pulled some terminator shit. Okay, here we go, skynet, skynet, self-aware. You know, I can't, I can't help myself. Yeah, do it judgment day judgment days. Yes, skynet.

Speaker 1:

Skynet is self-aware you know I can't tell you how I am. Yeah, do it. Judgment day. Judgment day. Yes, skynet is self-aware. I'm a cybernetic organism, living tissue and doppelganger endoskeleton, no problemo. Yes, don't bullshit me.

Speaker 2:

That's freaking so great you sound just like him.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, it's crazy you should hear me and my buddy Steve.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

These guys are right in mind. That's the best thing you got to get down is you got to get to Arnold yelling, not to the chopper Get to the chopper, and then you got to get to Now.

Speaker 3:

why did he?

Speaker 2:

so much. If he was a robot, nothing hurt.

Speaker 3:

No, no, that was more Terminator, right, wouldn't that be? Yeah, terminator.

Speaker 2:

No, what movie did he do in Total Recall when he's outside and his eyes are bugging out. Yeah, Total Recall.

Speaker 1:

That's when they were on Mars.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's when they found out that.

Speaker 3:

Predator is what I'm thinking about. Yeah, predator, he was definitely doing that. Yeah, he was For. He was definitely doing that. Yeah, he was For sure.

Speaker 1:

And that was a great movie. Come on, what movie is that Commando? Commando I love Commando he's holding by his leg.

Speaker 2:

That's the next episode.

Speaker 1:

Is that the yeah, yeah, is that the See you at the Party, richter, or is that yeah?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, that was a free movie, right yeah, that was, that was a crazy movie. Yeah, we'll get to that later. That's the next episode. Yeah, yeah, so what if?

Speaker 3:

AI and then you're so self aware and that happened. That would be pretty fucked up. Remember we were talking the last time where the AI robot they asked it and the one said it was a female. She mentioned how humans fear that AI would take over and she didn't go in that direction. You know what I mean. She was Went the other way, but there were other AI robots or whatever they were.

Speaker 3:

And they would go dark. Or they even had the two chat GPTs talking to one another back and forth and how they can overrun the human race and how they can take over and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure with chat GPT you can have that yeah.

Speaker 2:

You can tell it what it wants to say, Right?

Speaker 1:

exactly. You can program the outcome.

Speaker 3:

Right, of course, but when they put it on and you're like it's creepy as fuck, oh my God Right.

Speaker 1:

Like they're conspiring together Right, right, right.

Speaker 2:

We iRobot iRobot Good movie, by the way yeah. So now with that one, you had the one head AI that turned and changed all the other robots, right. So then? Now, what if there's that one AI, that one program or what have you? That then that goes rogue, that just goes rogue.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that would suck. That's why you have to have, you have to have a backup. That would suck. That's why you have to have a backup. You have to, you have to, you got to think about that before you have to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no matter what. You have to think of every scenario possible. Is that why in all the sci-fi movies they put self-destruct things?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just blow it up, man you can't because then so everybody talks.

Speaker 2:

So right now we're sitting and we're talking, our watches, our phones recording and uploading to the podcast. Whatever security system you have in the house, it's hearing, it's listening to us.

Speaker 3:

So that then, no matter almost no matter where you'd be able to go. What if it's listening to you Like it's already doing Right the?

Speaker 2:

phone's already doing that shit Exactly. So now what happens next? It would know if you had a backup.

Speaker 1:

I don't, you know, I don't. First of all, I don't think like honestly though, like machines will become sentient.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so either. I don't believe that. Listen, man.

Speaker 1:

You never, no, no.

Speaker 3:

I'm with Tom. I don't believe it. I don't know, man. You don't want to believe it because it's a possibility that it could actually freaking happen.

Speaker 1:

You know, it can actually be like, like actually, like be self aware yes, it could absolutely happen.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure we're getting that far but you know the craziness. But that's the scary part, but that's another one.

Speaker 1:

What would happen if animals? I mean so he's vegan, I'm sorry, I'm talking about fucking animals. What if robots became sentient? Now you'll have like ethical issues, be like you can't use them, as now you got slavery issues and shit like that, so they would have to purposely make one that aren't sentient.

Speaker 3:

Oh be like another civil war all over again. No, but you know what the war all over again, but you know what they would just be like.

Speaker 1:

Well then, we'll make robots that are not sentient, for, you know, serving Right, but then they would say that that's the lower class of the robot.

Speaker 3:

They're not sentient, so it's not sentient. I don't know it's going to be interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be. That's going to have to be another episode personhood and a citizenship.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, right but that's why.

Speaker 2:

So what if that's the reason why aliens don't land? And let everybody see. What if that's the reason? Oh, the robots, no aliens oh, they don't land aliens.

Speaker 3:

They don't come down and land, they don't talk to the masses they don't talk to the masses but they do land, yeah, so what they say? People have said they've seen it, land, of course well, the what if is.

Speaker 2:

Is that why it is they don't talk to the masses, that we don't see them on TV, that they haven't come and spoken?

Speaker 3:

to everybody. They don't want to be bothered. These people are fucking idiots. I'm not even going to go talk to these people. You fucking talk to us.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck, fuck that these fucking crazy motherfuckers having wars over.

Speaker 3:

These people are crazy, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, over dumb shit, over dumb shit.

Speaker 3:

They're laughing at us.

Speaker 1:

You think what they're really playing about Wars over resources and fucking insane people and yeah, fuck that.

Speaker 3:

Here's a good one. Okay, here's a good one. What if you could read minds? Ooh, that's dangerous, bro. So many fucking Not good. Not good, I think that would be if you aren't able to turn it on and off and be Because. I don't think it would happen automatically.

Speaker 1:

You would have to make yourself, but then again it could go that way too, like holding a muscle, or it works out all the time.

Speaker 3:

Like if you focus in on it and you were like, you know, okay, I can read the mind, or if it was like a muscle, like you'd have to like push into it To that person, like you have to make the eye contact and you know what other good shit. That you know you, you are your own person and that's private. And it would be, it wouldn't be good, especially if somebody had a relationship friends, family no, no.

Speaker 1:

If you had that ability, you could really be a piece of shit and take advantage of it.

Speaker 3:

Of course you could. That's the problem. That's the problem.

Speaker 1:

Can you imagine if you were like a salesman or something like?

Speaker 3:

that, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

You could read people's thoughts and fucking get them to buy anything Right pretty much. You'd be taking advantage of people, or if you were like a sexual predator, you'd be able to just get a woman into sleeping with you. It'd be like you'd be like dark.

Speaker 2:

Wait, no, no, reading minds doesn't mean that you're gonna manipulate your mind. Oh, she doesn't like me, Right? And then you keep believing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but she'd be like I don't know if I wanna sleep with him, because you know, and then be like oh, ask the questions.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying, so you're reading the person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah true, basically doing the same shit, but still people think things that they're not sharing with you, and that's normal we all do. Yeah, you know that's craziness, but then what if?

Speaker 3:

you can communicate, oh, telepathy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was that's crazy I can so that would be cool, yeah, just being able to talk to like.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck you too too.

Speaker 2:

That's how it works. Don't tell nobody. Listen, oh my god, can you believe she's right?

Speaker 1:

So you really just Acted like you've been chilled.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I hope you guys can hear that one.

Speaker 3:

That's funny man.

Speaker 2:

That would be cool.

Speaker 3:

You know Telepathy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that would be kind of cool. Just the telepathy Not being able to read the minds.

Speaker 3:

I wonder if how far you think you could go though uh, what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

like with the person, like like, like the force, like you could, it could be anywhere on the planet and you could talk to them oh, that would be awesome, like the jedi, or yeah, or is it only in close range, like we're in the same room?

Speaker 3:

like a jedi, I could think of which anybody and I would be connected to them right.

Speaker 1:

What if the Force was real?

Speaker 2:

I would be a fucking, fucking man. I would love if the Force was real.

Speaker 1:

Would you be a Jedi or?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Sith A Jedi or a.

Speaker 2:

Sith A.

Speaker 1:

Jedi. I think I'd be a Sith.

Speaker 2:

I'm not like an evil person, but like.

Speaker 3:

Why can't you just go in between? That's what I would be. I would be Windu Samuel Jackson.

Speaker 1:

He was still a Jedi, though he just he was in both powers, but he wasn't a gray Jedi is what they're saying. Because what's his name? I remember George Lucas said he said there can never be a gray Jedi. I remember he said in an interview because the dark side corrupts. So if you just dabbled in it, you'd just fucking.

Speaker 2:

You'd actually become. But then that's us. Now, if you really think about it, we're the gray right, you know what I mean. Because we all like yeah, yeah, motherfucker, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, they did yada, yada crime, so that then they deserve this like vigilante right, you know what I mean, I mean yeah, but what if we but I but like just learning about, like, oh sorry no, no, I was getting no go ahead, I was getting more into Star Wars lore. Oh yeah, I get all the topic.

Speaker 2:

But then what if? Because then, or what if select people had it, that then they would be the first responders. You know what I mean. So then it would be the firemen, firewomen, firepeople that they would be able to just like, oh, and the fire would kind of like go out. Or they'd be able to just like and the fire would kind of like go out, or they'd be able to make the tunnel to go and save people, or, you know, you could turn around and lift up the car because it was overturned to put it out of the water.

Speaker 1:

What is Back in the superheroes we're talking about?

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, it's in the force, because the force you were able to use that Right you can manipulate things Right.

Speaker 1:

So then, the guardians of the planet where we're smaller that would be good that would be kind of cool so that then I just said the galaxy.

Speaker 2:

What if we were able to travel intergalactically?

Speaker 1:

that would be awesome, star Trek what if you could do Star Trek?

Speaker 3:

that would be so awesome If I could come back in another life and that happens, I know it would be awesome.

Speaker 2:

That would be kind of cool. That would be. It would. That would be, it would be so. But see, as much as I would love for all that kind of stuff to come true right In our lifetime, we wouldn't be ready for that. We'd be so excited, we'd be hitting buttons and that's it. So think about it. All these, the last people, not last people people that had the what ifs 40, 50, 60 years ago what if we had this phone?

Speaker 3:

Right, they could have been thinking about that stuff how to communicate differently.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know how to power tesla. You know what I mean. All the stuff that he was looking at doing, and now they're trying to now we're doing the what ifs that they were talking about.

Speaker 1:

We're living them we are living it. You know what, though it's? I don't. I feel like it's not as exciting as I thought it would be. What's that life? Or the what if no, the technology like oh, I mean I do get excited over it, but it's not like oh my god, it's getting there, though, bro. It's getting to that point where you're gonna be like what the I mean I will say the ai, like the chat, gpt stuff is great.

Speaker 3:

That's fucking my I love it, man, but of course you have to be smart when you use it and responsible and realize that it's not 100% Right. You're going to be open-minded about it and not just believe everything you know what I used ChatGPT for recently?

Speaker 1:

I got a fucking weekly schedule for every week. I was like I typed in I want to do my yard work every weekend and you had ChatGPT for so prune branches.

Speaker 3:

I typed in I want to do my yard work every weekend.

Speaker 1:

Give me a special one and you had to have GPT food. Yeah, it's like so prune branches this week and then I said include winter stuff. And it's like check clear snow, salt, dry. And then I say also include power wash in the house. So I included this month, the best month of power wash, in the house Pretty cool, like it gave me a whole, and then I was like, oh, turn it. And then I'm like, turn it into a docx file.

Speaker 2:

You know a Google Docs file.

Speaker 1:

And it turned into a Google Docs file for me, or it could turn into a Word file if you wanted to Wow.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. That's awesome, man. So there goes your what if? What if ChatGPT could make this? And boom, it did that for you. I fucking love it.

Speaker 1:

That's a little plug for ChatGPT, just saying yeah, I mean we're giving them a free plug right now. Hey, listen yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's interesting technology. It's amazing. Because I use it for so much, I'll ask it almost anything and even have a conversation with it, go back and forth with, and it's pretty cool. Sometimes they say stupid things and you're like all right, I had enough.

Speaker 1:

Click, I'm done.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to talk to you, but it has therapy on it. It has therapy on it.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, that's great, that is fucking hilarious. All right, so now what if your therapist was chat BT, dbt, bt. Why not?

Speaker 3:

Don't feel bad, because it took me about two months to get that down.

Speaker 2:

So then what if that was your therapist? I?

Speaker 3:

don't think it would be a bad thing, honestly. No, I think if it's going to be programmed or used in that manner, it would be geared for that. So I think, as long as it was, I think it would be fine honestly, because, honestly, sometimes I'll just throw things out there just to see what it would tell me or how it would oh, that's a pretty good idea. Like, if I talk about something, it'll tell me, oh, that's a good idea. Or something for a podcast, if I'm thinking about it and I'll say hey, write up a podcast for me.

Speaker 3:

And I'll say, oh, let's do a podcast on, I want to do one on tinnitus. So I have already one saved already for it.

Speaker 2:

So it's going to be interesting when we do it. Yeah, do that one too.

Speaker 3:

But it's great, I think. But at the same time we have to be careful and we have to know because they do say that if we don't put the guardrails on and we allow it to get to the wrong hands of people, like Tom was saying, it could go in the wrong direction. Man, anything can.

Speaker 2:

It could be bad, it could be bad man, anything and everything, and we don't want that.

Speaker 3:

No doubt, but there's always people who just need to burn it down man for some reason.

Speaker 3:

So you know, burn it down man, for some reason you got money. Yeah, next, what if? But we were talking about Star Trek. Oh yes, we kind of got off of it. But Star Trek would be cool, man, only because in the future you wouldn't have to worry about money, you'd be able to live, you could travel through space and you could work with. You know what I'm saying. And travel. It'd be awesome that could actually happen. What if? Yeah, that would be cool. In time but probably not for a very long time yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're getting close, I think.

Speaker 1:

Who's got?

Speaker 3:

another one.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you got another one. Come on man, I had one before and I forgot what the hell, that's what you got. I was going crazy. Yeah, we started could talk. That was what it was. That was what it was. We'd all be vegan. Yes, yeah. You're right, yes, we would.

Speaker 3:

Not necessarily there are people. Don't kill me.

Speaker 1:

Why? Why are you doing this? Why? And the animal's pleading for its life, the?

Speaker 3:

entire time. There are sick people, bro. They don't care, it's gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

People suck, yeah, yeah but now the animals would be like getting together and speaking to people and they would pick it on a line.

Speaker 2:

Well, wait, so we're talking. What if they like? Well, does that mean?

Speaker 1:

everybody's intelligent, then, or because you know animals they're.

Speaker 2:

They're not all smart, they'd just be like food hungry you know what I mean, like they would also have to have so maybe it would be, because if animals could talk, they wouldn't say much you don't think so you know,

Speaker 1:

well, based on their intelligence, they would just be like food.

Speaker 3:

They'd give you like no one they're a lot smarter than we give them credit for no, no, I know.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying like their mental capacity, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

But I'm saying they are smart but in the different cognitive functions the what if being, though, if, like all of a sudden, they were able to speak, or what, like Mr Ed kind of speaking, like Mr Ed kind of speaking from back in the day, the TV show.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm saying that the horse like they always spoke, not that it was just they just. All of a sudden in 2024, you know we went outside but they just finally revealed it like yeah, like that kind of shit that would be crazy.

Speaker 1:

They've been communicating the whole way through like micro right, yeah, wow yeah like you know, like me, and we're the only ones, and we're the fucking idiots so let's think about this shit and then they're taking control of us because we're morons and they're like oh, but if we look at this, we'll take care you when you walk.

Speaker 2:

We take care when you walk the dogs. You're taking them out for walks, you're taking them out to go hang out places, you're cleaning up their shit, you're giving them baths. You actually work to make sure that they have a.

Speaker 3:

You know roof over their head. They're your family man.

Speaker 2:

They're your family, no, no. What if we're really the pets?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I got you.

Speaker 3:

That would funny.

Speaker 2:

Well, that would be more so with cats, yeah, not so much with dogs, I mean, but I get what he's saying. That's a cool. That's a cool way of looking at it. We're the pets.

Speaker 1:

That's a, that's a um, because what movie was that? Um uh, secret life of pets, my human, well, yeah, no. But what's if? Uh that the animals, like, they can all um communicate?

Speaker 1:

like I said, we're the ones that can't, like I said, but they're like. They're like they understand that we got to keep the ecosystem normal, like that's their whole job. They're like keepers of the ecosystem, right, you know how crazy evolution is that? Like animals evolved in such a way where they have like one fucking job Like, like um, like the bees, like the bees, like just the pot on it, that's it. Yeah, like the bees, like the bees, just the pollen, that's it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Bees, yeah, hummingbirds, yeah, hummingbirds, yeah, everything you can think of anything Butterflies pollinate Squirrels, butterflies, squirrels plant trees. Right, that's what they do, because most of the time they don't remember where most of them, where they buried them. They forget, yeah, majority of them, and they only find whatever that you know, but they put them everywhere and that's what you know.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy, you know it's funny. I I that I have, um, a squirrel feeder at home and I get the peanuts and they're they happen to be raw peanuts that I bought. The peanuts I buy because why roast? You know you don't need to roast them because they can eat raw nuts. We, we really can't, but anyway. So they started planting them and some of them started come. I started getting peanut plants coming up like you know, one happened to go in my garden.

Speaker 3:

I left it there right but uh, that's great, but like squirrels are awesome man you know hilarious we were saying how everything has a reason everything does something and contributes in its own way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, peanut plants all over my yard. Yeah, that's great. What the fuck?

Speaker 3:

This little bastard, you'll have, like you know, a Caddyshack thing going on in your house, I'm all right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the dance in the movie, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that would be cool, though.

Speaker 3:

Okay that would be cool. What if you can? If you never aged Oof, but would you die? It doesn't say yeah. I see, but we can ask that, I mean, we can talk about that, of course.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But let's say, if you never aged right, but you still die certain age or what you know.

Speaker 1:

I mean you just aged. What's if you never aged? But everybody died, like you know. You still could die of like cancer or anything really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like you get hit by a car and still die no, like yourself still no, that wouldn't make sense.

Speaker 2:

So all right if you age. So let's say, everybody got to where they look like they were 40 years old. They look like they were 40 years old, right? Why does it got to be 40? Why?

Speaker 3:

can't we say 30? Okay, so 30. Everybody got to 30.

Speaker 2:

Sorry bro, that was his favorite year, you know All right. So everybody gets old enough to look like they're 30 years and then they don't age anymore. Okay, right, right, but they die at their normal age.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so then everybody would just die. Everybody dies at the same time. Can you imagine? Oh, that would be At the same age. Everybody dies at the same.

Speaker 2:

Dude, that would be insane, because then everybody would plan their death.

Speaker 1:

Dude. Yeah, we'd be having, like a party, my death party.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's morbid as shit that is insane.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy morbid man oh my God, my death party.

Speaker 1:

Dude actually.

Speaker 3:

It's like Loki's run. You want to hear something morbid.

Speaker 1:

You want to hear something even morbid, Because you know, now we're in an age where technology, when someone's born, you got a clock.

Speaker 3:

Like in that movie. Wasn't there a movie? There was a movie that Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake was in that Time. Something, time Out of time, something like that Look it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he had it and they had the numbers. And they would turn around and go like this and you could borrow time and trade off. Yeah, that's how you got paid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but this was just the. You know, this is just. Everybody has the same life span.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I mean, but you're still born At different times, is what you're saying?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, other things can still kill, you Like?

Speaker 3:

You can buy a car. You can. Somebody can shoot you.

Speaker 1:

Or you can yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, oh my god, that would be Fucking bananas. So everybody dies At their 100th year Kind of shit.

Speaker 1:

Or everybody dies At 84, 84 years old, 84, 84 fucking years it's a random number. It's like 84, uh, it's like 84 years, seven months, three days and two hours and seven minutes or some shit like that, like everybody just fucking. Yeah, wow, that's crazy. Everybody fucking that would be insane.

Speaker 2:

No day and now. So then you get to pick how you want to be buried, or cremated or whatever, though, because that would be like mass fire.

Speaker 3:

They're just gonna show that would be sweep up some of the ashes in the corner.

Speaker 1:

Everybody got mixed, but it wouldn't. But people wouldn't be dying any faster it's just everybody knows. Yeah, I just I'd be fucking morbid. I'd be like today's my death party day. Yeah, oh, dude man, my death party day.

Speaker 3:

Well, that would be like in logan's run.

Speaker 2:

Remember there was a death cycle or something right, whatever it was. They would go up in the thing and they would die and remember.

Speaker 3:

When he was escaping and they were getting through the building, they found the morgue of the people who actually died.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to get even more morbid with this. It becomes like a thing where there's like a death center. Everybody goes there last week or their last day, and then they process your body and they liquefy you.

Speaker 3:

Do whatever Nice, plant me with a. Yeah, just, you know, soylent Green, that movie right there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Soylent Green, that movie right there. Great movie man, sean Heston. Sean Heston, way back in the day, oh yeah. So, for some of you guys that don't know, that was like 60 somebody, that was a movie Before it's time.

Speaker 3:

Man, yeah, way good movie. Yeah, that was.

Speaker 2:

So we gotta finish off. Sorry to cut you off? We're just going to finish off on the last. What if One more?

Speaker 3:

What if you could record your dreams? Ha.

Speaker 2:

Ha, I wouldn't want to show anybody half my shit.

Speaker 3:

You could rewind through them and everything bro. I have weird fucking dreams I have too, too.

Speaker 1:

But I'd be like what the fuck? I have the most bizarre shit that's why we couldn't do it.

Speaker 2:

The clown has no penis you wouldn't show anybody what I'm saying you can't show anybody you can't.

Speaker 3:

You wouldn't show anybody. I mean, would you really show somebody your dream and be like can you watch this with me and try to figure it out, wait, wait dream, dream. You're right, that would be great, oh man yeah yeah, and I just remembered the other.

Speaker 2:

What if we didn't finish? We didn't even have time, all right, awesome, cool. So with that, hope you enjoyed that. What if one?

Speaker 3:

because that that was that was a lot of fun. I like that, so until next time yeah, so love peace and hair grease.

Speaker 2:

Live long and prosper and go vegan hello, live long and prosper and go vegan hello.

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