Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Chasing Northern Lights and Skydiving Heights: A Journey of Glamour, Fears, and Scenic Wonders

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 22

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Ever wondered what it feels like to chase your wildest dreams before time runs out? In this episode of Bucket List Adventures, we embark on a thrilling exploration of our personal ambitions, from the enchanting Northern Lights to the scenic routes of Norway. We'll share our evolving aspirations, offering a mix of humor and heartfelt reflections as we delve into the adventures that ignite our wanderlust.

Imagine living the glamorous life of the rich and famous, but without the escape hatch of unlimited wealth. We navigate the intriguing contrasts between everyday life and the allure of luxury, while discussing the unique challenges that come with fame. We'll also reveal our thoughts on heart-pounding experiences such as skydiving and scaling the Himalayas, giving you a peek into our fears and fascinations.

Join us for a whirlwind tour of dream destinations and high-octane theme parks. From the immersive Star Wars hotel to the volcanic splendor of Hawaii, we discuss the joys and costs of these bucket list adventures. We also touch on the value of memorable moments, whether it's building a lightsaber or savoring a scenic train ride with loved ones. So, buckle up and prepare for an episode packed with inspiration, excitement, and a touch of wanderlust!

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, kenny Cotman Lewis.

Speaker 1:

Crawford and I'm Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Yo, what's up, fellas? How you guys doing today. Yes, we, we're back we're back we're back. So what's going on, gentlemen? Everything cool, you know, life man, yeah, no shit, no shit. So today is this good bucket list, bucket list do you guys have?

Speaker 3:

a bucket list. I don't have an official list. Do people have a bucket list?

Speaker 1:

But I have things that I definitely want to do before I die, I agree.

Speaker 3:

But, I don't have an official.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like in the movie where I write it down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think everybody's got a bucket list. They just don't know it's a bucket list, you know. I mean, but yeah, everybody's got a bucket you love to do. Yes, so for those who don't know, bucket lists are the things that you want to do before you die or before a certain age, like you kick off, before you kick off, or whatever. Either way, you know, kick the bucket, yeah, yeah, but you know just whatever you want to do before you die. Basically is what it is, you know travel of whatever sort, or, uh, climb whatever mountain and whatever the fuck it is, whatever and it can always change too yeah, it can change as you get older.

Speaker 1:

I'll give an example for one that I wanted. I used to forever want to see the northern lights, and then that shit happened last month and everybody saw it and I couldn't see it. And now I don't want to fucking see it because everybody saw it and I don't even want to see it.

Speaker 2:

I'm so pissed this is out of jealousy. I'm like, fuck that, I don't want to see it.

Speaker 3:

It was cloudy yeah, so you couldn't see it anyways. What a chance of meatballs yeah, nice one dad joke.

Speaker 2:

See, there we go from the last episode yeah, joke yes, well, all right. So northern lights, though. So what see? So now, what was supposed to have been seen here wasn't even like really what it is. When you go and see the Northern Lights, you know what I mean. So don't let that over Just saying Go ahead, lou, what was yours?

Speaker 3:

Oh God, I would love to travel the United States, go to visit each state.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You know, drive around and hit them all.

Speaker 2:

You want to see the giant rubber ball, the ball of rubber bands, something like that, something like that. They probably got a ball of something everywhere, big ball of shit.

Speaker 3:

I told my wife, I would make sure I wear the sneaks with the white socks.

Speaker 2:

Bro, pull them all the way up. I would make sure I wear the Sneaks with the white socks. Bro, dude, I will evade your face From every fucking social media thing we have. If you walk around like that, dude, just to do it, you're going to look like Vacation.

Speaker 3:

I got to make sure I do that.

Speaker 2:

He's trying to look like Vegas Vacation, the brother With the socks and the shorts. Hey there, clark Shitters full. He tried to look like.

Speaker 1:

Vegas Vacation. The brother with the socks and the shorts, the white socks. Hey there, Clark Shitters full Dude yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that is great.

Speaker 1:

He had nine miles, he just spent them all, I guess.

Speaker 3:

Go to certain countries, right, yeah, but you'd want to go to I don't know. I don't know if I would want to do it Would go to. I don't know. I don't know if I would not want to do it would you do a safari in kenya. No, no to all the castles in scotland. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Safari to castles in scotland, yeah that I would do I would, I would be down to that, but that's not. I don't know. My bucket list, shit man. So like for me and my bucket list it's just, it's more, um more home stuff, like you know, like in the states, I guess you know, stuff like that. You know, like I'm down with lou, I want to go. I want to see not every single state, but I want to go to things that made that state famous there's one, yeah, but you know when or even if you drive through.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, no, no, I want to go to just those things, like you know, gotcha you know what I want to do and it's, it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the coolest uh, like for scenery, like, if you like nature and scenery, when Chase was born and they did that. You know they have that like parent bonding time that they let you do, right, it's kind of like being on paternity leave, right. So I was doing that. I had that Pluto TV, right. They have a channel and it's just like this train ride.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, yeah, I've seen that, I've seen that, I've seen that.

Speaker 1:

It's in Norway. Yeah, it's from Bergen to.

Speaker 2:

Oslo Yep.

Speaker 1:

And it starts out in a city. Then all of a sudden you're in these nice woodsy areas yeah. Kind of like similar.

Speaker 2:

That would be cool.

Speaker 1:

You know, similar like Matamoros.

Speaker 2:

It's very mountainy and then all of a sudden you start going into the ice caps and glaciers. And yeah, no white train, yeah, and then it goes, yeah it goes through the out or whatever mountain alps I don't know what mountains are in norway yeah, right, and then it goes back, and then it goes back down you know it's, yes, like this, beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just amazed at how it looks. I can't imagine in person and how like beautiful and scenic. That's one of the things I going to do when I'm like retired and old right, because you know you go to the train, you know yeah, I do it now, it's nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm getting old. I mean I could do it now.

Speaker 2:

I mean I don't know if Chase would be into that my athlete is a little bit older but you know all that other stuff and now, like even with amtrak, they make you know all kind when, depending on how long the trip is. Yeah, yeah that you know they have stops along the way I've done it from florida to virginia, right?

Speaker 2:

well, I recently did it from from new york to buffalo and, uh, they had stops along the way and you could see different things and you get off for a certain amount of time and you could also set up the train rides to where you get off. So let's just say, for shits and giggles, you go and you're taking the train from here to florida, they'll have a layover in, let's say, in um baltimore, yeah, and then you can get out and then just be back at you know, eight o'clock at night or the next day or whatever, almost like in a cruise, when they, you know, turn around and stop at a port.

Speaker 3:

I did more of the auto train where I drove my car.

Speaker 2:

They put your car on it but you had to drive to Virginia, don't you?

Speaker 3:

yeah, my cousin. I have family that lived there so I went there first and then I drove to the station, got on the train and then you, you just hang out on the train, yeah, like 16 hours something, like it was cool. I did it both ways, you did going there and I'm sure you did yeah yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

So I, I tell you that's on your bucket list. You know bravo, butvo. But whatever you know, I say no, I'm down. So then what else would you want to do for your bucket list? What else is on your bucket list? So we say travel. I think most everybody's shit is to travel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know, but what things you want to do, maybe, or have experiences right, right. So one of my experiences, something I want to do, I experiences right, right so one of my experience, something I want to do, it's I gotta want to do before I die.

Speaker 1:

And and as I was talking about sharing with you upstairs, you guys, I want to be able to go to a comedy club and just fucking have a crowd laugh. Yeah, I want to do it, want to do it. You know, and I you know what I, and I'll show this for you guys. When I was, uh, when I was a kid, I said would you want to be when you grow up?

Speaker 2:

I used to tell people I want to be a comedian bro, I used to want to be that when I was little and then I you know, and then you know, you get all you know and then I changed stuff.

Speaker 1:

I want to be a chef for a while yeah, yeah, yeah but uh, yeah, I said when I was little how cool would that be? Just to like I don't, I don't have, I don't want to be famous, I really I don't want to be fucking, I really just well, you're doing a podcast.

Speaker 2:

I know, I know who knows, I know, I know you never know where this shit is gonna go but you know, like I don't, but like it would be cool.

Speaker 3:

Don't even think about that. Just think about doing the work, just going up there making people laugh. That's it. Yeah, yeah, forget about it.

Speaker 1:

I just wanna do it, just make be fucking so cool.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying, yeah, I think it would Would be cool. I dig that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's Takes a lot to do. That See, that's See, that's a cool bucket list. Yeah, that is a good thing I just want to, yeah, do it, yeah, yeah, if I just do it once, you know.

Speaker 2:

See, I don't mind being famous. I'm cool with being famous, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I have zero issues with being famous, fucking special. You know what is. You know what is that I don't like about famous?

Speaker 3:

I don't like how someone I don't know I'm special has a fucking opinion about me it's weird.

Speaker 1:

You have a total stranger who can have your opinion. That's weird. Like no strong opinion about you, like. Like. Like first you say joe rogan, some people be like I fucking love this guy, I fucking hate that guy. You know what I mean. But it's gotta be weird to have people that love and hate you don't even fucking know you do that to you now.

Speaker 2:

It's so, they do that to you now. You just don't know. Yeah, you know what I mean, or?

Speaker 1:

just like, or or like you know, not being able to just like have a normal public, a day in public that when you're on that level of fame, I could imagine like imagine what's gonna be like for someone like super famous, like I don't know, like Tom Cruise. Right, that guy can't just fucking go somewhere.

Speaker 2:

All right, but now here's the thing though. Okay, what do you do when you're famous? Okay, like these people are famous, you're not anywhere that regular people are going to be. Anyway, you feel me, what's? If you want it, where you're gonna go? Because you know you're not gonna go to the same fucking uh, bullshit restaurant. You're gonna go to the bougie restaurant. You know I'm saying you're gonna want to go to the. You're gonna want to do all the things that you couldn't afford before. Yeah, so then you're not gonna really, yeah, because now I got the money to go do those things, so now I don't have to worry about just going to go to, you know, the last day at fucking you know it's gonna be a weird thing to be like poor and famous.

Speaker 1:

Like you got famous from some youtube video everybody fucking knows you and then you are stuck fucking seeing everybody. Exactly it's a brown hog like.

Speaker 2:

Like the like the dude. I don't think that guy made any money from that. He's always got a youtube channel. Well, so now, but Maybe he did. But you see, some of the people that are on social media and they've made crazy fucking money, bro, like they're buying houses.

Speaker 3:

They bought parents' houses and cars, these people they get lucky with. Whatever it is they're doing is working for them and people just gravitate towards it and people just gravitate towards it, and that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, like I said, I'd like to be rich and unknown.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but that's not on my bucket list.

Speaker 2:

That's not on my bucket list.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, no, I don't want to be rich and famous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no. How about sail around the Greek islands? Nah, no.

Speaker 1:

Nah, not that no.

Speaker 3:

How about now? I would love to do this, but if I wasn't afraid of it, I?

Speaker 2:

would. Why wouldn't you climb it? You know what. You know what it is Skydive oh no, fuck that. I wouldn't skydive If I wasn't so scared of heights.

Speaker 1:

I think that's. We talked about this before I because of that place that my, my buddy was. I had a buddy at the time that was skydiving. I want to say the name of the place because I don't want to In case it's wrong yeah. Yeah, where they have to have a master diver can only pack emergency shoots.

Speaker 2:

It's like a law or whatever.

Speaker 1:

They didn't want to pay him anymore and you have to take him out and fluff him every so often. So they were changing the fives to eights or threes to eights and stuff like that, and of course the, the master, the irony, the master diver that was supposed to do the shoots. I needed the emergency shoot and it didn't open correctly in time and he died there.

Speaker 2:

You go See so I was like you know what. Yeah, no skydiving for me, listen, I don't understand people Right.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I'm like afraid of money, I just don't trust, because your number yeah Right. I don't like putting my life in someone else's hands for a reason. That's not an emergency.

Speaker 3:

I can't. This happens. You know what I mean, but this happens.

Speaker 2:

Well, listen.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we talked about that in the fear episode.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, right, right liable for the fuck up that you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know this is what we do. We should be talking about shit, we're going another way.

Speaker 2:

Skydiving is definitely not on my bucket list, no.

Speaker 3:

It's not going to happen. Learning to fly.

Speaker 2:

I would do the scuba diving.

Speaker 3:

I'm more worried about that than I am jumping out of an airplane. The big fish thing bothers me.

Speaker 1:

Big fish thing. Okay, I got scuba certified and then I never went scuba diving again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wouldn't mind scuba, I wouldn't mind doing the scuba shit.

Speaker 1:

It's actually more calm.

Speaker 2:

It's so quiet. Right, yeah, because it's quiet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, white water, very, very calm and relaxing. Yeah, white, yeah, because so it's quiet. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

White water rafting Very common. Relaxing yeah, white water rafting, I've done that would be, I would do that I would do that. It's fun. Well, alright, wait. So Not like white water rafting.

Speaker 3:

I've done like.

Speaker 1:

White water rafting.

Speaker 3:

I've done like Go white water rafting yeah.

Speaker 2:

Delaware water gap, kind of shit. I've done that. I've done it on the the other one. Would it hot air balloon? I want to do that. No, I want to do that. No, yeah. No, they got a movie over by uh. No, I want to do that. Go ahead, bro, have fun. Go ahead. I'm not doing that shit. Fuck that. But you're scared of heights, I know so. Then how the fuck would you get in the balloon? I don't know?

Speaker 1:

man later for that shit yeah, you're gonna be just freaking out the entire. Yeah, fuck that shit, it's a woven basket yeah, no, attached to a balloon. Yeah, just that's required.

Speaker 2:

That's blowing hot fire right right from a propane tank. Yeah, yeah, no, it's not fucking phenomenal, bro. Why, how you figure phenomenal? You're gonna be constipated for like a month. Yeah, yeah, fuck that shit, man. I would never do it. No, no, no, no, bungee jumping.

Speaker 3:

How about climb the?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the Himalayas.

Speaker 1:

What Climb the mountains, that's what I thought you were going to say before the Himalayas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I could do it. I think.

Speaker 1:

I could do it too, yeah, but then they show it Like the Inca Trail. I just, I don't know. Macho Pico, oh yeah, macho Pichu, macho Pichu, that would be cool, that would be cool. Macho Pichu, would be cool to see. Yeah, a lot of bugs bro.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I want to See, I want to go to Grand.

Speaker 3:

Canyon A lot of bugs. Let me tell you.

Speaker 2:

That's why you just don't take a shower and hopefully the bugs will just go the other way.

Speaker 3:

Somebody's in this guillotine right now. Yeah, yeah, exactly, that is the irony is they're sometimes attracted to fragrances.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That'd be the one boy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah dude he's running fresh.

Speaker 2:

He thought they were going to kill us. No motherfucker, I would like to do like the Grand Canyon. I wouldn't mind. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Because that's why you got to do the Grand Canyon and whitewater rafting in the same. There you go Two bucket list items.

Speaker 2:

Yes, right there, bum bum.

Speaker 1:

Yes, because they have the and that's not just any whitewater rafting, right, that's official whitewater rafting. You got to take a safety course.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just want to go like the nice little, I want to do that boat. Instead I'd rather do that boat. Bucket list would be at the Grand Canyon. They have that glass floor picture glass thing there.

Speaker 1:

That's bucket list. I would do that. I did that in Silver Springs. Yeah, have you ever heard of that place when you were living in Florida Silver Springs?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't think it was it it was like a.

Speaker 1:

I remember going there with my grandparents. It was like a Was it the Space?

Speaker 2:

Museum. It was like a nature place, no Silver.

Speaker 1:

Springs and they had the glass bottom boats.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, yeah, I did that when I was a kid.

Speaker 3:

My mom took me out to that. I don't remember that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, it was a boat. It looked like oh, what the hell is the name of that like it had the canopy top. Yeah, like it was a long boat and it had the canopy top and whatnot, and it has a glass floor and then people sit around the whole whole floor and they talk about them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the fish go by, yes, and that's a purple dinosaur. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you could feed them. And then they had like a fake you know fake stuff under there, like a fake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a fake Fucking ship. Yes, and the old school divers With the big fucking With the ride yes, one of those things. Yeah, I remember doing that. Yeah, see, cause you didn't do it Remember.

Speaker 1:

No, but I've been on 1000, 1000 leagues Under the sea.

Speaker 2:

That was a great ride too, but that's not a bucket. But see so now bucket list Disney World. But the adult version of Disney World and the adult version doesn't mean that there's porn in your section everywhere. The adult version is that you have these little speakeasies and stuff like down Main Street and some of the up streets. And then you got to go in, yeah, and you get to go into the buildings and there's alcohol and dinners and stuff like that there's one for Epcot Center, where you have a drink in each country.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. By the time you get to the last one, you're done. Yeah, you are saucy, you're done. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is a bucket list thing, epcot Center, I love it and you get to have a unique drink like you have sake in Japan and watching.

Speaker 2:

You need to build an airport because I I don't want to be in Florida, I just want to go flying land in Disney World at the Disney World they're gonna listen, bro, listen. Land in Disney World property. Catch the tram right off the plane into where?

Speaker 1:

do they have Star Wars?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Disney? Is it cause I know they have like they should make just an entire theme park?

Speaker 2:

well, that that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm just saying go ahead mario universal.

Speaker 3:

Yes, did you see?

Speaker 2:

oh, that's right. I heard that it's over there crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah that's a bucket list you know, it's my bucket list item going to that on shrooms, oh going where, oh my god, you will be so fucked up. So what? So you know, at Universal they have Marvel, like a whole Marvel section, oh man, and it's all like comic books set up and whatnot, and the buildings they have broken and things like that I can only imagine. I haven't seen the Mario one, but you're going to go fucking shroomed up, dude it looks cool.

Speaker 3:

They have it in California now, I believe, and it's coming.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I believe it's going to the Florida too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro listen.

Speaker 3:

It looks like the video.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no listen, Bucket list, I will go to every. I would like to go on to different amusement parks around the world World.

Speaker 3:

And do the roller, all the countries, even in the United States yeah, well, yeah, no, no, I mean that's what I'm saying, like everywhere.

Speaker 2:

That would be a cool one to do yeah, I would like to do that, but you know I'm broke, I can do all of them no that would be cool to do, man, yeah it's going to Disney now.

Speaker 1:

It's like ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

I haven't been there in a long time. Yeah, it like $100 a day.

Speaker 3:

What a ripoff yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know. Because I like Disney, I'll pay $1.50 a ticket, I guess.

Speaker 3:

If you're into that stuff. I should you know, I take it back, but it just seems like, it seems extreme, you know, yeah, or is that cheap, is that cheap?

Speaker 2:

Well, again, it depends. It's like anything else, you know, like we've talked before, you pay for what it is that you want. I'm sure the more money you spend there and the more money you spend, the better the shit is that you're going to get.

Speaker 1:

The only thing I will say.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say and I will talk this shit Don't stay at Disney. Yeah, just go to the park, oh you mean like stay like the wilderness?

Speaker 1:

yeah, they are. I love the lot, the wilderness lodge.

Speaker 2:

They have the um, they have the one, the pixar one, they have um.

Speaker 3:

Don't they have the one with star wars, star wars now, yeah, they have all that.

Speaker 2:

So no, no, the ship is the, is the um is the actual ride, the millennium falcon the ship where it's a hotel but you're actually simulates you going through it's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah but it's, it's a tv and everything is yeah, off, you know, yeah, you can't see outside. So it's it. The tvs are on the walls or whatever, and the yeah it's fucking, you're in there.

Speaker 2:

So, uh, fully immersive. Uh, star wars thing you haven't heard about that bro. Oh, dude, it's insane. I was going to do it. So for my 50th, that's what I was going to go do, and the problem was that the tickets just for one person on the weekend was like five grand. Yeah, it was insane Money, bro. Yeah, like all right, cool. Now, when I'm doing that, I just want to go build a lightsaber. So I built the lightsaber. That was a bucket list.

Speaker 2:

I was chilling yeah, that was fucking really good and um, but that's a like I said that disney world kind of shit. That's my. That would be a bucket list for me. Very cool, um, I wouldn't mind going to hawaii. I would like to go to hawaii. You know, I don't know. You say that, yeah, that's a bucket list because I want to go like check out the volcanoes and like fly over the volcanoes and whatnot. That would be fucking awesome too. That would be really freaking awesome. I love that kind of shit, man. I love that kind of shit. What else on your bucket list?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. You know, I used to have so many different things and it's just changed over the years yeah, right like you still want to. You know, like I was like thinking of all these, like caribbean places I wanted to visit and stuff like that, but I feel like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Like you go to one, they're very similar, you know yeah no, no, you got to do it, bro, because I've been to Bahamas Yep, puerto Rico, bahamas, I mean they're all different, but you know what I mean, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I thing anymore, though you know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean alright, fair enough yeah once I've gone to the Caribbean, it's like I've gone to yeah, I mean I'd like to go to other places, but if I don't before I die, I'm not gonna be there. So in the bucket list should be the cruise oh, I've done a cruise too. Do the cruise to the islands that's what we did right, but you gotta do all the islands.

Speaker 3:

I, because you know, when we went on our honeymoon, it always feels like you could do more when you're ready. Oh, dude, when we went on our honeymoon, we did two weeks, yeah See.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's fantastic, bro.

Speaker 1:

I know, really Like the last, like after a week and a half we were like ready to go home. No, later.

Speaker 2:

For that I don't. Well, yeah, I guess.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I could've Figured it out, though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm definitely sure I could've.

Speaker 1:

I mean no, we made the best of it, but like I was, like we could've, we were like Gotta start a Get a little homesick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, I got, I got pictures of people so I wouldn't be homesick. Exactly, I got. Yeah, yeah, I got a fucking figure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, buckle this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like, but how many times? Because it's like the same thing, because you know what it is when you're on the resort. Like you're, it's like the same thing, right, right yeah, it's like drink dinner.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, drink dinner, drink, you know. Yeah, swim, drink food. I did a few.

Speaker 3:

I thought you meant you were being sarcastic. No, I've done a few, two or three cruises.

Speaker 2:

I've been on a few too. I like them, I have fun.

Speaker 3:

They were good. I don't know. Like I said, if I was going to do it, I'd probably do it longer. 10 days seems like the best time to do it.

Speaker 2:

It's where you do the cruise.

Speaker 3:

You've got to go to different places.

Speaker 2:

You've the cruise, but you've got to go to different places, right, yeah, so you've got the Alaskan cruise, you've got the European cruise. I want to do the Alaska one, you have the one out in the Mediterranean, you have a Mediterranean cruise.

Speaker 1:

I would like to see more of Europe. I don't know if it's a bucket list type thing, it would have to be it is a bucket list.

Speaker 3:

I want to go to Catac went, my son went. Where are they? France, are they? Yeah, go down there, all those bones and everything.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's crazy. It was. You know what that's scary stuff I mean, but that you know.

Speaker 1:

I really want to do that, that train ride, though. I really do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, there you go. A bucket list thing right thing train rides are cool man.

Speaker 3:

I would love to do something like that, because you get your own little cabin, you bunk for the sports, for the sports person.

Speaker 2:

I would follow your favorite team through their whole season a lot of people do that actually. I wouldn't mind doing that. That would be fucking way cool. Dude, go to the away games. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Follow them to their whole season. Go with them, didn't they?

Speaker 1:

have that show on yes Network. Do you remember that? It was back in 2006 or 2007. They had on the yes Network. They followed the Yankees and they went to every single Yankees game.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no shit.

Speaker 1:

Super Yankee fans it.

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