Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Unraveling the Haze of 420: Tales of Cannabis Culture and the Green Future with Keny, Louis, and the Jersey Guy.

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 13

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Get ready to embark on a whimsical journey through the hazy history of 420 and beyond with yours truly, Keny, flanked by the ever-entertaining Louis Crawford and Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy. We're peeling back the layers of this cultural phenomenon, debunking the police code myth, and reminiscing about those high school Waldos who started it all. With the legalization wave transforming cannabis into a beacon of wellness and state revenue, we'll share hearty laughs over past 420 escapades and the quirky evolution from prohibition to dispensary discounts. It's not just a stoner's holiday anymore; it's a burgeoning industry wrapped in the nostalgia of rebellious celebrations and the promise of a greener future.

As we navigate through the aromatic labyrinth of cannabis strains, you'll find yourself enthralled by tales of medicinal marvels and terpene triumphs. The Jersey Guy recounts the shadowy dance of legendary strains with copyright laws while Lewis gives us the lowdown on how our four-legged friends can benefit from the plant's soothing touch. And don't worry, we won't leave you high and dry without discussing the curious botanical kinship between hops and cannabis, sparking insights and chuckles alike. Whether it's a blunt lost in the sands of time or an accidental psychedelic discovery, this podcast is your backstage pass to the therapeutic landscape where nature meets laughter.

For the canna-curious and seasoned connoisseurs alike, we're dishing out tips on how to approach cannabis consumption with the finesse of a sommelier. Vape pens, low THC strains, and taking it slow are the name of the game for a safe and pleasurable green experience. We wrap things up by pondering the future of cannabis lounges and celebrity-endorsed strains, all while drawing parallels with our old friend, alcohol. So light up or just tune in; you're in for a session of candid conversations and memory lapses that remind us why cannabis culture is not just about the smoke, but the stories and shared experiences.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast. Hey everybody, kenny Cotman, lewis Crawford and I'm Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Yo, what's really good man.

Speaker 3:

What's going on, man? So we are doing the episode of 420 yeah man, there was no how you're doing.

Speaker 2:

You guys like fuck it. We're talking 420 right now. That's great, so this is tom's specialty yeah, yeah, so so what is 420, right.

Speaker 1:

So 420 is become, uh like a cultural thing. It's the weed holiday. Everybody, you know, smokes up on 420. It's supposed to be, everybody's supposed to be, stoned all day, you know that kind of thing exactly um.

Speaker 1:

So, like the people say the term 420 and actually it's a? Um myth there was a that like it was police talk for, like, marijuana consumption, when actually the story goes like really far back to like 1971 and it was like these five uh high school kids uh, and they were like they would like hang out in front of the statue which was called the Lewis statue, but it was next to a wall, so they called these kids the Waldos or whatever and they used to say they would say 420 Lewis because they were meeting for the statue, and it just shortened down to 420. And what happens is the High Times in 19, which is a magazine um, it's like a cannabis magazine, it's a very weed magazine.

Speaker 1:

Um, in like 1991 they published an article saying about 420 and that's where it was misappropriated with the saying the police uh code which is not and um, they actually had to republish an article, like in 1998, explaining the whole story about those kids that, like you know, came up with that term. So that's actually where it's from. It's.

Speaker 3:

It's a really weird right story, it always has to come from somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, right, listen right that yeah you would have thought it was like oh, that's a great, that's a good. Oh wow, all the myths are gone now d-e-d dead yeah, actually you got a good story about that, but look what it turned into though.

Speaker 1:

Everybody follows it now. And it's funny because there was another myth about 420. And it's funny because Kenny knows about it. There was this myth they would say, oh, in Washington Square Park cops were going to drop all their confiscated marijuana.

Speaker 2:

And you can smoke it in the park, but you can't leave. Yeah, but there was, but.

Speaker 1:

Kenny came up with.

Speaker 2:

There was a story about cops throwing there was a helicopter. They said that a helicopter was going to fly over in honor of 420 and drop little bags, like you know, probably like nickel bags, five dollar bags for those who don't know nickel but five dollar bags out of a helicopter at Waverly park in manhattan, in the village.

Speaker 2:

Okay, see, waverly park, it wasn't even washington square, yeah, no, it wasn't washington. I mean they were gonna go, probably end up going to different places, but I heard about waverly. Because I was at waverly, you know like, oh, okay, yeah, and but again, you know well, not again, I would say, but this is, it's that crazy holiday that now everybody's going to be able to celebrate legally well, not everybody yeah, who can't, well, not all the states, yet that's a thing it hasn't gotten legal.

Speaker 1:

No, right.

Speaker 2:

So if everybody that smokes in those states that you can't, they will be able to celebrate legally because they'll be in the state that you can right, that's true.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying so, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I'm just saying so, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just saying Think about it. Yeah, where are we going?

Speaker 3:

No, it's good, the ones that can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good, yeah, right and uh, you know like the dispensaries now have all like specials, it's like 420 special, you know, get your, you know so and so, and they have like a nice people celebrate 420 you know, yeah. So it's become like a really like a cultural thing holiday and it's gonna. It's gonna be, like you know it's funny because like then you get a bit blinded, yeah because, like how many drinking holidays are there?

Speaker 3:

like there's a ton of them. Yeah, there's a bunch of them.

Speaker 2:

Like fucking St.

Speaker 1:

Patrick's Day, cinco de Mayo, yeah, christmas, christmas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know Whatever. There's always a drinking holiday, but there's no weed holiday, so it's going to kind of be. There is now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is Now that it's, because that's, when you go out there and go eat good stuff, discounts, like Tom said.

Speaker 3:

Let's go Just chilling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just chilling. That is too funny, man, that is too funny. So now, what are you going to do for 420? Are you going to go anyplace? Me, so it sounds funny, like, so, my God. So are you going? Like, are you going to? Are you gonna go every day's?

Speaker 1:

420. No, but no, seriously though. Uh, I don't know. You know I'm actually, I have plans for that day, so actually I am, I gotta help out you know stuff with my in-laws, so I'm actually not even gonna be like celebrating it in any way oh sorry yeah I'm sure you'll figure out a way. Yeah, yeah smoke that is too funny sneak off.

Speaker 2:

That is funny now, uh. So now I got a question though. Yeah, so now where were you on the first 420 that you know, that you remember or that you knew what it was about?

Speaker 1:

um, I was in like high school when I thought I knew about 420. I think the first time I celebrated was after high school and me and my friends we got stoned the entire day that's what we did. We'd just be like we're going to keep it going the entire day and then for two or three hours we lit up a joint. It was crazy. We were like just keep that going for 24 hours. Whoa yeah, that's a lot, starting at 4.20 am like the night before we never celebrated 4.20.

Speaker 3:

We just go hi.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it was just like one of those.

Speaker 3:

We didn't have that yet, at least not know about it anyway at that point. Later on we did See that's funny.

Speaker 1:

That's the thing too in some stoners.

Speaker 2:

People who sure they're like. At 4, 20 they smoke up, right, yeah, every day, you know, or whatever. Yeah, yeah, no, I didn't smoke weed like that when I was in that teenager, so that then I didn't pay any attention. It wasn't until later, late, super late, like 18 maybe a little bit around there that I did it for the first time, so you know just the people that I hung out with. It was crazy man, just different people it's funny, I mean I.

Speaker 1:

I remember in high school I had friends that were like stoners like real stoners, like every fucking morning homeroom they'd be showing up on campus before I went into class they all squinty eyed yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like yeah totally yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy because the to think the culture, like we're calling it a culture now. Yeah, you know before you were just like you're the bad guy, you're going to hell and you know you're going to jail and it's going to lead to other drugs and this I remember when you just have to separate the seeds on an album cover.

Speaker 1:

Now they don't even want to give you to get it out of there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The seeds are afraid you're going to grow it on your own. Yeah, exactly, not come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no. And the different kinds of weed, the different things that you know, so the different strains that have been out since we were kids or whatever.

Speaker 3:

So many now, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Right comparison. You know, all those people that were growing marijuana in their backyard are now official botanists. You know. You know in all honesty, you know what I mean, no doubt yeah so you know it's, it's just the whole idea, man. So 420 should be like you know. Yeah, I'll say a national holiday, national holiday yeah, it is isn't it?

Speaker 1:

no, not a national not like that, not like shut down, not official, when I maybe, uh, when you it becomes legal federally or nationally? Yeah, it's all state by state.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I'm talking about official. It'll be a while before that happens. Imagine that I do imagine that. Everything that shuts down. The government closes down for 420.

Speaker 1:

Just a big cloud over the United States. A big cloud over the United.

Speaker 2:

States, united states. Yeah, yeah, that would be funny as hell man that is no fly zones because everybody gets stoned. Yeah, just flying in circles and shit, yeah no plans will be leaving today none, none at all. That is too freaking, funny man. And now, so you. I said you're the connoisseur, tom.

Speaker 1:

Do you?

Speaker 2:

want to be the guy to mix it up. So now at the dispensaries and I forgot to ask you this before, both you guys what do you get, if not at the dispensaries? The oil and stuff to mix with the butter so you can cook with it? I don't know anything about that. No, I don't know. No, the oil and stuff or like to mix with the butter so you can cook with it.

Speaker 1:

Anything about that? No, I don't know, no way.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean, I'd have to go to a certain dispensary for that.

Speaker 1:

I think Well actually, you could do it yourself with any flour. Like when you buy the buds you have to buy a decarbaluxizer or something like that. It's a really long word, but it what it does is it semi cooks it to a test, to a temperature where it doesn't cook off the thc, but it brings the thc out of the flour and then you just cook it in something like a fat substance yeah and it'll all the like it basically brings.

Speaker 3:

All the thc is making it worse than it was to begin with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, you can't have to do it for that, for cooking. Yeah, you know, otherwise, like that would destroy a lot of it right.

Speaker 2:

And then because there was a show that I had seen a handful of years ago and, uh, they would do. It was like it was a cooking show. Yeah, you know, they would use. I mean, they would open up their pantry and they had like all kind of things, I mean medicinal and whatnot. So this much thc, this has none. You know, this is this. And they would have all these things and they would serve it through the like make a five course dinner. Amazing, because you know they said the things that this is for and how they made them work together. You know the different strains and the different stuff, the foods and such the seasonings. I was like what? I'm surprised now that they're so. I mean, they don't advertise them but in the legal states, restaurants that cook with marijuana.

Speaker 3:

I don't need whatever. They don't have that here.

Speaker 1:

Well, not legally, but I will say. I went to a. We had a get together, some friends of ours, and someone brought Rasta pasta and it said he's the restaurant I got from.

Speaker 2:

It said in parentheses medicated like hello, and you know they cooked it with weed oil and oh boy it was.

Speaker 1:

It was bad news because the guy who brought it, he just he didn't even he like never smokes, he never and brought this, he had three or four bowls of it, he passed out, he couldn't move. He was like you know what I mean? Edibles are really. You gotta be careful with edibles, especially food, because you don't know how much is in there and you can get really fucking stoned To the point where you can't take it back.

Speaker 1:

You're incapacitated. You can get really fucking stoned, like to the point where, like, you can't take your, you're incapacitated, you're, you're gonna go for a nap for a while, right, yeah, and that's the thing. You can't really overdose on 99 on marijuana, but like you, you, you're gonna be going to sleep for a long time you know, you're gonna be going to sleep for a few hours, you know if, if you take too much.

Speaker 1:

But um, yeah, that's what happened to him. It was it, and I only had like a bowl of it, yeah, and I was like it's a lot. I was pretty stoned for, like you know, like those disposable bowls um.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he had like four of them and I was like four yeah, and I took some home and I had some in the neck.

Speaker 1:

I had two bowls the next day and I was just like I had two. I had the next day, I had two bowls and I was just like I was I was. That was probably the most, that was probably the most stoned I've ever been. So, yeah, that's why I don't. I don't tend to fuck with edibles, it's just because you don't know yeah, like, unless it's like a gummy that says like five milligrams, then you know.

Speaker 1:

But like I don't when people like I made something, I don't even want it you have to give it one thing it was like I made brownies good have them.

Speaker 3:

I don't want them yeah, they're too, because I know I'm good. No, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no and even now the dispensaries you know well, you've been telling me, well, saying, telling us you could both telling everybody that you're um, that the dispensaries now have people who know about the different strains and what they do, the you know like. So, like you said, the with the different, just everything that the marijuana you're in there and they have a certain.

Speaker 3:

If they sell that, whatever their product is, they'll explain it to you and they'll tell you what it does what it leans towards and you know whether sativa or indica or or a hybrid of some sort right, that's what I'm saying, and back in the day, you know, you didn't know. No you were getting it and you were confident yeah, and then you would get it might tell you some name and you're like, okay, it was buddha thai.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, right sense of meal. Right right, that was big when I was weed came out I remember like being a kid, like the first, the first time I ever smoked up, like the girl said it was hydro. That that's what we all know, which doesn't mean anything. It's just how it was grown.

Speaker 3:

I remember hydros. What was after hydros, though? I can't remember that one. It was very popular Because there was one right after that, one who Lambsbread.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't remember that one, I don't Wow.

Speaker 1:

That's one I don good it was. We can't remember what the fuck it was. That was a popular strain. I said that's like. One of the. Someone told me years ago this is like in the late 90s, that that was like. This is like the best weed you can get, right. I've I've never seen it at the dispensary, so I don't know if it's like right, I've seen it like one time yeah, see, so it was probably because the name was copyrighted.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they couldn't use it again. Yeah, that's it, you're done.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know, but like I don't know, like it's funny when you hear stories from people you're like and then it not be like what it is. You know right no, definitely.

Speaker 2:

I mean think of how many like. I mean think about the people that you've ever heard um selling weed. You know like I remember there was a place in this in man, uh, when I was clubbing in the city, and they used to roll the joints or the blunts and then sell them already made for you know, $5, more kind of thing, you know.

Speaker 1:

That's what they do now. Oh yeah, exactly Now it's legal. The dispensaries yeah.

Speaker 3:

The pre-rolls. Yeah, the pre-rolls.

Speaker 2:

Listen, you know I, they were like the Lucys of cigarettes, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know I like the idea, though so many years people have been trying to prove that there were medicinal benefits to smoking marijuana smoking a nice fatty. You know it's kind of cool that this is actually helping people. You know, I know we do that. I know last episode we did that. You know helping people and such. I don't want to get that a habit and they think I'm nice, but you know. But seriously, you know it's now people are going to make money off of. You know helping out again. You know just all the stuff with the. You know the state's going to make a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

That's for sure yeah, that's true, but no, no, it's true.

Speaker 3:

That's the whole point of it there's's a lot of medicinal uses.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy.

Speaker 3:

That's the thing. That's mind-blowing. What they're figuring out with it is incredible.

Speaker 1:

A lot of it is based on the terpenes. I know we've talked about this in a previous episode. All the terpenes and stuff that are in there, depending on what it has, is what medicinal use it's going to have. And it's true they do work like they do.

Speaker 3:

I've experienced this.

Speaker 1:

We had um you know, I actually got the medical card because I I have, uh, you know, I have uh, uh, anxiety issues, so, um, I was able to get the medical card for it. So, and it helps, and it helps, it works, it really helps, yeah, so you know, right, oh yeah and it said people, you know they had kids helping them with seizures.

Speaker 2:

I saw a documentary history channel many moons ago and they were talking about you know people, uh, with cancer seizures. You know that it helps them out. Give them the right mix of whatever that you know the the benefits that they need.

Speaker 3:

My dog is oh yeah, living proof, yes, that's right and jeter is told night and day from what he was and he's right at the spot. I would say he just needed to come down a little bit. He came down with that one level just made it, made it good for him you know, yeah, yeah. And it works. He takes it without any problem.

Speaker 1:

You know yeah.

Speaker 3:

It works with his body. It's doing what it's supposed to do, so living proof.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you know what's the funny thing Not to change the subject, but like cannabis, the plant right or the buds, have you ever seen um hops, you know? Like for beer. Yes, they smell like and and they're apparently I found out they were in the same like family or whatever a plant, like marijuana and hops which is kind of funny sometimes you'll get like weed and you'll smell it and be like this smells like an ipa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like it's so weird, like right like it smells like an ipa.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, could you smoke?

Speaker 2:

hops, I don't know never heard that before me either. No, I mean, they can't even I mean you can smoke anything.

Speaker 3:

Well, you said it's the same kind of herb, or in that family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe they have some, some terpenes and you can get the, but you wouldn't get to have the THC or CBD.

Speaker 3:

I'm not recommending any. No, definitely not. It's like you could start like splicing them together.

Speaker 1:

It's like, oh, we'll take some of my weed and I'll put some hops.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it. All these people are botanists, that's great they.

Speaker 3:

That's it. All these people are botanists. You know, they're all over the place. Yeah, just mixing the different strains. My grandson wants to do this.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's like an alchemist Like you know?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly Herbals and shit like that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know what Before pharmaceuticals existed?

Speaker 2:

that's what you medicine was Yep Chew on this leave rub that Just because something better you know allegedly better.

Speaker 1:

You know I wouldn't say all particles are better, but you know um doesn't mean that, like the, the stuff that people were using before didn't work you know what I mean yep so yeah, why not use a natural way?

Speaker 3:

that's not gonna hurt your body, it's gonna actually respond and will replace what you need or, however it works, to get you to, you know, to feel better. And yeah, that's the whole one of the few things that like are still, they still use.

Speaker 1:

Is aspirin that actually is from a plant, aspirin's just from a plant. It's like, yeah, they just like extracted something from a plant and that's aspirin, is it really? Yeah, it was a plant that's funny but, also there's um what's the one for? Like it's heart medication, um digititis or something I think it's called. I forget that there's a, there's a flower that has that. Really yeah, yeah, yeah, that they make them all that heart medicine from. Yeah. So I guess there is some stuff, yeah, but it's weird, right right, this is listen, man.

Speaker 3:

It's a weird day because what happened?

Speaker 2:

because I got high, because I happened, because I got high, because I got high.

Speaker 3:

Because I got high.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is too funny man, it's a weird day.

Speaker 1:

Everybody is 420. It's weird, man. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's weird, man Dude, and it's funny. Now we'll go the other way a little bit. You know stories. So I remember one time I was with some friends and we were way up and there's an equestrian uh place over on the boat parkway and a little bit past it is a little pull-off and we ended up driving down underneath the little drawbridge, yeah, and sat in the sand.

Speaker 2:

While we were standing there smoking the blunt, the cops come because we had our headlights in that oncoming traffic from down below. So the cops came and we're sitting there and just dropped the blunt into the sand, yeah. So now it was like, oh no, we dropped it After we dealt with the cops and you know they didn't arrest us and I think like, turn your car around, get out of there. You're not supposed to be this far down the ramp, you know, turn it around, whatever. We lost the blunt in the sand because it was right on, like I said, underneath the bridge. The next day we go back, we found it and we found the blood. No lie, because one of the it was like four of us and one of the you know my, one of my homegirls.

Speaker 2:

She steps out, she's like one, two it was about here she like counted before, when she was walking back to the car when she right. When we left the night before that it was in this area and she just like couple of swipes at the sand and smiled. She just found the blunt right there. What the fuck? Yeah I'm like I love you right now.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome this is great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, that's a feel-good story. You know what I mean, right?

Speaker 3:

there that story yeah nice hell yeah, fuck rudy's. The kenny's feel story about finding a blunt Not to change the subject or the drug, but my friend Anthony found a tab of mescaline in the grass in the mountain where we were camping.

Speaker 2:

Bro At night. You see, now that's funny.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you know how tiny that is.

Speaker 2:

I'm serious bro.

Speaker 1:

Do you know how little that is? No, I don't either. I've never seen it. But wait, I've never seen it, fuck you up, are you sure?

Speaker 2:

it was it really was a mess. We were amazed. We were like are you kidding me? He could have been like a berry or something. Everybody was high as fuck and he really was a mess. That's funny as hell man Come on Tom, you got one.

Speaker 3:

It was 420 that night too.

Speaker 2:

There, it is what you got, tom.

Speaker 1:

I got this story. Right now we're doing a podcast while we all smoked white durban, allegedly, allegedly which is a very good sativa stream. Everybody wants to know yeah that shit is hilarious it makes you talk a lot and laugh.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying because I think you know, so apologies to anybody listening.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully it's a decent show because it feels like it's going Well, too bad. I'm just kidding. No, no, don't do that. Stop it, Lewis.

Speaker 2:

No. So now, what's the difference with this one? What kind of strain is this?

Speaker 1:

It's a sativa this is a sativa, so it's like sativas tend to be, uh, more of a head high okay, absolutely, and indicas are more of a body high, and then hybrids can be in between. But those?

Speaker 3:

are gonna be stronger on one end or the other if there are hybrids but those are gonna be more sativa right, yeah, but I mean that they say that's not actually true.

Speaker 1:

But whatever they say, it's based on terpenes. But most of the terpenes in sativa are the type that give you a head high and most of the terpenes in endicard are the type that give you a body high.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So typically, but yeah anyway. But the point is is, like you know, so like yeah, no, no.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, you don't know, you don't know, we really didn't smoke.

Speaker 2:

I swear to God we didn't smoke. Yeah, no, I don't know, that was great.

Speaker 1:

No, but that's sativa, so you know Right, it is a good strain, though it's a really good strain, yeah, I mean when you go to like a dispensary and you buy it like, and someone goes oh, that's a good strain. The person you that they're like. You know this one. When I went to uh to get it, uh, the guy was like reading about he's like I'm gonna buy one of these right now.

Speaker 2:

That's what he said.

Speaker 1:

He goes this is a really good one, because he was like reading up on like, because he, he, the guy that works there, like, there's, some of them are really good. They're like oh, this has this terpy in it. So they're like, oh, like, like, see, that's like we said the botanist, right, this will get. This will be good if you want to have it high, that'll, you know, increase your mood, or this is a good one if you're. You know you need an appetite stimulant, you know right, so they. But he read it. He's like oh, look, he goes. Oh, this is gonna be a good one. He goes oh, you're gonna want to sit down and watch tv and binge watch.

Speaker 2:

You know, like, so, yeah, nice, yeah, and that's nice. So this is what I'm saying. Yeah, I have no idea. Like you know, you guys talk about this shit. I'm like, oh, it's the whole culture behind. It's crazy. Yeah, it's insane, it's not anytime, any.

Speaker 1:

They keep opening dispensaries and every time I'm there there's always people there. Yeah, I never go in and it's empty. Ever I've never been like there's no one in the store it's like there was a smaller one a couple times times but that. But like most of the dispensaries, they're always people. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I remember for during COVID, yeah, that there was a dispensary I drove by and it was great the way they set up the no contact. Yeah, it was bananas. They were just practically, you know, hitting them with a slingshot into their car windows While the line was like a Chick-fil-A line. Hitting them with a slingshot into their car windows while the line was like a chick-fil-a line, it was insane, insane during covid, like they needed their head. They needed their face.

Speaker 1:

Well, they were doing. I know a lot of some of the dispensaries I I know in jersey they have their drive-thru. Yeah, man, it's, it's, you know it's. You don't order out the window, but like, I think it's ready, it's online.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's still online pickup. It's ready when you get there.

Speaker 2:

See, that's awesome, that is awesome bro, it's great.

Speaker 3:

Why not just do it? They did it with alcohol for a long time, why not?

Speaker 2:

with that. It took it long enough.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean, Well, that's the thing too. It's much better than that, I think.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, it Like we had prohibition for alcohol for you know a certain amount of years, but like prohibition for like cannabis was like a hundred years.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's still going on technically in certain states.

Speaker 3:

Yeah absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1:

But so you know it's it's crazy, but it's it's so weird because, like I heard in like certain states, like I think it was like Texas, like, like, if, like back in the day, like if you like, if you get like a caught with a joint in like the seventies or sixties, like they were so strict on it.

Speaker 1:

Like you, go to like life in prison or some shit like that. It was like crazy. It was like they were like so strict that it was so wild, now thinking like that Like cause, like you could just walk into a store and buy it. You know, yeah, yeah, but you know, yeah, yeah, but you know it was a funny thing Cause I remember you telling me a little like the first time going to the dispensary you feel like you're doing something wrong.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting set up right now.

Speaker 3:

This is not real.

Speaker 2:

This is not real. There was a warrant for my arrest and they just, they just lured me out here.

Speaker 1:

It's like you fucking got paying cops to be at the door. Oh my God, they're already here to arrest me.

Speaker 2:

That is funny, but I think the first time I went to one was with you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We went to the one over there.

Speaker 3:

In Jersey? Yeah, because I went there. I think, yeah, you first.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the towns I grew up in. It's in Rochelle Park. Yeah, so it was right, what that was.

Speaker 2:

This is I mean dude. They had the kiosk set up and people would pick the one, people were super nice, oh yeah everybody was super nice. It was brand new bro, like first day they opened. They still are no matter what Mm-hmm. Yeah, and, like I said, it's awesome when you can go in and speak to somebody direction rather than because if they give you something that's gonna mess with you. Yeah, you know, without you knowing it, that's the part that sucks well, that's all this, or no?

Speaker 3:

they're trying to. All they're telling you is this is what we got. What do you like, what do you prefer?

Speaker 1:

but you're kind of helping them really make the decision, so it's not like anything they can right come right out and but that's the thing, like you're just saying, like it made me think, like that's the great part about it being legal too is like you're not getting something that might be laced with some weird shit right. Like you know, I remember hearing stories back in the day like, oh you know, we got to be careful at least if it has.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was lucky when it came to that. Now, that's kind of shit you don't have to worry about. Yeah, hell, yeah you know what you're getting.

Speaker 1:

It's got like fucking. It says this much thc and it's got a fucking chemical breakdown and everything in it.

Speaker 3:

It's like exactly what you get the back of your cereal boxes.

Speaker 1:

Basically, yeah, yeah, it's like. Yeah, it's like nutrient facts on food literally, yeah, exactly, yada yada calories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nuts, it's it, it, and you said it is. It's a good thing, it's cool, I know, you know taking away money from whatever other bullshit and whatever. But, um, you know it's this, it's. You know this is a good thing. Yeah, it's great, it's a really good thing, you know. But I don't know if, like I said again, for me, I still get that little bit of fear. You know what I mean Smoking certain shit for certain things. Man, I'm just like I know I should try it, but I'm not going to do that one. You know I'm scared. I don't know what they all mean. Yeah, I got to do my homework, as anybody should, before they do anything.

Speaker 1:

That's a great part about some of these dispensaries.

Speaker 1:

They got some people that work that are really knowledgeable, like you know, like the place I go to, they get people there. Like I said, they like know, based on like what the chem. Because, like I said, when you look at on the websites they have the chemical breakdown of it. You know what terpenes are in there, what cannabinoids are in there. So these guys they know what they're all good for. So, like I said, that they'll just be like oh, this is good if you are, you know, if you need help with. You know depression it's good for anxiety, you know. So they go through with you. So that's like what it's good if you go to a place to have someone like that, like they'll help you with anything, right.

Speaker 1:

If you tell them anything you want. You know what you need. You know if you need it for something to relax you like. Those are, you know.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and you know this is to everybody that's listening. Yeah, you know, do your homework. You know, make sure you know before you go in, and you know buy whatever or whatever it is that you may be looking for, because there are so many different strains, sometimes people don't know what they're talking about.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, and it fucks you all up the next thing you know you're just sick. You know nothing crazy, but you know you're just nauseous or yeah.

Speaker 3:

Listen, just you know, yeah, be safe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, just be safe, that's it, yeah, yeah, you're saying just be safe, just be safe yeah, I mean, especially if you, if you're someone who's not like new to like cannabis, new to smoking weed or whatever right like you can't just like, be like I'm gonna have the you know, strongest one like no, don't do that, don't be blazing now, you know what most people like I said now you know it's.

Speaker 1:

I always pictured like people like back in the day, when you know everybody, because it's like oh, we're gonna go on vacation to amsterdam because we're gonna be still all the time, now, now no people, it's like I won't go to amsterdam but it's funny.

Speaker 1:

But like I remember people I always pictured like people being wanting to go based on the thc level. Yeah, that's actually not the case. Most people don't go and say, give me the highest thc. Yeah, most people go because they want something that's going to relax them something right help with their anxiety, something that's going to make them happy, something that's going to make them laugh.

Speaker 1:

People are looking for specific effects. Yeah, so, but like, yeah, if like. But if you're like someone is new to it, like you don't want, I would stay. I would look at the thc, uh percentages on them and I would. I would go to the lower ones and I would just take it easy.

Speaker 1:

No, don't go hard you know, because I remember when I was, when I was, you know, when I was younger. You know the first person I ever spoke we would I. I've never told the story before, but you know she, I, I told her that I smoked weed. You know, because?

Speaker 3:

I wanted to be, but you really didn't. I really didn't.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to show off and I like smoked pretty much half the joint and like while ghosting it, which is when you hold it in and right like you when you exhale, you don't even see smoke.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like, oh, no, I was doing that I was.

Speaker 1:

I was literally stoned. I could not move. I sat on the bench with her for like two hours like a statue.

Speaker 2:

I was stoned.

Speaker 1:

That is like the actual definition. Yeah. So just don't be, you know, be smart about it, don't do it, don't like, you know you can't take back that's why I like the vape pen Take little steps. That's why I prefer vape pens because you can modulate it. You know what I mean. Because it's just there, you puff it and and then you put it down right where, like if you smoke a joint, you got the whole, you got to smoke or you gotta clip it, or if it's a roll, you know you right, you don't.

Speaker 3:

Or you know it stinks to high.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but, like with a vape pen, you can learn how much much. What's your level, so you don't get too stoned. It's like drinking. You don't want to fucking take 20 shots of fucking whiskey, right, right, right, because you're fucking going to be, you're going to fucking have alcohol poisoning for that.

Speaker 2:

But you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the same thing.

Speaker 1:

You just want to know how you are. Maybe you're one. You know, one beer gets you kind of the good buzz you like. Right, same thing. Yeah Well, you know what, but that's what it's become. So one or two puffs of your vape pen gets you where you like.

Speaker 2:

You know. But that's what it's coming to now, yeah, you know, to having the super experience, marijuana experience. You know. Think about it. You had the hookah show, the hookah um shops. It's gonna be the weed bar, like that. You know what I mean, that you're gonna be able to get this kind, if I'm sure they probably already exist, but you know you're gonna be able to get this and have that literal looking at a menu and well, that's what they do in amsterdam yeah see.

Speaker 3:

So you know it's gonna that the business is booming man well I think people are happy with the way it is right now yeah, yeah, it's crazy definitely yeah, and it's funny when you go you see different people from different oh yeah, you see young people older people and you're like, yes, yeah, this is awesome right now the lamborghini rolls out the front.

Speaker 2:

You, you know somebody there, some super rich person steps out. Yeah, that'd be cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that would be really cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, celebrity, I just bought a weed with Johnny Depp, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he's like yeah, trivia, that's how we would say it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this would be the last time you've got Captain.

Speaker 2:

Jack's barrel yeah.

Speaker 1:

Or whatever, yeah, or whatever. That's what he would do. Yeah, that's exactly what he would do too, man.

Speaker 2:

That's why is cannabis gone. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, that you know it's, and I think that's kind of the cool part now too, because so many people now, uh, from different circles, are smoking, you know, and they're going to the dispensary. So now the stigma of you know, it was just a dirt bag bad guy.

Speaker 3:

You know no, but it goes to show you how many people really do smoke.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah, it was the closet smokers.

Speaker 1:

Well then too, it's about the people that are, people that are like, or people that used to smoke back in the day and then they couldn't go, and they're like yeah, let's go yeah, I mean think about it, because you either had the job you couldn't smoke, for everybody was, you know, pee testing or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So there was that, you know that gap. So now that they can smoke again legally, hello, that's the good part.

Speaker 1:

I think anybody who used to smoke now that's legal are probably smoking.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like oh, I used to smoke back when I was in my 20s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, give it a shot and see what happens.

Speaker 1:

It's basically you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know. But again you know, think of how much that'll be the one the next peace day. You know what I mean. Everybody just smoked together Peace pipe.

Speaker 3:

Peace pipe. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

There we go, Peace pipe yeah that's it Good song, by the way. Yeah, it was.

Speaker 3:

It was a good song. Who's that, who's that? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I can't remember. I don't remember who sings it, it was disco. Pass the peace pipe, Pass the peace pipe. Yeah, I'm goingating a little bit as far as maybe everybody's smoking together to you know hold their peace, john McCracken. There you go, john McCracken. There it is, you know, but you know this will probably be what's going to keep everything peace. You know people will be able to hang out and just be mellow, working on the blocks, smoking a fatty.

Speaker 3:

It's happening already. It's happening already, it's already in effect.

Speaker 2:

You know hitting the vape, you know all that other good stuff.

Speaker 1:

The craziness is how many of the stores just keep opening up. That's the thing that it's like. I didn't think it would be like that. It's like well, new York City was crazy, they, it was like overnight Right started popping up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, some of them aren't even legal. Yeah, that's, that was the thing. Did you hear? They closed a lot of them down. They had a whole thing. Yeah, it's great, yeah, but they figured they get on the freaking gravy train and just yeah, yeah, they would have made it, but the freaking, the, the licensing and everything is so high it's like a million dollars just to like just to do the um, like fill out the application and just say that you can get it.

Speaker 2:

It's insane.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

So I'm in Jersey, right. I think in 2021, 2022 it became legal it was 2022, uh, april 21st, the day after 420.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why they did it.

Speaker 1:

That's how I remember it was day after 420 I'm like that's a missed opportunity, but anyway. Um, so they did it the day after 420, for whatever reason I remember that I think probably because it was a monday or something, so that's why they want to do it on a sunday but, um, anyway, we're saying I want that, so yeah, it became yeah, no, no. So what was I talking about?

Speaker 3:

I'm not a gloat. We have no clue.

Speaker 2:

I have no clue. You said, oh, this part of my 80s? Yeah, you said so. The funny thing is, and then you lost it.

Speaker 3:

I'm not that bad, I'm gone. Fucking gone you don't come back to me, don't worry, oh my god that is too funny.

Speaker 2:

This is not good, yeah, but they probably did do it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no, that's what I was gonna say, so so, you know, it took a long time for the place, for the people to get licenses to open dispensaries, right, so, like you only had like all these dispensaries that were doing medical only and then they opened them up for because they have the space for recreational only, but it took like two years and we're on now. We're on the third year now, but it took after like the second year. They just started. They must have got the licenses all them, because they just started opening up like crazy. There's like every town has a fucking dispensary yeah, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a liquor store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so I guess that's what you think about it, because the man's there, so yeah you know, and it's crazy because you know it's, it's, it's like a liquor store I don't like it.

Speaker 3:

Like it that though. I don't want it to be so many. I would rather be yeah, yeah, yeah, it's gonna be all over bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they are you know, and it's gonna be one buying out the next, you know, to make themselves bigger, or one is going to be more of the Be more laid back. Yeah Well, look, they got places in the mall that sell the medicinal right, I think it is, or whatever that they sell in the malls. They have an official marijuana spot in the mall. Really that's crazy, and it's not just selling the paraphernalia, like they're selling herb you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know. And it's not just selling the paraphernalia like this Southern herb.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Oh, really yeah.

Speaker 2:

Which mall. Palisades no, middletown, middletown, middletown got over here. Oh yeah, I didn't hear that. Yeah and no, no, no, I didn't say exactly which one. But they're doing that, so I'm you can do that yeah I'm not saying that it's not legal you know it's legal I'm not saying it wasn't okay I'm just saying no.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying that they're just gonna have all these quick little pop shops you know, pop them up and come here and be over here. They got the mold the um, like the food trucks. Now that they have them, they have one in time square um, there's one over here in newberg. So you know, right, they're gonna be anywhere.

Speaker 3:

You know they're already doing that jersey. Don't you have that van and that truck?

Speaker 1:

yeah, we drove. They parked on the side of the road.

Speaker 2:

You could just stop right and just go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, do they go to different places?

Speaker 1:

yeah, they, yeah, yeah yeah, well they're usually parked at one spot, but some. Every now and then they're in a different spot, yes, but they have the spots that they usually have, but sometimes I'll see him somewhere different right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's like the food trucks, bro, exactly that's exactly what it looks like that is awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, get this you know what's the weird thing, though, about weed though, is like like alcohol, right, you go to, you can go to a bar and it'd be a social thing, but, like with weed, there's no weed bar and there wouldn't be. It would be weird. And then, because there's and no smoking laws, you it would, I don't. You couldn't do vape hems either, because I think they stay like consider vape like smoke. So it's like weird. You have to get like a special license well, I'm sure.

Speaker 2:

So I know that there is a special, uh, so hfx system.

Speaker 1:

That's the only thing that's missing from like weed culture that like drinking culture has is it's like a social place. But that's what I'm saying, so now it has to be so for what you're talking about?

Speaker 2:

no, it wouldn't, because there's a special fan for people that smoke indoors. When they were it made, they were making um smoking indoors illegal yeah, yeah and they had a special fan in a special area, that then all the smoke would go out of the room and that could be the same idea that they would do with the weed, because you know, yes, but I mean that's the only thing that's like missing from the weed culture that, like drinking culture does have is like the drinking, you know the, the, the, the social aspect, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean you can get with friends and, you know, pass a joint together. But like, not, like there's no like place. That's like we're going to the weed bar, you know, or you know yeah, so you know what hookah bar I mean.

Speaker 2:

Let's open one up, that's right, let's go. Let's go open one up, let's go up. Yeah, you know what I'm doing homework tomorrow? Find out.

Speaker 1:

It was good but I know that's. The thing, though, is you can't that. The law prevents that from happening, because when you go to the dispensaries, there's signs saying please, it's illegal, it's a. It's illegal in the state of New Jersey to consume on site in a dispensary.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, so if we called it a restaurant, would it still be a dispensary?

Speaker 1:

You can't sell it there, so so is it BYLB? Bring your own bud.

Speaker 2:

No because then you can't be responsible for everybody having their stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because then it's just like you bring the weed to them and then we cook with it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You bring your own bud.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Or you smoke it. Whatever you want to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're going to look this up then. That's going to be great.

Speaker 1:

That is going to be great. That is going to be great. Yeah, like a weed bar, like bring your own bud and eat the food and they can smoke weed in the place. I don't know, they do in New Jersey, have a legal cigar bar. Still, it's right next to the Home Depot in Clifton right there, it's a legal cigar bar, but they have a license for it, they're allowed to sell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think there's one in middletown now too yeah you're allowed to smoke? Yeah, somebody was telling me that they did, and then they had the one license to get. Though, well, yeah, it is, it's nasty.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but with that gentlemen, yes, that is our time, that's it man. Yeah, that's it sit man gotta talk like a stone, it's 420, you know you gotta play the part a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Well, I hope it was in this episode.

Speaker 1:

Was I exaggerating or was I being y'all please?

Speaker 2:

no, no, you were on point you were good.

Speaker 3:

You were good this time, but that was a good, that was a good strength for you, bro yeah that was good how you feeling Lou you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he's just like staring over into nothing for a sec. Yeah, that's good. Well, thank you all for listening. Yes, happy 420.

Speaker 1:

Yes, please Be safe out there. Follow us on social media.

Speaker 2:

Yep, be safe out there. So love, peace and hair grease, live long and prosper.

Speaker 1:

And stay stoned, holla, we'll see you next time.

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