Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Decoding Tomorrow's Tech and Society's Evolution

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 16

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Ever wondered about the symphony behind a TIE Fighter's screech or the possibility of teleporting to your next vacation? Buckle up as Keny, Louis, and I, Tom, take you on a wild ride into tomorrow's landscape where AI is the new maestro of our universe. From movies scored by algorithms to the ethical morsels of 3D-printed plant-based meats, we're chatting about the seismic shifts in entertainment, dining, and everything in between, all seasoned with our signature Jersey humor.

Strap in your seatbelts tight because the future of transportation and technology is taking off! We'll zoom past Japan's innovative car vending machines, cruise into the debate over autonomous driving, and even take a nostalgic glance at the Concorde while contemplating the stars with space tourism chatter. We're not just talking about the gear and gadgets, though – stick with us as we ponder whether society will smarten up or dumb down amidst these cultural tectonic shifts.

And if you think the online world is just a digital Wild West now, wait 'til you hear our take on social media's evolution. We're hashing out how platforms are shaping our voices and visions, with a little optimism sprinkled in for a more harmonious cyber future. And for the trivia buffs, prepare to learn the surprising origins behind one of cinema's most iconic sounds. Join us for laughs, insights, and a peek over the horizon – it's an episode that promises to be as enlightening as it is entertaining.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, Kenny Cotman Lewis.

Speaker 1:

Crawford, and I'm Tom Ramage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Yo my peoples, what it be like, what it is, how's it do.

Speaker 1:

Tonight's episode is brought to you by the flux capacitor. Without the flux capacitor, time travel would not be possible. Amazing, yeah, see, he wasn't happy that we had that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he just said yeah, Just jump right into it. We're going to jump right into today's episode.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, sorry, no, you're not bro. You were dying for that shit. No, you didn't.

Speaker 3:

No you didn't Right there.

Speaker 2:

Tonight's episode is the future. The future Das.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, man.

Speaker 3:

What's in store for us?

Speaker 1:

What's going to happen?

Speaker 2:

The future that's it, Time is open. There he goes. Jersey guy's going with little bananas over there.

Speaker 3:

That is funny as hell. He's out of control people. I'm just saying.

Speaker 2:

He got him hooked. It's his thing, it's our thing. He gets stuck in an accent.

Speaker 1:

I could be worse. I could be stuck in that transatlantic accent. Ah, you're going to the future, you see? Oh, this guy.

Speaker 3:

On a fortitude of the future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, meanwhile, super old school. That's an old school voice accent. I mean that is too funny. Yeah, no, it's about the future.

Speaker 3:

Because really, like, we really can't predict, but we can kind of just tell the direction it's going. I guess you could a little bit, but you would hope it would be for the best Right.

Speaker 2:

So we do this. So we'll say last episode was about talking about the recycling right and what it's going to do in our future. Now was about talking about the recycling right and what it's going to do in our future. Now it's going to be a little bit more on the fun side of the future stuff, well, but the seriousness too, yeah well.

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, it'll go a little bit easier, because even the environment is going to be concerning for the future as well, right. So AI says we're likely to see more integration of artificial intelligence in daily life, from personal assistance to more advanced automation and industries. Virtual reality might become a regular part of social interaction and entertainment.

Speaker 2:

Right, yep, right. So then that's where now. Yeah, we've been hearing about celebrities between movies and music.

Speaker 3:

Now anybody can be famous.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, no, no, we're talking about the AI, Right, that they're taking those images, the likenesses, the voices and such, and making songs, doing um movies and stuff like that. Yeah, and let me too, think about how, what ai, or just even uh, animation as a whole, what it looked like back in the day as compared to now. To compare to now, you know, technology is ridiculous movies.

Speaker 2:

You don't even know sometimes where it's CGI and you know. You have to really know your movie stuff to know when it's computer generated images in the background and when it's, you know the real thing. I mean, bro.

Speaker 3:

So imagine what it's going to look like in another five years yeah, but it's going to be just more than you know, hopefully you know, like, for instance, the climate change, health care, space exploration, right work in society, globalization and political shifts for them. We're not going to talk about that, but, but yeah, you would hope that would be good regardless, right? Well, you know, I would say that, at least that well, you know it's.

Speaker 1:

Cool too is uh, you know, I mean we had a whole episode on ai, but like that's part of the future, and you know you know, I mean we had a whole episode on AI, but like that's part of the future and you know what it's big time.

Speaker 3:

You know it's cool that they're using.

Speaker 1:

Amazing how everybody's like just they're using, like Myself included.

Speaker 1:

There's like there's like it's kind of like writing a book as you go along. There's like these chat like role plays, like I'm I'm doing I'm playing one now where, like you're the end of the world and you're typing like what you're going to have your group do, how you're going to rebuild society, and like you type it out and then like they and the characters, like kind of the story, like you say oh well, I walked into the building and we secured materials needed to build whatever. And it's like the team went into the building, they secured the materials and they'll be like, but they ran into an issue. They they found you know. And then you write well, we got the hacksaw and we cut off the you know like. So it's like is it live?

Speaker 2:

players, or is it just? You know, it's just, it's just ai no way doing it like you're writing.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Like you're you're doing like you're like it.

Speaker 3:

It's helping you write the story.

Speaker 1:

It's like playing a game, but like in text mode and like story. Listen, I have to be honest, so it's kind of like an interactive book, right right, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The way I treat it is that I ask it any question. I just want to know mean it's like weird, it was crazy right but it's so cool because when you you look up certain things or you ask it, of course you have to be skeptical on some things because it's not 100 right, so it may be giving you some misinformation, but I'm sure it's very minute, it's not anything tragic right, just you know whatever yeah, yeah but I like it.

Speaker 3:

I like it. I ask it pretty much anything, and then you know what I don't want to keep in there. I just delete it and get rid of it. I'm like, oh yeah, well, I use that for what I need it. Now I'm done with it. Goodbye, you know, but I like to have the conversation with it, like I'll just ask it things, you know, well, listen, it's just pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

It's that level now. What's it gonna look like later?

Speaker 1:

so we go by what you were saying with the video game. We're in the early stages.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so you remember. Uh, yeah, there was a movie way back in the day called the last starfighter don't forget, we started in the beginning.

Speaker 3:

Bro, telephone line in the wall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah the we were there for the beginning. Yeah, the computer stuff yeah, but we had, there was a movie.

Speaker 1:

There was a movie back in the day called the Last Starfighter.

Speaker 2:

This guy was sitting and played this game and he played the video game and aliens were watching him because he was gonna go and save the universe. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. There's a movie now the Gran Turismo kid is sitting plays Gran turismo, the car game. Now he's a famous, uh um, indie car racer. Open wheel, uh, car racer because he won all the tournaments and stuff on the internet while playing playstation online so he knew.

Speaker 1:

He knew when to make the turns right, because gran turismo yeah and he probably played with the steering wheel he played the steering.

Speaker 2:

We had the whole steering wheel in the whole show.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure in real life it's a little different, but he knew the, he knew the courses, he knew, he knew the tracks, that's how they learned.

Speaker 2:

That's how they train now, not just going out because it's cheaper to just have you sit in front of this. You know, cool little hookup that you're in the chair and you have the four screens around you Easier, cheaper, whatever.

Speaker 3:

They still send them up, though they still go on. They're still going out and doing that, oh no, no, yeah, they train, but it's still. But they're holding their skills more with the virtual reality.

Speaker 2:

For sure, no doubt, there's the future right there. And what was the one?

Speaker 1:

that the and I'm sure the ones they use. They try to make more lifelike where the steering wheel will jerk and the shifters in the same exact place, unlike PlayStation.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, yeah, they have the whole setup.

Speaker 3:

Put your steering wheel on something like that. Have like a holodeck like in Star Trek See now, that's where I want to be.

Speaker 1:

Danger Room and X-Men.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Danger Room and X-Men Doing all that stuff, X-Men Doing all that stuff. So now we all have people everybody has a different way different things that they want. Actually, not a different way, they just all want something different for the future to be there for whatever. I think most people first thing out of their mouth is the fun stuff. You know what I mean. Like we said, the danger room, the holodeck on Star Trek, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like we said, the danger room. You know the holodeck on Star Trek. You know what I want. I don't want flying cars.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's a good idea. That's a horrible idea. Right right right. You can't fucking drive on the road. Right, people shouldn't be flying.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would like and we're have autonomous vehicles.

Speaker 1:

We just fucking punch in our address.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just sit back and yeah, that makes sense. That's a good one. What was one that you want you?

Speaker 1:

don't have traffic, won't be an issue.

Speaker 3:

I think you should be able to do both, because people traffic is people fucking?

Speaker 1:

just changing fucking lanes a hundred times and causing traffic.

Speaker 2:

Right, If you have autonomy everybody scissoring, merging, doing all that, yeah, no. So what would you like to see in the future?

Speaker 3:

or for the future, definitely, medicine I would hope would be lean more towards, you know, the natural part of it being able to like, like, go in that direction, right, okay, you know what I'm saying Instead of doing the pharmaceutical thing you know, kind of just be open to more things and be able to help, right? You know certain things that we always ailed about or with you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, everybody that has listened and you know, and hopefully that'll, that'll happen. So Right, and that's a listening, our listeners, followers. I just want to be a cyborg. Yeah he does. I just want to be a cyborg.

Speaker 1:

That would be cool. That's what I want.

Speaker 2:

I want to be a cyborg.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, augmented, your whole body's augmented to do whatever yeah.

Speaker 2:

To be able to do those things, to help out, to just be able to help out with whatever. Now, again, we're going to talk about going backwards and talk about the recycling I'm going to be made out of metal or fiberglass or some shit, so that kind of messed that all up, you know, but it would be cool, though, you know. So right now, medicine, you can have a doctor who's sitting with the controls at a hospital here in New York. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then he's performing surgery. They always advertise it on TV Right the cyber knife and he's performing surgery. They always advertise it on TV Right the cyber knife.

Speaker 2:

And he's performing the surgery in California or overseas somewhere On a person. Okay, yep, because he's sitting and it's him with almost like the VR helmet thing on and he's just moving his hands and using the knife and whatnot and he's cutting somebody up.

Speaker 1:

That's true. Do they have a doctor on standby for that?

Speaker 2:

Because what's if the fucking thing goes down and it's like, oh, we don't have a surgeon, yeah right, the power goes off and whatnot? Yeah, like, I'm sure they gotta have a surgeon in case.

Speaker 1:

But then on his vr helmet it says game over yeah, game over another quarter, no, but I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I I that I've I've never looked into it because I thought it was just like, oh, this is what we're looking to do. But I saw a news 2020 and they were talking about that was actually happening. You know, doctors were really doing it. It wasn't just something for a commercial and to get people to donate money, it was real. So I mean, like you said, lou, you know, for the betterment of humanity, health, health care, that would be way freaking cool Me. I like to drive too much, tom. I don't know if I'd be able to just let the car just go on its own man.

Speaker 1:

I know it's a scary thought, because you have no control.

Speaker 2:

It would be like certain areas would be do both.

Speaker 3:

You should be able to do both, Because you have no control. It would be like certain areas would be if it was a constant area of traffic, like he's talking about what? I'm thinking in my mind like kind of like with the what's his Tom Hanks the movie when he played what?

Speaker 1:

was that called? Or like? Just highways, maybe I know, but where like? Or they have like two lanes autonomous lanes iRobot.

Speaker 2:

iRobot had that, irobot had that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, but the thing I love about iRobot is it had the building climbers.

Speaker 2:

Right, or was that? No wait, that was Minority Report, right Minority.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Minority Report is what I was just talking about the building climbing fucking yeah, and he's on top of the car and he's like yeah, yeah yeah, that's kind of what I think. That'd be cool, that would be kind of like I think it'll be, but I think there'll be areas where there'll be normal driving.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Where the traffic is different versus that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's a constant.

Speaker 3:

That's what people are doing all day long yeah, or maybe like you know. The travel.

Speaker 1:

You know, in big cities.

Speaker 3:

It takes your car over automatically of the highway. Boom. You have no control.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, like as soon as you get into New York City like you got to punch in an address before, like as you're coming into the Lincoln Tunnel or the George Washington Bridge. Like, please enter your address now you know or? Your location and then you go and it just takes over, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then you just yeah, which would be cool because at least then it's making the flow of traffic.

Speaker 1:

Everything's moving nicely Heavy and heavy congested areas and cities and high populate area. But if you're on the open road, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, you should be able to do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you could also have the option even on that, say you know what? I don't want to drive anymore, I want to rest, just let while you're on the highway.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah yeah, yeah, no, you could use it anywhere. Yeah, but there's areas where, like-. You could drive you have to, but there's certain areas where it's like required, right, like New York City, like Manhattan.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those places absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, definitely, yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 1:

Outer Burroughs maybe not so much but like Manhattan.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it the super congested areas, yeah, absolutely because if you're going to get the flow out of it and less pollution, less, you know, congestion or like it's like rush hour.

Speaker 1:

It's like rush hour, it's like everything's moving and even if something breaks down it knows how to take over and do what it has to do in order to get to keep things flowing right, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that makes sense, I could do that. That sounds cool, flying.

Speaker 3:

Flying be the same way. Well, they're working on that like crazy. So now you know they want to travel Ticket to one place to another. What's the other thing?

Speaker 2:

Space. Go into space Right and come back down Right and it's like what I don't even know, like an hour.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something like that would be more. That would be more plausible than like actual.

Speaker 3:

It makes sense like oh yeah, that's travel like we're they're putting balloons they want to put balloons in the into space or these or these capsules of some sort, and you're never where actually when people can go and spend time in and I'm pretty sure they never leave the full atmosphere, they never leave the Earth's gravitational pull.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's just they kind of go into the upper atmosphere.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, and then they can-. Stratosphere right yeah, the stratosphere, and then they could really take off from there and go back down. Well, that was the Concorde was getting.

Speaker 3:

They don't do that anymore.

Speaker 2:

Concordes are retired because of the the Sonic Boom is that why they got rid of it?

Speaker 3:

it was too loud yeah like and that's what the yeah, but I think it was a problem with the plane though they were having.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not sure.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it was necessarily that, because they still regardless of what you fly you're gonna break the sonic boom did you guys ever hear one take off when it was? Yeah, I've heard a sonic boom. Yeah, I've heard the sonic boom before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it's not like that, but I mean. I mean they were telling us.

Speaker 1:

They told you I thought I thought sonic boom sounds like this sonic boom that's a video game yeah, yeah, oh I'm.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to fucking get a fist pump. Oh sorry, oh sorry, sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about. I knew what you meant. Sonic Boom Lou was like yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Sonic Boom was a video game, bro, right.

Speaker 3:

Street Fighter. I wasn't the guy with the big spiky hair.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I remember the game, though my cousin Fred had that game. He loved that game, man, I love it. But yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, like I said, so, future. Now we turn around and say they said they're traveling and you're doing the airplane and yeah, that big up and dip, that would be great Future. So in Asia, the parking we're talking about that. So I think it's in japan. Uh, you go in, you put your car in the building, it's like a, it's an elevator, yeah, like a vending machine for your car well, your own car, you know that's the parking lot and it just takes it up to whatever you come in, hit your car, swipe the car, whatever it is, and it brings your car back down and pushes it out. That's really fucking cool. You know shit like that. But again, autonomous driving get into the city or any city.

Speaker 3:

Just put it wherever Take control.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just do it.

Speaker 1:

Make it happen, and that is something that is probably going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's like you said.

Speaker 1:

It's more probable than anything else Some kind of version of that Right Absolutely Maybe not the way I said it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, but I'm sure close enough Trains, that's the best this is.

Speaker 3:

Well, we need to. They definitely want to do something where they're going to get a railway that goes across the country. Yeah, because they want to do it like they have in, yeah, overseas, yeah, and I tell you what.

Speaker 2:

That's probably the coolest future thing. Yet Trains are nuts To me. Like well, you know that guy, you know to have a bullet train route to go from New York to you know what? I could be in Disney World in 45 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's that, I think.

Speaker 3:

How fast would it be? That's exaggerating Like.

Speaker 1:

Sonic, if there was a Like a couple hours.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, no, you would be Like a two-hour train ride. Because they took. I think it's only an hour from here to DC, from New York to DC. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you figure, maybe two hours. It would be the same difference if you flew to get to Florida, and how fast would you get there? Within an hour like an hour and a half, two hours that you would get from New York to Florida, because it usually takes you what about five hours to get to DC?

Speaker 3:

Six hours by?

Speaker 2:

car, by car and by plane to Florida.

Speaker 1:

It's an hour and a half two hours. Two hours, yeah. So it'd be about the same as Florida, but I would assume it wouldn't be like an airport where you gotta like wait for every guy to get there two or three hours.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no, no, no, no, no. You would just go to the train station, get on a train.

Speaker 3:

That's the time it leaves you fucking get there Just like now and there's not, like this huge fucking TSA check. Well, they're probably Going to have it, they're going to have it, but it's not going to be like An airplane. Yeah, but they have to. You can't look at it that way.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, but there's not going to be Like a whole boarding process and this whole fucking.

Speaker 2:

Well, wait, we're talking the future. So if that means that, then all the. Tsa shit is going to be different, so TSA is going to literally be you walking through the metal detector looking shit, and it's all yeah, assalamu alaikum, that you know you turn around and you're going to, they're going to x-ray and see, and you know there's going to be a bomb detecting you know every camera has that shit in it right, right, yeah, the cameras have it. Yeah, you just walk through.

Speaker 1:

You don't even need a fucking person with a wand.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, because, first of all, everything's going to you're going to have. Everybody's face is going to be freaking.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, If it's not already, you just don't know it. You know what I'm saying. So TSA would be way different, you know for whether it's going to be again.

Speaker 3:

It would work the way it needs to for a subway versus where it would be with a plane. But yes, I would think he's. You know you would think it would be a little less lax, but you still have to take the same.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just saying for the future as a whole, future as a whole. Tsa First of all, we hope it Right Well here's the thing.

Speaker 3:

Hopefully we won't need to worry about that.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, we'll get to a point where, like, okay, are we done doing this dumb shit. Sorry, yeah, done doing the dumb dumb shit, you get it, yeah, yeah. No, but I again don't believe that wholeheartedly, which is why I say they'll still always need be have those things to detect whatever bombs and mean. You know well bombs, guns and everything else.

Speaker 1:

Now, play the devil's advocate here yes, my man, future we're talking about the future you know, maybe what's if it's the opposite? What's if it's like, what's that movie?

Speaker 3:

oh, I always matrix. Why do you do that?

Speaker 2:

I always fucking do that because I found this in my tongue movie where, where, where they like dumbing down a society.

Speaker 1:

Oh uh, idiot idiocracy, yes, idiocracy I always quote the you know, dude?

Speaker 2:

have you ever seen that?

Speaker 1:

movie. What happens if that's the case?

Speaker 2:

dude, you never seen it. Idiocracy. Oh my god, this is fucking stupid.

Speaker 1:

Flick you know in ways we're getting smarter, in some ways we're getting dumber.

Speaker 2:

So the movie is the future is everybody's dumb. Everybody's all like that, because all the smart people don't have kids and the people who aren't smart, have like 50 kids.

Speaker 1:

It was like they were showing this trailer park guy and they show this family tree map.

Speaker 3:

And it's like boop, boop, boop boop. It's going all over the place, everybody, yeah my god, but he's like the stupidest guy. Yeah right because I think I remember this and they showed like the like the smart couple.

Speaker 1:

They're like we're. We're gonna save our eggs now, because you know we've waited this long right right, but you know, we're just trying to get our finances in order before we have kids. We'll make sure we're, and then they put off and then, like, the guy dies like I saved his sperm yeah, yeah you know, have this baby?

Speaker 3:

yeah, it's great.

Speaker 2:

No, the movie is is, but it's like you said, it's opposite. You know?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's that we're thinking of like shit, idiots, utopia, but maybe, yeah, maybe, in reality, fucking idiots well shit bro, it could be fucking planet of the Apes. Or just another species you guys are getting crazy dark.

Speaker 3:

That's not dark, it is dark, it's not dark.

Speaker 1:

We're veering off to a different dimension Timeline.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, okay Different timeline. Alternate universe. Alternate universe yeah, but you never know what could happen. How low the universe is universe, yeah, but you never know what could happen, because it was science that made caesar and then that's in caesar salad. No planet of the apes oh, you know, that became smart and then that's how you know the progression. You never know.

Speaker 1:

They keep practicing and testing on animals dude really I'm just saying I'm gonna say like it seems like every five or ten years, like we have these unprecedented of global events. So who the hell knows? Yeah like you know, we got terrorism in the early 2000s and got the, the downfall of like the housing market in the late 2000s we.

Speaker 3:

We're talking about positivity of the future. Well, we're talking about positivity.

Speaker 1:

Or are we talking about positive? No, I'm kidding. You guys are getting talk on me. You're going in the other direction.

Speaker 3:

I was like I got to reel you back in.

Speaker 2:

Listen, there's no doubt about it that it could go the other way, but yes my thing is that I just have to you hope that it doesn't you know what I mean?

Speaker 3:

yes, absolutely. There's no doubt. You can't lie to yourself, no, it's going to be fine, it may not be. I hope that somehow we make it through it and we start off in the right. We start to realize to do the things that we need to be supposed to do. Now we may off in the right, you know we start to realize, to do the things that we need supposed to do Right Now. We may not. You and I, all three of us, we may not even be here for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It might be a while, unless I'm a cyborg, of course you might still be here.

Speaker 3:

You're going to be your head.

Speaker 1:

You're going to be roaming around Talking to everybody Still here.

Speaker 3:

Still here, kenny clean the floor, kenny dining room and it's like my great grandkids and shit. Go help Poppy clean it up Wow.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christmas.

Speaker 1:

I just want to be a cyborg.

Speaker 3:

That's funny. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of cyborgs.

Speaker 1:

I saw one of the funniest memes and it showed a picture of Robocop. And it goes the guy died and they still made him go to work.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I saw that I saw that that was good man that was funny.

Speaker 2:

But there you go. So now that's the other thing in the future, that now it's robots. But there you go. So now that's the other thing in future, that now it's robots. You know it's well, either ai robots well, I mean the official robots or that it's um a cyborg. You know what's that going to look like. And that's not taking away from what you said. You know, have a happy future, but you know, just changing up how it is.

Speaker 3:

Right well, work and society. The nature of work. It may change the automation and AI take over more routines tasks. It could be shifts in how society values different types of work and how people balance work and leisure.

Speaker 2:

See? So now the other thing too, people you know are going to turn around and hate all day long that a robot is quote, unquote doing their job. So now the other thing too, people you know are going to turn around and hate all day long that a robot is quote, unquote doing their job. So now the upgrade for people would be for people to learn how to work and take care of those things. But then we end up in the matrix and you know, terminator, that now we're just there to take care of the robots. Yeah, I know it can't help, but go dark there's too many movies, bro.

Speaker 3:

There's too many fucking movies.

Speaker 2:

That's because they planted the seed, yeah they did Because you never know what it is.

Speaker 1:

you know Well you could have the utopia or the dystopia.

Speaker 3:

Well, I saw this video on.

Speaker 2:

Probably a little bit of both. Yeah, a little bit of both.

Speaker 3:

It's a reality. Some of the nice stuff, some of the. You know that's how life is.

Speaker 1:

It's balanced, we're going to get some positives and negatives.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what's going to happen, Right, Right, we're going to get. It's not going to be more. You know, I don't think we're going to be. Hopefully we'll start to lean.

Speaker 1:

Complete dystopia, but I don't think we're going to be dystopian either it's not going to be advance where we're to the point where we say you know, we're smart enough, we don't have to do this shit anymore. I do think overall society has improved?

Speaker 2:

Of course it has. I bet we still have bad shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do. But I think if you look at like I don't know the medieval times, you know, when we were fucking Spanish Inquisition.

Speaker 3:

Inquisition Spanish Inquisition.

Speaker 1:

You can't say that without thinking, yeah, you can't. Well, I think you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like there's a lot of worse things that happen in history that are happening now, but like you know, listen, if we have it in us, right, if we can get people to just like to stop with the hate, right, that then there'll be more acceptance to live with the robots, if you will, where robots won't feel like we need to delete you. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

I think it's like anything new. That's what happens.

Speaker 1:

You know what I think.

Speaker 3:

They should be cautious about it and make sure that there's guardrails. We had this podcast before we talked about that. That's why I said, if we're creating it, we have to make sure there is a fail safe regardless that we can take that it'll be. Uh, only we know here's.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing right, well, you gotta do it safe.

Speaker 2:

I hate you we, we.

Speaker 1:

You know we say we're. You know like we're always having problems and you know people say social media is bad because it causes a lot of uh like conflict right right but you know what I think it is.

Speaker 1:

I think I really think that it's just us working our shit out and it's eventually gonna resolve. Might take a while, but I think it might be right. I think it's it's it's it's actually a good thing and all this fighting and I think it's eventually it's got it. We're not going to fight forever. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I think there's going to be an understanding.

Speaker 1:

We're going to start fucking figuring shit out eventually. I think it's just we're going to go through this crazy time now because it's such a new thing social media. It's not that new. I mean new as in like to mankind.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean, like into society, right? So we've been doing this for a while, though.

Speaker 1:

But if you think about it, Well wait.

Speaker 2:

What kind of social media are you talking about? Not everybody has been.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about like Facebook and Instagram Right. You know where people are talking. Everybody's got to comment, everybody's got to say something about something, but like that, but people, but we, the whole, that whole social media thing is yeah, yeah, yeah, the earliest form like myspace 2003 right, but like people not everybody didn't start using it until like maybe like the last right five, ten years, yeah right fair now like right now everybody's using it well remember when facebook first came out.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to say it's been around a long time, right majority of.

Speaker 2:

Facebook has been around a long time. Though that's what we're saying, though what Tom is saying, I get that.

Speaker 1:

It started out where it was just younger people using it, and now everybody uses it Social media- those grandparents are on there and shit.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know what I mean. On Facebook, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But even back in the day when it first started and you were getting on it and of course it was the beginning, but still you were getting in touch with people you didn't hear from for a long time. I know that was happening, everybody being, on social media.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's on there with their opinion, right and people disagree on things it's life. Hello, you know, podcast, whether it be you know whether it be.

Speaker 1:

I know we're not. We're not talking about politics, but that's what people disagree on a lot.

Speaker 2:

Most of the time, that's all I'm saying. Right, right, right. I'm not talking about politics, I'm just saying that's all, you don't have to laugh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know, or religion, or just all kinds of shit, people are just going to find things to disagree on, right, right, definitely. I think this is new because we're not used to fucking, everybody's not used to. So like we have to like learn how to work together.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't seem so bad because a lot of people are benefiting. I think that's gonna happen. We're gonna learn from it a lot, aren't they?

Speaker 1:

but I think people are gonna learn how to work together and learn like understand.

Speaker 3:

I think it's gonna to work our shit together. My kids' kids do the right thing.

Speaker 1:

I really think that we're going to work our shit All right. We'll see what happens. It's going to take a while, but it's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Well, like I said, I'm hopeful too.

Speaker 1:

I think it's going to get worse before it gets better.

Speaker 3:

I'm hopeful too. Actually, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better, right?

Speaker 1:

I'm hopeful as well, yeah, I am too.

Speaker 3:

I'm hoping that it goes in the right direction and things get easier rather than harder.

Speaker 1:

And then you know people in general can get along without having. Most people on social media. And helping one another, except for, like the Gen Z people and backwards Right Haven't grown up with it. So, like people who, like people, don't know how to act appropriately on it, and like when people grow up with it, it's not like a big deal, it's not like, oh, I'm going to get on Facebook because it's like this new thing you know I'm not saying it's new now, but you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Like saying it's new now, but you know what I'm saying. Like I think it's just like, yeah, it's just like a thing. You know what I mean. Right, and and people know how to act properly and not how to.

Speaker 3:

Well, you, now you have to because they police it. Now, I mean, well, they, they could do a still a better job, but um, I'm just saying like there's plenty of room for that but, but it's not. People just think like, oh, maybe I shouldn't say that, maybe I shouldn't post every thought I have in my brain right exactly, just on a post well, that's gonna be the future, because you're gonna be able to read your mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah he's gonna come up on Siri and shit like that.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to see every.

Speaker 3:

I think people are getting yeah will hopefully get to the point where they're smart enough to know what's worth to look at and what's not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't post every thought I got away from it. I'm like this is fucking.

Speaker 3:

I just hope we mature in the social media part as well, we start to figure it out and we're like, okay, it's really not what we yeah, well, that was a different, because it gets blown.

Speaker 2:

We went way with the other stuff. Well, it's the future.

Speaker 3:

still I mean that's going to be changing as well?

Speaker 2:

right See. Well, now too, we're going to talk about going back to transportation. I would love love to just beam me up.

Speaker 3:

Oh that would be the best. Yes, I don't think that would ever be possible. I know, I know Of all the things and I love Star Trek. Yeah, I just don't think that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, just be me, be me forever, or a portal I think that would be more, I think where your body gets disassembled and reassembled.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, right, no, yeah I think like a wormhole.

Speaker 3:

Right or you step through something Like a time Right, like something that bends time and space.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, that that you type in right, you hit the number, the code or whatever, or the, the longitude, latitude, and you, you know you end up wherever and you just set the thing down on the ground yeah, and then you just just open your window and you just walk through and you just grab it on your way out. Right, right, right, yeah, cause it would suck having a long ass line. You know people standing on line call it to get to wherever, like you like fucking self-checkout.

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to get it would be on your watch or something you would be like it would open up and you would walk through that would be great, that would be I don't want australia or on your phone.

Speaker 1:

Austria exactly on your phone well, I need a time warp I gotta go to florida for someone at a fucking self-checkout again, god no, you ain't fucking a hooker that's the, is the people who are not good with it.

Speaker 2:

Right, Yep, yep, and even with the food. You know, because you had said once before yeah now.

Speaker 3:

And the recycling Now. We talked about recycling. Even the recycling you would hope it would get in the future, it's going to be way much better, more efficient than it is now.

Speaker 2:

Tom in one of the podcasts before was saying that Star Trek everybody was vegan because of the food replicator Right, because even if you eat a steak.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't come from an animal. Exactly, it was replicated, right.

Speaker 3:

Which is freaking awesome. It's tofu. So then with that, I think that would be cool, that would be oh, that's, yeah, that's definitely If they could do that man?

Speaker 1:

that would be pretty impressive. No, it's on a molecular level. They just molecularly, you know. Right, so now that would mean the plate the food that you're eating.

Speaker 2:

It on it wouldn't be plastic or glass or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Who knows what it would be? Maybe it will be.

Speaker 2:

It would have to be well, not if it's out of the replicator how do you know that?

Speaker 3:

you don't know how a replicator works? Do you do you have?

Speaker 2:

is there like a micro, so going by what happens on the show they show. The thing is empty. It always appears on a plate and then it appears on a plate, right, it doesn't ever just yeah, it underneath it to catch the food, the food and then the plate, and everything is made there, right? It's replicated Right so there you go Wait, so can it replicate non-food items too.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

According to the show? Yes, because they replicated they replicated a brick. No a phaser.

Speaker 1:

Right. So they've done all these things, so it's like the next step of a 3D printer. Right, exactly, the printer, right right the future of the 3d printer and a whole hell of a lot faster they were talking about um doing something like where they were able to 3d print like food like like right, like like, like they're talking about, like vegan steaks right really yeah, they actually. That's the next step on wow, that would be amazing.

Speaker 3:

I'd like to try that out. It's plant-based meat where?

Speaker 1:

because, because the fibers are the problem. So like, let's admit it, a steak is a piece of muscle.

Speaker 2:

Right, yes.

Speaker 1:

So in order to replicate that in plant-based, you can't get those fibers.

Speaker 3:

Right, you need that consistency.

Speaker 1:

They've made like seitan, which is like from wheat gluten, and they like braid it like bread and then make it and that kind of. But they have this machine and it. You know, you ever see how well it does that and then make it. But they have this machine. You ever see how a free Well it does that and that's the fibers. So it's going these long strand lines each time it goes over. So when it comes together it actually makes a plant-based.

Speaker 3:

That's amazing. So they do that, so I was just watching. They do that with houses now.

Speaker 2:

They can 3D make a house with concrete with a 3D printer.

Speaker 1:

And you see it just dropping the holes, rolling it out. Man, it's amazing window glass, yeah, yeah yeah, it's crazy isn't it? It's amazing that's what I'm saying, that's what I love, you know, it's just that's what I hope for that kind of stuff is going to be just form of a 3d printed house right now.

Speaker 3:

This is like imagine what it's going to be like in 10 years, 20 years. Oh my God, it's going to be ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure they've already changed it up, how they're doing it now. You know what I mean. Listen, in all honesty, there's a lot of cool shit that we would love to see hope to be the houses, the houses. You know the cars, you know the the autonomous cars and stuff like that. You know, I would love all that. I would love for this to happen before we die. You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't think it's going to happen. That's why I'm at.

Speaker 3:

You might see that Maybe, if you live to a hundred bro, maybe you might listen, think of the things that we saw in the last 50 years.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's gonna happen, not even the last 30 years, the last 10 years yeah, 10 years.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we went from vinyl not even vinyl and 8 track the vinyl's coming back now well, no, no, I'm saying like just like, how funny is that that's. But again I'd say all that shit comes back that's more for you know, so you're looking at. You could only get music from vinyl radio, or you know?

Speaker 3:

then an 8-track, and then it went to cassette tapes and then CDs and then MP3s and now just streaming.

Speaker 1:

Now you can just stream whatever you want, right, whatever you want. You don't the show, hell yeah you can see us the amazing.

Speaker 2:

You know common crawford and jersey guy podcast, you know streaming on whatever you're streaming it right now, if you're listening. Yeah right, yeah, exactly you know it's just unless you downloaded it. But most people oh yeah, but YouTube yeah that's streaming, yeah, streaming so you know, think, you know, just all those things.

Speaker 3:

It's just going to continue.

Speaker 2:

And it's going to get better.

Speaker 3:

It is going to get better. It's going to evolve. It's just going to keep evolving, hopefully in the right direction.

Speaker 2:

It's going to go in the right direction and there'll be hiccups, stupid shit will happen we'll have to fix or whatever, but it's like Tom said.

Speaker 3:

I think everybody it is.

Speaker 2:

It's going worth all of this arguing and the hate and whatnot?

Speaker 1:

so I just don't want to be around for when it does it's right, you know this, you know, in the grand scheme of things, like it's very new, even like just globalism is like new you know what? I mean like yeah, yeah, we import and export, but not like we do now right, definitely not right, oh, now it's ridiculous how much so I?

Speaker 3:

think how many, how many of those, uh, those are missing or at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, yeah, crazy freaking accidents and stuff like that. You know and how much cargo they were carrying yeah, just, and I mean even think money.

Speaker 2:

You know what's money gonna hopefully it'll be.

Speaker 3:

It'll get to the point where they won't need to travel the sea like that anymore and they'll be able to go just across it rather than go. You know, use it what do you? Mean. In other words, they don't have to disrupt the water, you don't have to worry about if the sea itself. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's okay, not beyond the water, kind of like hover over it. Yeah, that makes sense. That'd be cool too that is super, that would be cool, nice speed or whatever yeah, yeah, yeah even if there's a storm or something or whatever.

Speaker 3:

I guess you can get right through it yeah, like a hovercraft that would be just get that alien technology.

Speaker 2:

And there you go, here we go but then that's the future, bro, because knowledge aliens might just actually be out there and they're going to just step out. It's like, all right, cool enough, you assholes, we're going to fix this right now. This is what we're doing, you know, and we're going to, you know.

Speaker 3:

I'm always sending those things to you guys. When Haven't you seen the memes that always say this is why the aliens won't talk to us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly this is why they won't talk to us.

Speaker 2:

This is why? Because you fucking.

Speaker 1:

You see what this level has to do with right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you fucking mistaken.

Speaker 1:

No, it'll show like the Tide Pod Challenge. It'll be like this is what? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

They're sitting there like this. That's all that has to do. That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we looked for intelligent life. Couldn't find it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah couldn't find it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Next, next, make a left, yep.

Speaker 2:

Make a left in Albuquerque?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, that is freaking hilarious, but the future, manderson, is so bright I got to wear shades, just saying yeah yeah, that was good, it is it's gonna be good stuff, man, you know, I mean, I think that the majority of people really do want to do bigger and better and they want everybody to be happy. You know, we always try to, we always strive to make our kids better, you know, and I think they're the ones who're gonna make the cool shit happen. You know, like I said, flying cars, you're right, not so much, but self-driving cars. That's where we're at. You know, I can't wait. I could because I like to drive.

Speaker 1:

Just saying, well, I think, like I said, like if it's if, if you have the option and it's just like in areas where like no one wants to drive in traffic anyway so I think most people be like good, yeah, good, yeah, take over, get me to where I got to go.

Speaker 3:

It would be like being on the subway, Right? Yeah, that's how I would look at it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, think about it. If I could just concentrate, and listen to this podcast, I could just sit back and read and do whatever I want to do.

Speaker 3:

Listen to this podcast. Listen to this podcast.

Speaker 2:

If you got, I mean and what else would you?

Speaker 3:

I mean, there's a lot of stuff. Probably by that time you'll be able to go to the moon and vacation there, or something.

Speaker 2:

Now that that would be kind of groovy, except it's too freaking cold. I don't know if I want it when you go up there Not enough gravity, that would get old after a while.

Speaker 3:

They would be able to do it where there would be gravity? Oh, they would increase it to. They would be able to do it where there would be gravity? Oh, they would increase it. Yeah, of course, somehow, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

Technology yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go to the dark side of the moon, though only because you hear so many things.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to see what's over there you know what I mean? Okay, this is no, no, real shit transformers. What's his name?

Speaker 3:

wait till you're a cyborg and they can take your vacuum cleaner back up there.

Speaker 2:

Now you're catching on, lou, it's going to vacuum the space. Yeah, because I'm going to be the vacuum.

Speaker 3:

Just put a space helmet on him and he'll be moving around on the moon.

Speaker 2:

Yo, that's messed up, bro. No, love, fucking, hate God. I just want to be a cyborg. No, but that would be groovy. I mean, do we want to, though, inhabit and mess around with other planets?

Speaker 3:

I don't think we're going to get. We're not even close to that yet. We haven't even got to Mars yet.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I'm saying we're talking the future. So now, is the future going to take us to the other planets or are we going to?

Speaker 3:

stay, not for a while.

Speaker 2:

But they say it's less than that Because of the year or two. I don't even know if it's that long. Is it Because it doesn't take that long to get to the moon? I know Mars is further out. I'm just saying I think it's a couple of, not even a couple of days to get to the moon from here. Something to get to the moon from here, something like that.

Speaker 1:

I could drive that I was looking up the size of the moon compared to earth. It's fucking so tiny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Definitely Dark side of the moon is fucking probably smaller than Texas, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's just be cool to see what's over there, cause you know, of course you hear that you know all the uh, the UFO. There was actually a uh alien base, that's on the back of that thing over there.

Speaker 1:

And you know the first because the moon doesn't spin, does it?

Speaker 2:

nope it just, it's just like that.

Speaker 3:

So you never get to see the back, never get to see nope, no, that would be cool, though see what is on the other side crazy shit back there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I just want to see what's over there, you know parties back there or something. Well, yeah, right, the aliens are having the parties over there. You know the guys who left here, so is it?

Speaker 1:

so it's gonna be, it's gonna be there is they.

Speaker 3:

They do have, um, what do you call? Satellites that go around the moon, that are totally mapping it going around the moon, so they should be able to, with technology now be able with infrared or whatever to be able to see what's on the dark side.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I'm sure they can. You know what it's going to be like.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be like when Geraldo found the vault. They're going to be like hey, we're going to look at the dark side of the moon. And there it is and it just looks like the other fucking side.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's probably exactly what it is yeah, they probably will have Geraldo do that shit too.

Speaker 1:

Geraldo, can you do this for you know? Yeah, no listen, Listen.

Speaker 2:

I love you, Geraldo, no matter what people say about you, I watched that.

Speaker 3:

I remember watching that, yeah everybody watched that thing, bro.

Speaker 2:

Everybody watched it Three years. Three years to get where Mars? Okay, that's a long time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is a long time.

Speaker 2:

That's like longer than that figure. You stayed there for a while right across the fucking yeah. Well, listen, that's a trip that we now know you don't take with the family, right exactly, rocket man, yeah, listen no, honey, I gotta go on a business trip to mars. That's six years, right?

Speaker 3:

yeah, no, it's really gonna be 10 when you think about it why, because you gotta still hang out on mars for a little while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're not gonna want to stay there for a week for a fucking six-year trip, yeah, well, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Right, then you're going to come back for another three years, you're going to travel, yeah. You got to stay there for at least a year.

Speaker 1:

They need to find out what faster space travel before anything.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely oh yeah definitely just go and don't come back.

Speaker 1:

I want a twin ion engine this guy.

Speaker 2:

You see, yeah, what the hell is that tie?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's what tie stands for you know twin ion engine yeah you know, what you know, what you know what that sound is from the tie fighter, by the way, no it's fucking crazy. They mix two sounds. They fucking elephant stampeding, that's and and and like tire on wet pavement. They mix those two sounds together and that's how they got the TIE Fighter. I'll show you guys a video later. They actually show the elephant stampede. Very cool. Holy shit, there's fucking TIE Fighters.

Speaker 2:

See, so now that's perfect. So, with that being said, thank you all for listening. Now we know what TIE Fighter's sound came from, and that's the bestest thing ever, yes, sir. So thank you all for listening. Love, peace and hair grease. Live long and prosper and go vegan.

Speaker 1:

Holla Peace.

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