Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Exploring Enigmatic Triangles and Cosmic Mysteries with Keny, Louis, and the Jersey Guy Tom

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 12

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Prepare to navigate the shadowy waters of the Bermuda Triangle and soar into the perplexing skies of the Alaskan and Nevada Triangles with us, your audacious guides Kenny, Lewis, and the Jersey Guy, Tom. We're unraveling the baffling phenomena that have swallowed ships and planes whole, examining the earthly and potentially otherworldly culprits. Could the answer lie in treacherous gas pockets and deceptive currents, or are we skirting around the edges of dimensions unknown? Every twist and turn in our conversation brings us closer to the heart of these enduring mysteries.

Strap in as we launch from the Bermuda Triangle's hypothetical portals straight into the far reaches of extraterrestrial speculation. Taking cues from the time-bending escapades of "Dark," we ponder whether these enigmatic triangles are the cosmic superhighways of future humans or undiscovered beings. We're not just piecing together the puzzle of vanished explorers; we're delving deep into the magnetic anomalies and the daunting challenges they present to rescuers. The skies are not the limit when it comes to our musings on UFOs, secretive government activities, and the otherworldly threads woven through the fabric of history.

As we traverse the landscapes of lost ancient civilizations, we're dusting off the mysteries of the pyramids and the silent sentinels of Easter Island. Are these monuments mere relics, or are they the long-forgotten blueprints to technologies once known? We chase the shadows of Stargate-esque theories and government-imposed excavation bans, probing the reasons behind the veil of secrecy. In our final act, we take a lighthearted jab at the idea of signaling aliens with lasers, wrapping up this cosmic caravan with a nod to our collective genius and a heartfelt thanks for accompanying us on this otherworldly odyssey.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, kenny Cotman, lewis Crawford.

Speaker 1:

And I'm Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Yo, good day, my brothers. How's it going?

Speaker 3:

fellas Good how's it going?

Speaker 2:

Not too shabby. Everything good, nice and peace, no issues, no concerns, just chilling, just chilling, yeah. So everything else is good and everybody's good. So we're going to jump into this one quick, fast, because this is going to be well for me, a little bit of a fun one, because I'm that kind of geek. Today we're going to talk about the triangles Bermuda Triangles, yes, because there's not Bermuda Triangles, it's Bermuda Triangle, but there's a bunch of different triangles.

Speaker 1:

There's a bunch of other locations where mystery is happening.

Speaker 2:

Right, so they're called Paranormal Triangles. Oh okay, paranormal Triangles. Oh okay, paranormal Triangles. I like that. Yeah, that's what they kind of like, the what's the title, not the title, the name for all of them, because there's so many, right? So, like you said, lou, there was the Bermuda Triangle, there's, tom said, the Alaskan Triangle, there's one in Michigan, then there's a Bridgewater Triangle, so I mean there's a whole bunch.

Speaker 1:

Nevada Triangle is that on the ground or is that in Lake Michigan?

Speaker 2:

it's in Lake Michigan. Yep, it's over by Lake Michigan, it's by the Great Lakes. So then, that's why there's so many boats have gone, have disappeared, boats and planes have disappeared over there, and whatnot and well, of course, for people as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. So then you know it's. Where did they go? What happened?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, was it like a portal or something, right, I remember a special.

Speaker 1:

This was on the Bermuda Triangle specifically. This is years ago, right, and it said in that area of the ocean, it's in that area of the ocean there's these gas pockets that come up Exactly yes, and it's just like this fizzle and they come up. But if you have a ship, it loses buoyancy and the ship just sinks, just drops, yeah, drops. It's not like a sinking ship, like the.

Speaker 2:

Titanic, right, yep, it just goes. But why can't Like within seconds, so it actually vanishes? Right, exactly Now why can't?

Speaker 3:

what, Lou, that's what I was going to say it literally vanishes, Okay. So how come they can't find it right? Because it loses buoyancy Right so when it sinks.

Speaker 2:

So now here's the other thing. So when the boat so, there's underwater currents. So when the boat goes down and it sinks, then it moves, then it moves. So you don't even know, couldn't find the titanic for so long because it went down.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say, for shits and giggles it went down um, yeah, like here at this spot, you know like longitude, latitude here, but when the underwater currents had caught it, it ended up pulling it about, I think I think it was like more like 50, 60 miles away from where it had actually sunk, right, you know what I mean? And it was one of those things that now, when they're looking for any other vessels so the ships, the airplanes and stuff like that, depending on which way the currents were going, that then it would take it and how light it was. So, like I said, that's why it's not one of those things I could just look up and be like, oh yeah, it went this way because it's the time of the year, so when the seasons change, and you know, so that earth is hit in one way the weather, the weather.

Speaker 1:

well, the weather, um, uh, where the moon is, because the moon does the waves and I'm sure now they have like special currency, like meters in in the water, right, right, they can currency like they can yeah, they can find the current yeah. So like if a boat goes down the perimeter triangle, now they might know where it is. So they thought they did. Oh yeah, but if that gas thing happens, it drops, so it doesn't even the current doesn't even catch it.

Speaker 2:

No, the current does catch it because those air pockets or those gas pockets, pockets when it brings it down, catch it more or less or something, right, yeah, exactly, so then it'll get it. Is it because they don't have any control? But yeah, so they have no control to stop it. So by the time they realize that they're really sinking, they might have been like a, you know, to try to send out an sos and it went so and they were gone. You know what I mean and that then it would. So now the other issue with that too is that they say that in these particular spaces there's a magnetic field that messes with their instruments. So when they sink, or they feel like they're getting ready to sink, that they might be able to get an sos, they can't give their their exact coordinates, and then it's not like an airplane a lot of times where they could turn around and they can track you. You know that, like when the airplane is going, get an idea where you're right, and then they can do it. That's why, like in the bermuda triangle, they weren't able to find those, uh, the military airplanes, uh, that had gotten lost, because they, as far as they knew, their instruments had messed up and they couldn't find them on the radar, because radar back then isn't what it is now right so that then they ended up losing them and when they sent the ships and everybody out there to go and find them, yeah, they went. You know they never found them. Yeah and uh. So that's why it's so crazy.

Speaker 2:

So, with all these triangles and there is no definitive answer as to where everything went. You know, I mean shit. You watch twilight zone. You know you watch all these other movies and these tv shows that was lost and things like that. Right, you know these. There's, there's crazy magnetic fields that pop up, like even now we turn around and we're talking about um, uh, on the earth, on the planet, our polars, uh, polar, um points are changing. You know what I mean? So, like where north pole is and the south pole is, they're not in the same place that they were a hundred years ago. That was the South Pole is. They're not in the same place that they were 100 years ago. The whole Earth is not trying to. It's actually tilting differently. Yeah, did you know?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

I'm listening, oh, I'm sorry. So again, depending on what season, where the planet is spinning or turned to wherever in the seasons I'm going to call them seasons because that's a different place in the solar system that we're in yeah, that it can change. How it is that the earth, um, how the the triangles work. I'm saying how they work in the sense of, you know, if it's that it's a gas pocket that came up because there may have been an underwater, um, earthquake, that then it's the gas pockets that come up. That's the scientific explanation for it. Well, so it's the gas pockets that come up. That's the scientific explanation for it.

Speaker 3:

So it's the magnet one too, right.

Speaker 2:

So that's what people feel it is. Of course, then you get, you know, some of us. I mean I'm kind of like going on the fence with it, because then it's like it could be a portal, you know, and I mean that'd be like a different kind of conversation because it's a portal. You know, they say that certain places on the planet are full of energy, so then that's where the UFOs and stuff like that come in because they go to these places.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this falls under that genre.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly.

Speaker 3:

Bigfoot, you know the Loch Ness Monster Right exactly.

Speaker 2:

So then you know you got to pick, you know you got to think about where it is, you want to view it from. You know what I'm saying? I say just like that because, again, so here you have bermuda triangle. So you would say all right, you know what?

Speaker 3:

it will. It will change though, like you were just saying, how the poles change or tilt. The planet tilts. It goes back and forth right.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what. That's what I'm saying said. That's why it depends on which triangle again, so you had the bermuda right the michigan, the um depending on how it's tilted, is right, it's going to affect that one yes, how it affects each one and, like I said, so like right now, the eclipse is coming.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's a big. I have my glasses, by the way right?

Speaker 2:

no, no, actually I'm lying to you, because when you air this doesn't matter, yeah, but so the eclipse just happened right so now the eclipse happening last week, that now it changes how the earth moves, how the waves are, you know, because of the gravity from the moon. Yeah, changes. The changes are the, the water currents, that's where high tide and low tide is that, you know, um, the the closer that the moon is to the planet bring, you know, high tide, low tide, all that other good stuff. So that then with the eclipse and now because of this season, now it changes what's happening on the water, so the currents run different and you know just whatever else is going on. You know, we just heard about the earthquake up here in Jersey.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean Just happened today, yeah, so then now here it is Four point. Yeah, four point something, six or four point eight. So it was in Jersey and we felt it here in PA.

Speaker 1:

They felt it in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

In Albany.

Speaker 2:

But they felt it also in PA Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1:

Philadelphia. I'm the Jersey guy, I take responsibility.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly you see what I'm saying. So, then you know again. This is more of what the you know why it is that the triangles happen the way that they do. What's going on? Look at when you go up into the North Pole. I think it's the North Pole, the Northern Lights, yeah, duh, North Pole, northern Lights. You know that, then that is a magnetic storm. If you will, you know, you know that, then that's it's a magnetic storm. If you will, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

That's what all this stuff is about yeah, I'm sorry, I get, I love this stuff. No, it's good stuff, man. Yeah, it's good stuff, yeah, yeah go ahead. Growing up, I used to love watching shows on tv about this stuff and everything you know so uh, nothing, um, there's someone here. Throughout history, ships, planes and even entire crews have vanished without a trace with the confines of the mysterious triangle. One of the most famous cases dates back in 1945, when Flight 19, a squadron of five.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Navy bombers disappeared during a triangle exercise. Despite the extensive search efforts, no wreckage was ever found and the fate of the 14 crew members remains a mystery yep, and so that then that's when it turns into that wasn't or couldn't be a magnetic um field, right?

Speaker 2:

you know that is like they ended up getting. You know people who say they got.

Speaker 3:

There have been people who've been in the triangle, have gotten out and and said that you know their. Everything started going haywire, like their instruments was going.

Speaker 2:

And they came out hours after they were supposed to be there, or minutes.

Speaker 1:

Or their watches were different than the people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so everything was way off, so it's by hours and or in the future. So then they were trapped in that. Whatever it was magnetic field or whatever we want to call it.

Speaker 1:

They were like trapped in, like a space continuum and they weren't going.

Speaker 2:

So I mean, if we look at what we've heard and what you know, just what the laws of physics are supposed to be as far as time travel, the airplanes may not have been going fast enough to actually get to the portal Stuff like that. Again, it's one of those. Do I believe in that or not? Because I'm not going to lie, there was a Twilight Zone episode that did that that the plane was coming into New York and it picked up speed Then, using that thought process, Went into the past and it saw dinosaurs?

Speaker 3:

Yes, remember that.

Speaker 1:

Well, the thing about time is, if you think about it, I remember a scientist this is an astrologist. I remember I was an astrologist, was giving this speech and I was at some resort or whatever and he was talking and he's like he goes. You know, time is a human construct, it's just how we make sense of the universe. He goes. Time is a human construct, it's just how we make sense of the universe. Like that's how we make sense of the planet's rotation. We go oh, one rotation is one day, and then how many rotate? A full rotation around is 12 months. We've just broken it down. It's just based on the understanding of our solar system, but like the concept of what happened yesterday and today, that's kind of like that's different from time. You know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean like it's different. You know what I mean yeah and uh.

Speaker 1:

So like it was, like maybe we could travel through time, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Like you mean there's this door so we actually stumble into and right, not realizing that's what we're at, because our instruments don't work enough to help us identify it or whatever it is that they can navigate the souls through Exactly.

Speaker 1:

What was that German show that was really good. It was dubbed in English and it was so fucking good. Dark. To whom Dark? Did you see Dark? No, oh man, that is worth a binge. It's a show on Netflix not to get off too. Topic on Netflix called Dark and there was like this door in this cave and he went through it and he went from present time to the 80s, but it was kind of doing a little butterfly effect.

Speaker 3:

Right. You changed your right like and then, when they came back, like the things were different yeah, it kept happening and they and they like everything right, because once you go, once you go ahead, you're already changing. But it's.

Speaker 1:

That's a. That's a good show to pinch about yeah, okay, everybody hasn't here everybody listen hasn't watched dark.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna have to check that out.

Speaker 1:

Too much shit now I gotta catch up it's dubbed and I know some people like watching the dub shows, but that one's easy to. Yeah, yeah, it's so good, like it's okay to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got to get into it, but then, you know, but even with that. So now they talk about the you know like stuff, just like the Bermuda triangle, that where a that it's a doorway that people used to be able to travel to or walk to get to whatever, and they used to be able to take them to either different universes or different parts of on the planet. You know so that then, uh, people were able to walk in and end up in in um on mars, because mars was supposedly populated back when, whenever, millions of years ago, whatever. So, like you know all these things. The same thing with atlantis they said that Atlantis civilization was to where there was, you know, flight.

Speaker 2:

You know people were able to travel, there was space travel, that kind of stuff. So you know, and even now, when you look, when they talk about UFOs coming down onto the planet, that they're going to these triangles or what we're calling these triangle areas, because that's where they're getting the energy to recharge the batteries or whatever, fueling up their UFOs and stuff like that. You know they say that the aliens are us in the future. Oh yeah, we've talked about this before right, yeah, so then think about it.

Speaker 2:

If all that let's just say shits and giggles that it's true. So then that's what the triangles are.

Speaker 1:

That's our next species.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Right. So then that's where the triangles come into play, right, right, exactly. So now we're going to be using or they already know, I should say, how to use the triangles as transports for them to come back and forth through time or just other places in the universe, yeah, well, but again it's the mystical, mystical, paranormal idea thought process. Bigfoot, they say. Bigfoot uses it too. Yeah, he uses a portal, right, so there is Bigfoot, there is well, I don't want to say.

Speaker 1:

Bigfeet, it's actually Chewbacca. It's Chewbacca. Yeah, exactly that's what I said too.

Speaker 2:

It's like there was really the race of Chewbaccas.

Speaker 3:

But there's another one in Alaska, though. Right, yes, the triangle. That triangle has been linked to numerous vanishings of aircraft, hikers and entire villages. Right, despite extensive search efforts for investigations, many of these cases remain unsolved, fueling speculation and conspiracy theories. Of course, right, how does it not Right? So now you look at it, your freaking mind just goes in the other direction. Like well, what if? What happens is he had a lightsaber and he kept running down the road, that's great, but there you go.

Speaker 2:

But that's a perfect example of magnetic fields that play um, magnetic fields that play into that because there's nothing over that, I guess not like the ground is just opening up or swallowing people up because of the you know, gas pockets coming up, because the snow is still there. Footprints have actually stopped right where that person was last seen. Yeah, that's crazy stuff, man, right See.

Speaker 3:

So that's why right, you know See so that's why Right Instructions and stuff like that, Exactly.

Speaker 2:

So that then again. So if you're following somebody's footprints, their, tracks.

Speaker 3:

What's that show that was on TV? You guys probably know it. They were on a plane, traveled and then they wound up coming back. It was like five years later or something.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, damn it, lou. You said not to do this. I know Me, he just did it. I just broke my own rule, the document that says everybody's just not lost, it was flight something.

Speaker 1:

What is it called?

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're probably right.

Speaker 1:

The document that they have that says everybody's on the flight.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's called the manifest.

Speaker 1:

Yes manifest.

Speaker 3:

That's the name of the show Manif. Yeah, you did. You know what You're punished.

Speaker 2:

No talking for you, no talking for you, but no, so then you go. And that's another good example, right, exactly Because you never know. Well, I say it like that, like it would happen for fucking real.

Speaker 3:

So here's something to what you were saying. What could be behind these mysterious disappearances? Some theories suggest magnetic anomalies, rogue waves or even extraterrestrial interference. Other point to more earthly explanations such as unpredictable weather patterns or human error. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then you can't.

Speaker 1:

So they say human error yeah, but it's like once in a while Right, then it would be like or once it happened here and then, maybe, you know, 100 years later it happened again. It's like, oh well, it's coincidence, but like it's not a coincidence, after a certain amount Exactly. So then, but right so that's why I would never say human error.

Speaker 2:

So now think of how many years, centuries, that they've been talking about. You know UFOs being here. You know they will. So, um, da Vinci, not Da, yeah and his drawings, but michelangelo and most of his paintings he's showing. There are things in the background of his paintings that show what resemble airplanes and, or, uh, spaceships right, but he made a bunch of stuff too, didn't he?

Speaker 2:

he had drawings that he came yeah, da vinci and michelangelo yes they both had those kind of drawings and stuff like that. But, like I said, said then where did they get those things from? You know, where did they have? Those things from you know where did they have those ideas?

Speaker 3:

But now, they were just ahead of their. They were ahead of their time, for sure. No doubt about it. They were geniuses.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure so that then people still believe that they got those ideas from communication with extraterrestrials and stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

You messed me up when you said that oh, I know.

Speaker 2:

But you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I'm a big seeing, is believing and I'm seeking a ufo. You know what I mean. It's one of those weird things, but it happened in a flash. It was like I looked up in the sky as I'm driving and I just see like a, but it just moved like that, like someone with a laser pointer right but it wasn't even in like a straight line. It was like in an arch Right but arch in the sky. It didn't like take off and land. It was just like boop, yeah, but like no sound, no.

Speaker 2:

Right, and where was that?

Speaker 1:

Where you were living in Jersey, that was driving here one day yeah, you see or driving home.

Speaker 2:

Right. So now in Pine Bush, new York, yeah, in Pine Bush, new York, they say that the extraterrestrial activity is huge.

Speaker 3:

They usually have a parade once a year. Yeah, exactly. Something is coming up actually.

Speaker 2:

Right, and then Pine Bush is within 50 miles of an Air Force base. So then that's what they also say happens, that UFOs pop up where there are military bases. So you know, of course they will be here. Now, for those that didn't know, we live near Stewart Airport, Newburgh, New York, so that now that is the third landing strip that the space shuttle would be able to land on. So those that didn't know, it's a fact, it's because of how long it is, how big it is, and they have the whole setup and everything for the space shuttle to be able to land there.

Speaker 3:

Right, it's necessary.

Speaker 2:

Right, I believe it, in case you know California and Florida, or? Whatever happens to them.

Speaker 3:

I believe it. I believe it.

Speaker 2:

And so then, if it's set up for that, you know, yeah, I'm going to throw a little conspiracy theory into Newburgh, but you know, here it is that if they're set up for that, equipped to be able to take care of the space shuttle landing there, who knows that maybe there are, you know, ufos that have come in and out of there. You know, hardly any of us even look up anymore when we're going by it, because the planes are doing their practice runs and whatnot, through all kind of weather. So, you know, some people don't even look up anymore. You know, even look up and right, you know, yeah, I'm looking for Superman, I'm looking for UFO.

Speaker 3:

yeah, you know, I'm saying so, you know and I matter of fact, a friend of mine told me that he was parked down by. But it shows up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, he's in Brooklyn, I'm all for it. No, no, superman is in Brooklyn, but whatever. So they? He was sitting down by the waterfront and they were hanging out with some friends or whatever, and they saw something come out of the water, a light come out of the water and take off, just like that in the Hudson River down by Newburgh, was it?

Speaker 1:

a white tube. No, you know those. Yeah, yeah, yeah, nope, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Nope, he said it was a pretty decent size, just like a sphere, it was like a round, but I guess more oval is, kind of like what he was saying. It was kind of big, you know, maybe the size of two cars kind of thing. And he said now he was sitting up a little bit further, they weren't like down on the waterfront. I don't want to say that again. So if you know, newburgh, that he, they all bugged out, it was him and like two other friends and like what the hell is that came out of the water from the hudson, out of the hudson river, yeah, in the middle, like right up here, you know, and that's maybe I don't know. If I say it's three miles away from stewart airport, you're like whoa, that's true, that's true. I didn't think about that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you know what I? If I say it's three miles away from Stewart Airport, you'd be like whoa, that's true, that's true.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think about that. Yeah, so you know what I mean. It's just so. Again, going back to the triangles, the triangles, you know. Whatever it is, however, it is time of the year that it can be almost anything, that is, you know.

Speaker 3:

So what are you trying to say? So it needs to be like in an alignment in order for it to work properly.

Speaker 2:

Yep, because see, now, here's where the next thing that Kenny knows right. And so the pyramids, all the pyramids that are on the planet. There's not just the ones in Egypt, there's pyramids everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, like we know the ones in Mayan Right, you know the.

Speaker 2:

Egypt ones, the May Mayans ones that are in Mexico. We have them here in the United States, we have them in Texas. I mean in Texas, no, sorry, you know, we have them in the United States, we have them in Canada, of course, up in Alaska. It's all these things that have been buried all over the world. China has them, japan has them, they're everywhere, and that they different um uh, celestial, uh, what do we?

Speaker 2:

call it. Uh, you mean like, um, that's not really crackhead, like what I just said. Yeah, yeah, the constellations I mean you know.

Speaker 1:

So they are.

Speaker 2:

They're all set up, just like the constellations. You know different things, so you know orion's belt. You always hear different things with orion's belt. That that's the ones that that are in egypt. That's how they're lined up. You know the way that the stars and the moon line up are the ones in Mexico. You know what I mean. So it's all different ones. They were doing it with the stars Right For what they saw and they knew that when the crops were going to grow, and everything else.

Speaker 1:

But it's weird that different cultures because, like the Mayan pyramids, nothing like the Egyptian pyramids.

Speaker 3:

Right, but the fact Function completely differently.

Speaker 2:

But they look the same as the ones in Japan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so as a step, so it looks like almost like steps.

Speaker 3:

It's not Each one is different, but Right, they're basically using them for the same purposes.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so that now they say that there were extraterrestrials that were here, but each quote unquote, godquote, god for their, for that space. So each continent basically had their own god, their own extraterrestrial being that was helping and ruling those people. Okay, is what.

Speaker 2:

This is what the saying is so that's why, like with india, you know you have the hindu that they believe in. You know these kind of gods because that was the ones that were there and every so often they would get together with the other ones. So, like the, the um indian gods or hindu gods would get with the um, with the uh, egyptian gods, that would get and hang out, whatever, meet up with the, with the mexican gods, the mayan gods, like it was just all those things and that they were just from another planet, from another solar system, and they came here to spread their whatever. And were you watching this stuff, bro? So national geographic discovery channel, travel channel, they all have all these shows. You know ufo conspiracies and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, yeah, so that's where all that stuff comes in. And yes, I do read and I watch that stuff and I used to read them. So time life magazine, way, way back in the day in a land, land far, far, far away away from here. Here they had all that and I read all those books. I was reading all that stuff, you know, yeah, like they even say your spirit.

Speaker 2:

So when you think about so there's different timelines, different places, so that then, going with the triangles, that you end up in another timeline or just somewhere else in the future or the past or the past, and that's what happens when you are in the triangles.

Speaker 2:

The that's basically you know what it is and they're just trying to prove it, but there's no way to prove it because they don't know who, what, where, when or how they went. So we can right now talk about, yeah, there was john smith and he just, you know, disappeared and you know the alaskan triangle, his stop stopped, you know his tracks and the snow stopped right here. And now we can't, we don't. How do we turn around and look for john doe 500 years from now? Because you know, our texts might be different, so we may not be writing the same way, or in the books, or it's all digital, or whatever the case may be. So, and then, even with that, how do we know? Because they can't get back to us to tell us that they're from the future for us to decipher, right? So yeah, go ahead, luke what you got no, no, I'm just saying no decide um let's see unraveling the mysteries.

Speaker 3:

No, no, I just think it's cool. You know, I used to watch all this stuff too when I was a kid, and and now even now, I sit at night and my wife's calling me a nerd because I'm watching all this stuff, I love it man I just I could sit and watch it all night yeah, well, just tell her not to don't listen to this podcast, because that's like the biggest, the biggest fucking geek ever whatever

Speaker 3:

scientists continue to study these phenomena. Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, the Alaskan Triangle and other enigmatic areas remind us of the vastness of our planet and the enduring allure of the unknown. So it's good stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so again people trying to figure out the cipher, what the triangles actually are. When people see UFOs, they see them also coming in and out of these places, out of these areas. I should say so that you know again if that's a portal to get to and from wherever, whatever yeah, yeah that's the power plant right there.

Speaker 2:

You know they. Uh. Well, man, where was it it was, was it? I want to say that it was in egypt, with Egyptian pyramids, that when they were going down and they dug somewhere I don't remember which pyramid, but they found a doorway that led like there was no door, like it was just a door, but it wasn't, it was just a wall.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And there's the name of the city, that-.

Speaker 3:

Supposedly you can walk through it or something like that.

Speaker 2:

If the power supply so yeah, it's supposed to be a portal so that the power supply that would have been when this was quote unquote active, that then you were able to go and walk to a different place, Like I said, almost like a transporter. So you walked in the door and you're here.

Speaker 3:

Like that thing in Star Trek, where they would go into that. Right, yes, yes, yes yes, and they would jump through that portal and it would take them to a different time.

Speaker 2:

Right, and it would take them to something else. Exactly so, same idea.

Speaker 1:

You know, what's really wild too is they say like human civilization is like over 25 000 years old or something like that. Yeah, but like history is. Only we only have history recorded for like a couple thousand years maybe exactly thousand years.

Speaker 1:

Like well, well, china, how far do they go back? Like, but like it gets fuzzier right the further we go out, because we weren't really recording history. So like did we have advancements in technology and we just in lost civilizations, things that like maybe only you know, maybe you know because it was such high society that like it died off with like the wealth or something right right a famine and only certain people knew things, and then they died off.

Speaker 3:

And then that was the way they make it sound, though, when they talk about those times and all this crazy technology and everything they have, it seems like it's everybody who's enduring from it. You know, it's just not just the like.

Speaker 1:

A wealthy thing like you were saying like oh, or maybe like only certain people were privy to it, or something right, yeah, but.

Speaker 3:

But I think I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But like why is it if, if this existed, why it doesn't exist now? Right existed? Why it doesn't exist now, right, that's.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't exist now, because the last theory that I heard was that because we got so well since we'll call them the earthlings from back whenever they got so excited, carried away with themselves and all of their technologies, wanting more, wanting more, wanting more kind of thing, that it destroyed that civilization, so that then it looked like Foreshadowing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Exactly yeah, and that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

So that then so, like you know, so we'll take Atlantis, because that's the one that everybody can. You know, folk know best, understands best. So that then, atlanteans, you know everything on the planet was peace and there was trade and everybody was happy, and you know everything was fruitful. Yeah, but because of the scientists and stuff like that that had gotten carried away with them trying to find more energy and harness this and grab that and do this, that it ended up blowing up, right, right, you know what I'm saying? Almost like the amounts of uh, so we just supposed to pacific yes, thank you, thank you I

Speaker 2:

can drink some more water. Um, mount suvius, misufius, yeah, whatever that. Um, like that exploding, like that, when that volcano exploded, that it kind of wiped out everything. Damn, sorry time. I didn't mean to make you laugh so hard, bro, sorry, um, sorry, nah, I got that. That. It ended up. You know that that's what pretty much just wiped out the planet Right when that volcano blew up. They're saying that that probably happened before. So then all that technology, all that advancement that we had gone. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, it's like the Ice Age. They say there's an Ice Age. How did it get here so quick when they're finding animals that were pretty much flash frozen in the North Pole and the South Pole, right, right, right, they're digging in two miles deep into the ice doing core samples and they're finding ferns, plants, because they're still frozen, you know, underneath.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're going back and they're going to go back so far so that then none of those plants died out.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't like it happened slow, it happened really quick. You feel me. So that now, what happened right? So now, if those ufos going and using the triangles as portals to get to and from that's where they're coming from, because they try to get away, or whatever the case may be, you had that kind of technology and are now trying to get us to um, or vice versa, that this is something that happens from us in our future, that they're trying to change us now. That's why there's abductions and they're using the triangles with the um, like I said, the magnetic fields or whatever else that may be going on in them. Just look, I just fucked lou up. He's like dude, you really do watch this shit.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, I can't help it so it's also been associated with various paranormal explanations, including theories involving aliens, time warps or portals to other dimensions. While these ideas are popular to pop culture, they lack scientific evidence and are generally considered far-fetched.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then they can't. But science can't figure it out, science isn't solving these issues.

Speaker 1:

I know that's the thing, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right, and that's why the paranormal stuff pops up. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like we can't explain, it's a science. So like, yep, people are trying to figure things out then, and so I guess that's. You know. People get like, oh, it's conspiracy theory, but like you know it's there's no explanation. But you know what I mean right.

Speaker 3:

I just found something on here that says ocean vortexes. Some theories suggest the presence of powerful underwater vortexes or whirlpools that can suck ships in and planes in the depths, making them disappear without a trace. However, there is little scientific support for this existence of such phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle Right. Excuse me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so then that's like Tom was saying. So then they found one time, once or twice. Twice they had done something. I forgot where I'm only. I forget where it was, if it was in the barbuda triangle or in the michigan triangle that they were saying that those gases come up from the bottom of the ocean it's the michigan one?

Speaker 1:

it might be the michigan one. That's why they lost them in the methane gases, the methane gases and stuff right yeah, and that's pockets under the, the lake floor.

Speaker 3:

Yep, it says one controversial theory posits the methane hydrates, form of natural gas trapped beneath the sea floor, could be released in large bubbles, causing ships to suddenly lose buoyancy and sink. However, scientific evidence supporting this theory is limited. Because they can't prove it that it happened, so it looks like that, each one of the things that they could possibly think. It is still not enough evidence.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to really support any of them really.

Speaker 3:

Like there's really little evidence, and you know Right.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile. That's why I guess all this shit going on, right, but then meanwhile there's proof. Well, so I'll say proof as far as Captain's logs and stuff.

Speaker 1:

So maybe there, I mean so there's a lot of hypotheses, right, that's what I'm saying, just you know, right.

Speaker 2:

But then in ships, logs, captain, log on these ships that have been coming over here from the vikings. They're all their writings always talking about something coming out of the water. There was a whirlpool and a light came out, or this vessel came out of the out of the water, so that then ufos and now this is, before they even knew to call UFOs. You know, they're thinking it's a guy that came out of the water and they're fucking, they're punished.

Speaker 1:

It's like the movie the Abyss.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 1:

You remember that movie? That was a good movie.

Speaker 2:

That was a great movie. That was a good movie so that you know again. So now, being in the triangles, and what the triangles are and how people are disappearing, it's to me, and like I said, because I watch all this shit, that now it's got to be that there's a portal Because, like I said, you can't. People are walking and their tracks have literally ended in the same snow. There's no way. That's the Alaskan one. You know boats. It's like boop, boop. You find them on the radar and all of a sudden like, and they're gone. Done Airplanes, gone, they're flying they're on the radar.

Speaker 2:

They're on the freaking radar and then they're just gone. Whether it's a storm or whatever, you never see them again. So, even if they do go and you follow quote unquote what the flight plan because of the winds and how everything was going, and you still can't find them. Even with the underwater currents, you still can't find them. Come on, bro, they're somewhere. There's something else going on, you know, and you know and it's funny because I'm all over the place as far as, like um, my beliefs on a lot of things. You know, I believe in that there's a higher being, but at the same time, I feel like there really are, you know, ufos. There's aliens out there. You know, there's still that scientific explanation for what's happening in the triangles. Right, I know.

Speaker 2:

So, you know I don't know that's I get for reading books back in the day right.

Speaker 3:

Another one says magnetic anomalies some researchers propose the bermuda triangle is located in an area where the Earth's magnetic fields particularly strong or fluctuates unpredictably. This could potentially interfere with the compasses and navigation equipment leading ships and planes astray.

Speaker 2:

So then, now we'll go with that. If it is messing with the equipment on whatever plane or ship, why is it that then they get lost on the radar? You feel me. So now again. So if I'm right here and my car is acting up, okay, but they find me on GPS, then my car is acting up and I just got to pull over.

Speaker 3:

Well, you're saying it disappears on radar, but where you are?

Speaker 2:

it's not working Right, so my equipment's not working right, so my my equipment is is not working anymore but what they're seeing on their end and they don't even see that on their, on the radar you don't even see that then you're not on their thing. So then, if it is that it's human error or whatever else that they're saying, then where did the planes go, right? Where did the ships go?

Speaker 3:

because you're not even finding them on your radar right right yeah, you know, who knows, man, we're never, we're never gonna, we're never gonna figure out the same with.

Speaker 2:

I just figured I told you it was there's somewhere else.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's just the mystery of it all. You know it's, it's crazy. That's what makes it so interesting, because you can sit down and just binge watch these things on tv, you know you know it's, yeah, I do bro I do, I do, yeah, I like watching all that. Uh, when they do the, when they go in the pyramids and they look at everything and they find?

Speaker 2:

them, yeah, the tunnels and yeah, finding all that stuff and it's interesting and all these movies that have actually so remember, um, the movie uh with the uh, that they were in Egypt and the military guys went in and they ended up finding a portal to go to Stargate it was Stargate, yeah, I had it in my head, I said it in my head and then I started telling you about the movie so Stargate. So Stargate was that there was a power supply from somewhere that had come.

Speaker 2:

So they would go through that, right. But it was a power supply from somewhere that had it was the right, so they would go through that right. But it was a power supply that was there in egypt that, because we hadn't used it in so long because of whatever happened on the planet, that that technology was lost, these guys went, found it, were able to turn that power supply on. Now in the movie they show that they went, quote unquote deeper into the pyramids and found the power supply. We haven't dug that far down yet. So they say and this is where the government conspiracy shit comes in, because the government isn't letting people or archaeologists dig that much deeper anymore on any of the pyramids on the planet.

Speaker 1:

That's so weird, like why?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You see what I'm saying. Oh, you guys can gonna get under there because they're saying so, the government's.

Speaker 2:

The government's yeah excuse is that they don't want to, um, they don't want people going in there and and messing up whatever is left. They want to save that for history and usually if it's on the archaeology. Oh yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying, so they're not locked down anyway so they're not trying to grant any people outside of who they pick to do these um searches or these digs. You know what I mean right, yeah, they're, they're.

Speaker 1:

They dug under the um sphinx right, or and then uh in like the 20s or something like that, and then they sealed it off right, because they don't want.

Speaker 2:

So they only do so like, it's almost like.

Speaker 1:

So you know how there's a famous video that came out a few months ago of someone that snuck in and yeah, took a video and there's like another tunnel right other tunnels that they're not saying that that was never, that they never mentioned that was in there like it splits off and shit right.

Speaker 3:

so supposedly they all connected to each other, didn't they somehow?

Speaker 2:

Right. So all of the so, all the supposedly theory is that all the pyramids and all the the sphinxes and all that other stuff and other little towns in the whole area had these underground tunnels that were able to connect. They also say, like I think it was, I don't remember which, which, if it was the um, the actual three pyramids, or off to the side where the sphinx was, but that there was a portal that was able to take them to stonehenge. Okay, you feel what I'm saying, because stonehenge is another magnetic what about easter island?

Speaker 3:

we're gonna throw that so easter island.

Speaker 2:

They said that that was something else, like it was. I don't remember if they said that there was there you go.

Speaker 2:

So then again, how is it that today, in 2024, we'll just go back and say 2023, that we didn't have any equipment that was strong enough to move those size boulders? They'll make those kind. There was no saws, no chisels or whatever for them to be able to make those heads or the bodies on Easter Island. So how did that happen? So it was either another civilization that was here and or that they were traveling back and forth through the triangles. Whatever civilizations were coming, to turn around and do their thing.

Speaker 1:

Now the question is did smoke what? He said did they, did they bury them or they just got over, like thousands of years over thousands of years they got buried yeah, with dirt like, yeah, just, you know time, wind and water rolling up and whatever, because it used to.

Speaker 2:

Supposedly it was inhabited for a little while and now there's no, nothing there. So it's not until they started to dig that they started to find the pottery and you know other things like that that were there. The same thing when, um, when, uh, the volcano blew up I'm not gonna say it again, but you know what I mean that monster soup, yes, pompeii, yeah. So then now, when they're digging, they're actually seeing they have all that open. Now, now, they do you feel me? So now they're at, they were allowed to start to dig, yeah, after.

Speaker 2:

And all those bodies were frozen in time Exactly. So, after whatever agencies, government agencies or whatever, was like all right, cool, we can do this, you guys can look for that, you can get this, you can do whatever. So that's the same thing that's happening with all of these different, um, uh, triangle spaces. You know, come in here, we don't want this. There's government, um people, men in black, if you will, that are at these places, but they won't let anybody in, so you can't go. Same thing like with area 51 and such.

Speaker 2:

you can only get but so close before the you know the guards are there and they're kicking you out, they drag you know, they're telling you you got to go turn off the cameras, you can't be here, and all that other good stuff. So you know, it's one of those things. You know what, depending on what you quote, unquote, want to believe the triangles are magnetic fields. Yeah, people, machinery, mechanical machinery, whatever things you want to call it, however, you want to fucking see it. They're all disappearing. They're losing power. People are getting lost. They're either sinking or they're disappearing into another place, time or whatever yeah I know it's.

Speaker 3:

It's interesting stuff. It's gonna be always good to sit down and watch some more on it.

Speaker 2:

Listen. I'm sorry. This was kind of a boring one for me. I didn't like this episode too much yeah, you sounded like so bored, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I didn't hear Kenny say a word.

Speaker 3:

Kenny, it's like that guy on the UF shows who's got that crazy hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's the guy. The talkabish it's Tsukros, tsukros.

Speaker 3:

The way he talks and everything. He's so funny. Yeah, yeah, that's what it is. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, that's just my. That's all that I've seen and watched and heard on these shows, and now I'm going to go home and watch a new episode.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. That is too funny.

Speaker 3:

This was a good episode. I like it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I dig it. I'm digging it. Tom is sitting back. He's like hmm, I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Yeah, it's too cloudy outside today to see UFOs, so you know, keep your eyes on the road, homie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, nah.

Speaker 2:

That is too funny.

Speaker 1:

You should not look up when I'm driving. I just happen to look up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, and that's the part, because you don't know if it was the streetlight or whatever. No, no, I mean I saw it.

Speaker 1:

It was high, definitely high. It was above the horizon you know what I mean, just arched. But it was like if you had a laser pointer and did it. That's how it moved.

Speaker 2:

You never know, but it wasn't a laser pointer. Just be careful, man.

Speaker 3:

They say you point that in the sky man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you point at airplanes, yeah, yeah, I don't mean that in space, you know like, oh yeah, you can say yes well, you know, you turn around and click it and I'm sending some signal. Fuck you guys, fuck your planet, you know yeah, yeah, they come out here and they look for you yeah, yeah, exactly yeah, don't blink it, don't send no morse code, just send it out.

Speaker 2:

It's all good, but yes, yeah. So, gentlemen, thank you for another fun tab. This episode. It was great, it was fun, it was awesome, as always, because we're just fucking geniuses in our own way alrighty, I'm just saying happy and said yeah, so thank y'all for listening. Love peace and hair grease live long and prosper and go vegan hello you.

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