Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Transforming Pet Anxiety into Comfort: Joey's Lola Hemp Story and the Healing Journey with CBD

February 14, 2024 Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 5
Transforming Pet Anxiety into Comfort: Joey's Lola Hemp Story and the Healing Journey with CBD
Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.
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Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.
Transforming Pet Anxiety into Comfort: Joey's Lola Hemp Story and the Healing Journey with CBD
Feb 14, 2024 Season 3 Episode 5
Keny, Louis, Tom

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When my Chihuahua, Lola, began showing signs of anxiety, I was at my wits' end—until I discovered the transformative power of CBD. This episode brings you the heartwarming story of Joey, the founder of Lola Hemp, who turned his pet’s struggle into a thriving business that's providing relief to animals everywhere. We delve into the science behind CBD's calming effects on pets, discussing the importance of the endocannabinoid system and how it's revolutionizing the way we care for our furry family members.

Have you ever watched your pet suffer and felt powerless? Joey's personal journey with Lola Hemp started with that very feeling and led to a company dedicated to pet wellness. We cover everything from dosing intricacies to the broad health benefits these supplements offer beyond just anxiety relief, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Drawing from the collective experiences of pet owners, we bust myths and share success stories that highlight CBD's potential—providing a beacon of hope for those seeking natural alternatives for their pets' ailments.

The landscape of pet care is rapidly changing, and Joey's insights on the emerging acceptance of CBD in veterinary practice shine a light on this evolution. We wrap up this heartening discussion with a sense of appreciation for how products like Lola Hemp are not only changing the lives of pets but also touching the hearts of their owners. With a blend of personal anecdotes and expert knowledge, this episode is a testament to the love and dedication we share for our animal companions, pointing towards a future where wellness is within reach for every member of our family, four-legged or otherwise.

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When my Chihuahua, Lola, began showing signs of anxiety, I was at my wits' end—until I discovered the transformative power of CBD. This episode brings you the heartwarming story of Joey, the founder of Lola Hemp, who turned his pet’s struggle into a thriving business that's providing relief to animals everywhere. We delve into the science behind CBD's calming effects on pets, discussing the importance of the endocannabinoid system and how it's revolutionizing the way we care for our furry family members.

Have you ever watched your pet suffer and felt powerless? Joey's personal journey with Lola Hemp started with that very feeling and led to a company dedicated to pet wellness. We cover everything from dosing intricacies to the broad health benefits these supplements offer beyond just anxiety relief, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Drawing from the collective experiences of pet owners, we bust myths and share success stories that highlight CBD's potential—providing a beacon of hope for those seeking natural alternatives for their pets' ailments.

The landscape of pet care is rapidly changing, and Joey's insights on the emerging acceptance of CBD in veterinary practice shine a light on this evolution. We wrap up this heartening discussion with a sense of appreciation for how products like Lola Hemp are not only changing the lives of pets but also touching the hearts of their owners. With a blend of personal anecdotes and expert knowledge, this episode is a testament to the love and dedication we share for our animal companions, pointing towards a future where wellness is within reach for every member of our family, four-legged or otherwise.

Please Subscribe/Follow the Cottman, Crawford & The Jersey Guy Podcast.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, Crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, kenny Cotman.

Speaker 1:

Lewis Crawford and I'm Tom Remmage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello, hello. How's everybody doing Good? How are you guys doing Eximolente? Man Good Doing great yeah, nice yeah, bro, that's awesome yes yes, yes, everybody good week. Yeah, it's over, that's what's good about? It.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know, thank God, it's Friday. Thank God, it's Friday.

Speaker 3:

So tonight, yes, sir, we have a guest on with us, joey, the founder of Lola Hemp. He's here with us and he's going to talk with us about pets, who, how he came up with the idea and what gave him the inspiration to do it and to help animals dogs, cats with certain ailments you know whether it's physical anxiety triggers like thunderstorms, traveling and things of that nature and you know he helped me out a lot when I called, I got on the phone with him directly. He helped me out with Jeter and it's been working phenomenally with him.

Speaker 3:

So, Joey, welcome to the show. Welcome yeah.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, guys. I appreciate you reaching out and you know for the opportunity.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, thank you for being on with us. I appreciate it. Yes, for sure. So, joey, you know I called you and you helped me out and we sat on the phone a little bit and you and obviously you had the same situation with your dog, lola, with the anxiety, and you said it was going to take. Give it about four weeks, you told me, and it actually started with like like in 10 days.

Speaker 1:

Right, it just started where he started to respond the right away.

Speaker 3:

So, joey, we figured we'd let you go ahead and, yeah, tell us about the company, company, how you found it, you know your inspiration and everything, and we'll let you go ahead and let the listeners hear about that yeah absolutely Well.

Speaker 4:

I man, I used to work in the music industry for years and the company I was working for went out of business and this was 2015 and a few of my buddies were in e-commerce just selling just like novelty gifts online.

Speaker 4:

But they're making a ton of money Just running Facebook ads to these Shopify stores and I jumped on a call with them and they, you know, just in a 45 minute call, they taught me a lot and I launched my first store, you know being I didn't have a job at the time, so I jumped right into e-commerce and I was basically buying things at wholesale and selling them online and I focused on the pet industry and at the time I had, I was living with my parents and we had a Chihuahua named Lola and we she was a rescue.

Speaker 4:

We got her when she was really young from a terrible situation and at the time I was just selling like novelty gifts online for dog lovers. But a few years in, I launched the company that I'm running now, which is Lola Ham, and the backstory on that was Lola. You know, she's a Chihuahua, she's a rescue and she has really intense anxiety and stress, just with everything with loud noises. You know, travel it in the car. Fire, you know, fireworks, thunderstorms, strangers, I mean, you name it, she's just really skittish Right.

Speaker 4:

Other dogs, of course still probably Other dogs, the mailman, I mean you name it right. And we tried everything when we first got her. For years we were trying I mean you name it, we tried it antipressants, sedatives, trasadone, you know, and some of these prescription medications. They worked right, but they also kind of robbed her of her personality and her energy level and she just wasn't herself on these things. She was a kind of like a zombie at best. So we kind of were always looking for something, an alternative to these pharmaceuticals right for her anxiety, something that didn't kind of take her personality away.

Speaker 4:

And I had a buddy out west in California and this was before the Farm Bill passed in 2018, which made this stuff legal on a federal level In California. At the time, you know, there were companies in the space working, just, you know, on a state level and he had mentioned to me. He's like, hey, you know, have you ever tried CBD? Right, and this was in before the Farm Bill. I had no idea what it was. You know it was very new. You know it wasn't really studied and I had no idea what it was. And he told me a little bit about it and we jumped on a call on. You know, it's a natural compound found in the cannabis plant and you know humans have used it for, you know, centuries. And now Pets are. You know, veterinarian holistic veterinarians are starting to use it on their pets. So he managed to get me like a small batch of CBD oil and we use it on Lola and I'm not kidding, within the first few doses.

Speaker 4:

She was a different dog. She completely mellowed her out. It balanced out her mood. She was still nervous during you know, these trigger events, but it took the edge off enough that it was just so manageable for her. You know she wouldn't run under the couch or run under the bed during you know thunderstorm. She could be out with us on the couch. So we took her off the pharmaceutical medication. We just had her on the CBD and it was just incredible the way she responded.

Speaker 4:

So you know being I was in the space selling stuff online. A pet lover had her. I just saw an opportunity. I was like you know this is very new. I got to introduce this to other pet owners. So at that point I teamed up with a manufacturer out West and just started making it. You know, at the time we were just white labeling it like literally taking a formula that was already made and just slapping a label on it and just started selling it, and that first batch people were buying it and just nine out of 10 people had something great to say about it. So from there we started building the company.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

That's cool. Now my question is how different is it from marijuana or THC or just a hemp that people would use?

Speaker 4:

Sure, yeah. So cannabis is the plant right and cannabis has a ton of different strains and varieties, but the two main varieties are, you know, marijuana, which is a slang term, but marijuana is basically a variety of cannabis that has high THC. There are all these compounds, natural compounds, founded cannabis, right, there's THC, there's VVD, there's CBG. There's over 100 of these compounds. So the first variety, marijuana, has high THC and very low CBD. So that's a psychoactive variety. So that's going to get you high, that's going to get a dog high. That has the psychoactive effects, right.

Speaker 4:

The other variety is hemp. Now, hemp has a low percentage of THC, very low. By law, industrial hemp has to have less than 0.3% THC. So, and a lot of CBD. It has a majority of CBD and CBD is non psychoactive. So that's not going to get you high, but it's going to give you all the medicinal benefits of the plant without the high. So we sell, we make hemp products for pets because it has the low THC but it has the high CBD. So you know it's a safe, non psychoactive alternative for pets and for humans.

Speaker 3:

Right, okay, that makes sense, right. And because they do say that that part, the psychoactive part, is really not healthy for dogs anyway to begin with. So it's it's. It's good that we, you go in that direction and it's helpful for them. But what's a question for you? I was looking at the cannabinoids so I noticed we both share the same dogs and humans share the same cannabinoids you were mentioning on your site.

Speaker 1:

I was reading or was the receptors right, Right so?

Speaker 3:

can you kind of go into that a little bit and explain how that, how that works and how that helps the animal?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, full disclosure. It's a little out of my wheelhouse. I mean, I'm the founder of the company, so I do know a lot about the science of how this stuff works. But all humans and animals have these endocannabinoid receptors in their bodies, right, it's called this we all have.

Speaker 4:

All mammals have the system in their bodies called the endocannabinoid system, and what that is is. It's a, it's a network of neurotransmitters, receptors, enzymes, proteins, and the system plays a role in our bodies and in dogs bodies. It plays a role in a number of functions, to name a few. You know this system has a role in pain, in mood, in skin health, in immune system, right, and these receptors found naturally in our bodies, the cannabinoids which are found in the hemp plant, basically interact with this system in our bodies to provide a number of benefits. So it can either upregulate or downregulate this system.

Speaker 4:

So, for example, if you have, if you have pain in your body, the cannabinoids found in hemp can interact with the system to help you know, relieve pain. If you have anxiety, the cannabinoids can interact with the system to help you know lower anxiety and regulate your mood. So it's a really complex system found in all mammals and it's really in its. You know, the science behind this is kind of in its infancy. We're still learning a lot about it. But I encourage all you guys to check out the ECS because the endocannabinoid system it's an incredible thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, we have like a million questions and we're saying who's going to ask the next one? So does it matter how much you give your pet? By size or by weight? Probably by weight and by a breed of dog and such like. You know what I mean. Is that a? Thing?

Speaker 3:

or I would think yeah, I'm going to guess this most of the probably by the body weight right In the size of the dog Joey.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, typically we work off body weight, right. So we'll say typically two to three drops per 10 pounds. Right, so that's a starting dose and you increase as necessary. But the thing you got to be careful with is every animal, even every human, has a unique kind of dosing sweet spot, right. So kind of like when you, you know, you hit a joint with, you know, with the buddy of yours, you know somebody can grip the whole joint themselves and you know some people could just rip it once and they'll be toast right. Right, so we have the same dose for this stuff. So you know, we have small dogs that take as much as you know. We have small to Wallace and take as much as you know Pipples. Right, it depends on the dog. You usually start small with this stuff and you kind of slowly increase. But yeah, it's typically based off weight.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so question Go ahead, tom.

Speaker 1:

Now, I guess, like in the situation like you said, you had a Chihuahua that takes the same as Pipple. Is it because, like, maybe certain breeds are more you know, tend to have more anxiety or more aggression? Like I know Chihuahuas, you know they're small dogs, but generally they're, you know they're pretty aggressive dogs.

Speaker 4:

They can be.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, we found that different use cases require different dosages. So like, for instance, we found you know this is all anecdotal research to we haven't done any actual studies but we found that things, things like anxiety and stress, require slightly higher doses than, say, dog senior dogs using it for, you know, discomfort or things like osteoarthritis, those things can. Dogs can respond to a very low dose. But typically with the mood based issues you know intense phobias you tend to kind of give them a macro dose, a little bit of a higher dose. Yeah, so you know these breeds play into it for sure.

Speaker 4:

So, like a Chihuahua you know being a naturally super high, you know very anxious dog may require more, but then it just depends on the particular dog. Like dogs that use it for a prolonged period of time, they can build a tolerance to it, so they may need more. If a dog is taking a prescription medication like, say, an anti-inflammatory or an anti-anxiety or something like that, you also want to be careful because when you start mixing this stuff with other drugs then you know side effects can happen. They are minimal, but you know you have to be careful with that stuff. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Right yeah, so that was my next question I was going to ask you is that something you should look out for if your dog is on other medication, is that something you should talk to your vet to before giving it to your dog?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, always consult with your veterinarian. You know they know your pet best, so you know they're going to have a better understanding of kind of the pharmacology and you know what medications your pet is taking. Is it safe? But 100% run-of-fire vet. Unfortunately a lot of vets are still a little uneducated in the space and the reason is is because it's still a lot of the state veterinary boards are still opposed to using this stuff. So a lot of vets can prescribe it. They can't talk about it, they can't recommend it. So a lot of vets are kind of in, you know, they're just not. They hadn't been able to really study it so much, so they're a little in the unknown. But if you find the right veterinarian, you know holistic veterinarians have a lot of experience with this stuff.

Speaker 4:

If you're in a, you know states like California, illinois, nevada, if you find the right vet, they're going to know exactly how to go about integrating this into your pet's regimen.

Speaker 3:

Oh cool, that's really good. Yeah, that's really interesting. Yeah, and I guess, because it is so new, they're learning about it now too as well, right, I mean it's just, it's a matter of time when it just starts to catch up and it becomes, you know, more frequent and people are more used to you know. Hey, you know I can do this rather than put my dog on an antidepressant or anything like that.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. Yeah, there's a. There's limited studies on this stuff. Right, there's a. There's a study out in Colorado done at Colorado State by this renowned veterinarian named Stephanie McGrath and she she did a study with epileptic dogs. It was a small trial where they used CBD for dogs that are having seizures and the results were actually very strong. I think the vast majority of dogs in that study saw a reduction in the severity and the frequency of their seizures. There was another study done at Cornell that looked at CBD for use in osteoarthritic dogs. Those results were incredible. And I think there was another study at Leaves I forget if it was in the US or internationally, but for dogs with anxiety, and again the results were very promising.

Speaker 4:

Beyond that, it is mostly anecdotal research that we're finding Owners telling us it's helping their dogs. There is just. It is plentiful when it comes to the amount of reviews and the amount of success stories. People reaching out to me on a daily basis telling me their dogs are responding so well to this. There's such a broad application for this stuff. It's not just owners using it for their senior dogs or their stress pets, but all sorts of issues.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, that's so. For me it sounds exactly going through all the trials and tribulations that we had to go through with humans, all the test subjects, if you're going to call them that, when they have people that have seizures, or the kids I mean what talking 10, 15 years ago and they were doing documentaries on people, families taking their kids that were epileptic and just trying to find the right balance, the right dosage, that the kids wouldn't have seizures anymore or just cut the seizures down in half. This is pretty groovy because again, so everybody that listens they know I'm not like the super pet person but I hate to see anything or anybody, even pets. I love animals.

Speaker 2:

I just allergic to everything but to see them in pain, to see them, just all kind of uncomfortable, you know what.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

So I appreciate that you, as a company, doing this to help.

Speaker 3:

And a panodont, because obviously I'm sure I'm going to identify in this sense, because when I look at Jeter, it's hard for a dog to tell you what's going on right An animal. And when you see them suffering like that, it's like it's just so heartbreaking.

Speaker 2:

And then when?

Speaker 3:

you're able to find something that actually works versus the other stuff that you tried. You know that either makes them depressed, lethargic, you know, not moving around or anything, and this is still. Hey, my dog's still the same, but he's down a little level and he's more interactive with the other dogs.

Speaker 1:

And you see you know, so yeah, no that's great.

Speaker 2:

So now, all right. So I have another question. You got to go for it. So now, is there a different dosage or a time to give the pets a dose when, let's say like, say, if it's thunderstorms, if they're just anxious from fireworks, like, do you only give it around that time, or is this something that you give it to them steady, you know, like every day? Give it to them this way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like a regular daily medication.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a regular daily medication Right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you could do both. I mean, we've seen dogs take the oil in our calming shoes on kind of an event-based manner, right, like an hour before a you know a thunderstorm, or you know the morning before July 4th, right, okay, and some dogs do really well with that. Typically we want owners to give a macro dose, so pretty high dose, so really juice their dogs up on this stuff, right. But typically we'll recommend a just a twice daily usage of the product. That's going to do better. It's in their system, it's in their blood. There You've kind of found their optimal dose so you can use it at that base.

Speaker 4:

But typically we want it to be used daily because it's going to do better, but also because, beyond just these specific use cases like you know, a firework show or a thunderstorm it's a great daily dietary supplement for dogs. It is, you know, it has anti-inflammatory properties, it has antioxidant properties, it can help boost the immune system, improve skin health, like. There are so many great benefits of the product. So, regardless of there's something acute going on, you want to be using it daily, just for all the great benefits.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, that works. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, so right now I have Gedaron, a quarter of the dropper on it, right? So, joe, it's okay if I feel like if one night he's a little bit more even though I gave it to him and he seemed a little more anxious than usual it's okay for me to say you know, I'm going to give him a little bit more. Obviously, I wouldn't go the whole dropper, but I would just go a little bit more than what I normally do, and that would probably be okay and kind of just feel it out that way until you see where he's. You know how it works for the dog.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you try it out, see how it does. Maybe it mellows him out some more. The only time you got to be a little cautious is again if he's using some other prescription medications. This stuff on its own is really safe, the dog. Could you know. They can add the whole bottle of this stuff and the worst, they'll get us in diarrhea, you know, or some other stuff. Right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like you know, if you don't see it, yeah, exactly yeah they may have the munchies, but they're not going to have to.

Speaker 2:

That's great, that is great, of course that is great. Now, how much of a difference do you see in I guess we'll say the reaction, I don't know what to say, the reaction, but just between cats and dogs. So do you see, cats maybe need a little bit more, you know, but they're so calm, you know it's hard to even say you know a cat that's anxious. I don't think I've ever heard of a cat that's really anxious, but like you know just the micro doses that you're saying. Does it differ between cats and dogs?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean right now mostly cats and dogs are using it. We've seen dogs respond typically better across the board. Cats are a little tricky Cats for some reason, and this is again just from kind of our, from the owners that have used our product on their pets but we found dogs tend to respond a lot better. Like I'm not kidding you guys, you know, for senior dogs we're looking like eight, nine out of 10 dogs respond well. You know it doesn't work for every dog, yeah Right, just, and that goes for every supplement or medication you name it right. But the vast majority of senior dogs who spend respond incredibly well to this. It's a little less for some reason. We don't know if it's, you know, the ECS founded cats or their metabolism or there are something about their physiology or what, but they don't respond as well. But we certainly have cats using the product and doing really well on it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, that works.

Speaker 1:

That makes sense. You know what the thing is, though, for me, like, I find cats sometimes are just hard to read, right? Yeah, you know, like, because they don't. They don't have like the facial expressions like dogs have?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Right, they don't have the facial expressions.

Speaker 3:

They don't you know? They just don't have the same, like you can see a puppy or dog.

Speaker 2:

You know they have that lamppo.

Speaker 3:

They hurt and cats are mostly independent too, right.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

So a lot of the times you may not even see the cat most of the time, or you know. But yeah, I get what you're saying, so it might be harder to read, I would think.

Speaker 1:

I have a question though so like what, so like in terms of, like you know, like CBD and all that, like what does full spectrum actually mean?

Speaker 4:

Sure, yeah. So the when you take the cannabis plant and you extract the, you know the oil from the plant, right? You're, there are all these compounds found in the plant and that's called like the spectrum of compounds, right? So when you make a hemp oil and you go through this extraction process and formulation process, You're taking out the compounds. Now, a lot of times what companies do is they're so. For example, the first type of hemp oil is called what they call like a CBD isolate oil. What they do is they, when they make the oil, they're going to isolate just the CBD compound.

Speaker 4:

Now, the CBD compound typically is found in the highest percentage in hemp. It's also the most studied, it's the most well-known compound. It's not the only compound, but a lot of companies focus just on the CBD portion of it. So they'll filter out the rest of the plant and what you're left with is just kind of like a CBD oil, like an isolated CBD oil. These are not nearly as effective as the other types of categories, which are broad spectrum and full spectrum. Broad spectrum has a little bit more of these compounds, so it's going to have CBD, maybe it has CBD CBC, but they filter out the THC compound. So it's a little bit more robust of a combination of or spectrum of compounds, but again it's still very processed. It's really it's usually like a distillate, it's really broken down and it's you know. These are more effective because you have a little bit more of the of all the compounds, but again, they filter out THC. You want a little bit of THC in there because, although THC can be harmful to pets at high doses, in low doses it's actually very effective because it can it can activate the CBD molecule.

Speaker 4:

There's this. There's this kind of phenomenon called the entourage effect, which basically says that all of these compounds work better when they're working together. In other words, you want to filter out all this good stuff. It's kind of like taking a vitamin C supplement versus drinking an orange juice. Right, Like, an orange juice is just going to have a lot more of the original material. And the same goes for when you're making a hemp oil. It's like a full spectrum product. Is is the best form that we found is because you're you're retaining all of the parts of the plant. You got CBD, you got a little bit of THC. You got CBC. You got terpenes, which are another types of compounds. You got flavonoids, you got all of the plant matter and material and it's all working together.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, you want to close. That makes so much sense because you know, the thing is is like when, when these plants were originally like, when people started using them for whatever purpose, like they weren't filtering out the CBD oils, that were using the whole plant, and then someone discovered the CBD was good and they're like, oh, let's just take the CBD. And not realizing that, like, like you said, you get that entourage effect and everything. So it makes sense to have a full spectrum.

Speaker 3:

They all work with one another. Yeah, to get it to work properly. Yeah, exactly, makes total sense. Total sense, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we get so how bent on being so scientific and we're like we're just going to have the CBD because that's the ingredient, not realizing like whoa, wait a second, you know when, when, when people were like first using this, they weren't extracting you know, any you know think from yeah, right, yeah, thanks, yeah, literally the first few oils out there and actually before.

Speaker 4:

This stuff is actually like commercialized and manufactured like. Back in the day it was probably like really dark sticky oil.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know, and now it's really refined, it's lighter. Even our oil is pretty light. It's like the light amber color, even a clear color sometimes. But absolutely, when you start to over manufacture the stuff, it just loses all the properties and what you're left with is eventually it's. You know, you have these big companies just making you know these isolated extracts and stuff which maybe they can be effective. But from what we've found, you know, we've had owners come to us using all sorts of isolated oils and broad spectrum oils and they come to Lola hemp and they try their first true small batch full spectrum oil and it's like night and day Makes total sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Question for you is this like your full time job now, doing this, or is this just something that you know you're balancing at the same time? But just out of curiosity, I was just thinking, because now that you founded this company and you're doing this, is there something that you're doing full time with this oil and everything now, or is that just? You know you're balancing both?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no full time. I've been full time since 2018, since I was born. That's awesome. Yeah, it's been up and down, but we have I have three full time people in myself, so it was not like that. I actually just started hiring last year, but it was for a while. It's just me doing everything like literally doing product development, customer service. I built the website, I run the ads. I, you know, do everything administrative stuff, and the last year I've gotten to a point where now I got three full time people. You know we're not killing it.

Speaker 4:

You know we're not in Whole Foods or you know doing crazy balling, we're on Amazon, but we're a. I mean I live the dream. You know I got a nice little small business that you know is helping animals, you know is fulfilling as a real cause and you know funds my life, my lifestyle. It's great. So, yeah, full time.

Speaker 3:

How many dogs do you have, joey? Just out of curiosity, you had just the one.

Speaker 4:

You had just Lola, yeah, just Lola. Yeah. I live in a city in a small apartment with my wife, so you know we're taking care of family, friends, dogs, but we haven't got around to getting a dog. It's just tight, you know, yeah, an apartment is a little hard when you have a dog.

Speaker 3:

But, now you have a little dog, so you're all right.

Speaker 4:

You know, when you got the little dog, it's good, Exactly, Eventually, when we move out of the city. At that point, that's when I grew up with a lab my whole life, a YOLLA lab, Roxy, what's their name. And, by the way, I said, when I get some land, you know, when I get out of the city I get at least a yard. That's when I'm going to get a big dog and you know we'll get a few at some point.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, they're great to have, they're great to have three-minute chichnauzers, and you know they're loud, you know you're walking in the house, you're going to hear them. So you know, I actually gave them two of the other puppies I have Jeter, I have Patriot and Liberty. Liberty and Patriot are brother and sister. I got them from. We picked them up in Tennessee when we got them, so last night they were. I gave them half of one of the chews that you sent me and then all of a sudden they just start.

Speaker 3:

Now I'm not saying this would happen with the product, but all of a sudden they're running around. They're just like how much should you give them? Like my wife is barking out. I was like, no, no, I think they just because they were outside playing and they just brought it in, right, and I just, you know, gave them a treat. I said, you know what, let me give it. I already gave Jeter the oil, right, so let me give them half. You know it's not going to hurt them, it's CBD. The most it's going to do is just going to help them relax. Or you know, whatever's going on, if there's something that I don't know, that's going on with them. So, but oh yeah, they were running around the house like crazy.

Speaker 1:

That is hilarious.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome. That is great. Yeah, no, you know, I was really happy when I spoke to you because for me, like I said, it's hard. You go to the vet and the first thing they want to do is they want to put them on a medication, and you know how you feel when you go on certain medications.

Speaker 3:

You know the dog is going to and it's like I don't want to do that. I want to make them into a zombie. I don't want to just lay on the couch and then just you know what kind of life is that. You know you want them to be comfortable, you know. So I know about have an inflammation. You know I'm getting older now and I have to take certain supplements for myself, so I don't have so much because it's painful you know and you can imagine what it is for the dogs.

Speaker 3:

You know as far as the physical part too, and I was reading also you can use the same oil, joey, for topical use as well, like if they haven't any issue that way.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we have a bomb that's specialized for that. You can technically use. You know the, the tincture oil, but you're gonna want to use a topical bomb for for skin. You know skin issues, dermatitis and dry skin and all that dry skin yeah, it's a mid-jink scratching dry spots. You know hot spots, things like that.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome dude, I'm like, I'm like thinking they're only, like you said, like eating a Treat, like a edible, or only taking the oil and whatnot. So then, with that is does, is it like a soap, or is it just like a oil to rub it on them like?

Speaker 4:

a cream, right? Yeah, it's like a cream, like a sal sal they call it, oh yeah like a kind of hard. You got to kind of rub it to loosen up and you just rub it up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had.

Speaker 4:

Okay, but see to your point, lewis, about the you know veterinarians. You know I got to be a little careful with the way I talk about this stuff and you know, by the way, right, okay, I understood. You know the product is, is um. You know it's product isn't a value, hasn't been evaluated by the FDA and it's not. None of this information is a substitute for veterinary advice. You know this stuff is not intended to To treat or mitigate or cure, preventing disease. But, with all that being said, the some of these veterinarians, unfortunately, you know, although I believe most veterinarians have animal best-interested heart, you know a lot of them are, you know.

Speaker 4:

By the book you know, kind of you know on a leash with big pharma right.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, yeah, a lot of these medications.

Speaker 4:

You know, although they can help, they also come with their share of side effects. You know you give them one medication and it creates another issue. And you know big pharma is a big, powerful. You know money-making business. But it's a little sad. We've been through the ringer for years like I can't even begin to express the the headwinds that we've had to Face being in a quote-unquote restricted industry. I mean I lost my ability to take credit cards for a whole year, really in 2019, because banks thought I was selling marijuana. This stuff is federally illegal. I wasn't able to advertise on Facebook or Google up until a few months ago. I had to literally Promote the product very vaguely. I couldn't mention CVD. I could. I couldn't say was a ingestible hemp product.

Speaker 1:

You can't, you can't write like right, like Lola hemp.

Speaker 4:

It's not marijuana In every single picture yeah, yeah, I mean, we can't get several trademarks. You know, I can't even protect myself From other people using my brand, I mean, and the list goes on and on and on. And for what I mean? Dogs are responding incredibly well to this stuff. You know, I could go on my site, read the reviews, look at the stories, play the videos. Right, this stuff is. This is not a placebo. Dogs are not making this shit up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, right, no hey this is they can't talk. They're. You know. It's obvious this stuff is helping in some way. So why don't we approve this Across the board? Why don't we get more studies funded? Why don't we get more veterinarians on board and why don't we help animals? You know, it's just, it's, it's a no-brainer.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I totally agree with you. I totally make sense, you know, and it's the same with with us as people, when you go to your doctor, right? What do they first tell you? You know, oh, your cholesterol is a little high. What?

Speaker 2:

are they doing to?

Speaker 3:

push this right and then, oh, they try to push another medication that's going on yeah they fought. And it's the same process, whether it's an animal, people we deal with when we go to the doctors, you know, and you guys thought, oh, did you get your flu shot? No, I'm not getting it, you know, kind of like you know, because they want you to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah they push it on you. So, well, you know, hopefully this is gonna I see this Really working out well for you me so far. I mean, you did have a video. You wanted the testimonials you had on there. You were talking on I think it was on Instagram or Facebook and you were saying One of the people said, oh, this is weed for dogs. You were like this is not weed for dogs?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you were saying, and then you explain, and then you explain the whole thing and you know, you're like okay, you know you know it's funny, I could say I could now.

Speaker 1:

Now, knowing what you told me I could buy, I could picture when someone says you like, oh, my god, please don't, I'm not gonna get, I'll be able to advertise for another year. I correct them right away. That's not weed for dogs, right right right, that is great now.

Speaker 2:

So then, because you were speaking about marketing and stuff like that, do you go to the big chain pet stores and did you try to pitch it to them, or that?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they're tough. For years they didn't carry like the pets marks. That goes the world didn't carry Any hemp CBD products. I think now some are starting to carry it. But that's a tough game. That's like a whole. Another strategy is going brick and mortar retail right, because with these big box retailers it's all about price. You know they want the. They want the product that they could make the biggest profit margin on. So they're buying the CBD isolate junk oils because those are ones that they could buy for cheap and they can sell for. You know, for more money they're not gonna buy a. It's gonna be tough for me to get my small batch oil in a spot like that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, yeah, cuz it's scaling eventually eventually, you know when we yeah, no, yeah Well, I mean you know what?

Speaker 2:

I think it's just a matter of when Everybody starts to realize, you know, that this works on pets too. You know, I mean, think about it. They were just starting to get through to them about human consumption. You know, I mean, right that they start to find all these things. So it's gonna just, you know, maybe not as long, but it's just gonna be the same difference for you know, for our pets, if you think about it. I can remember Maybe 20 years ago I didn't see as many people that cared about their pets. I guess we'll say the same way. I mean, it sounds I didn't mean, I don't want to say that they didn't care about their pets, but that wasn't a thought. That's more what.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, you know, I mean like yeah, I didn't think about it.

Speaker 2:

You know like I mean. So mean, I said I don't know pets like that, but I know that most German shepherds have like hip problems a lot of big dogs, right? Okay, so I think it's called a hip dysplasia, Okay so now, instead of just giving them Tylenol and excedrin's kind of thing, that?

Speaker 2:

now Ask the pain right right just to match the pain, that now you've come with something that it's going to be able to help them live better, you know, and they said that's awesome and I think it's just, you know, a little bit of time, but I'm glad that we're able to promote this for you know, on our end.

Speaker 3:

So I know, yeah, no this is yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah, no problem, Joe, we're not like I said. You know I it took me a little while to pull the trigger. Yeah, what I? Because you know. You see, like Joey mentioned, you know they have some of the stores who have some of the stuff, but it's just not really good or whatever it might be. And, and you know, you see so much Advertise on social media, right, you're like I don't know should I call, I don't know, if I should buy this.

Speaker 3:

I don't, you know, you know, because you don't want to hurt your dog. You look as you don't know, and then I said you know what I'm just gonna call him. And then yeah.

Speaker 3:

I left a message. Joey called me back and we kind of had the same situation because this dog had the anxiety as well too. So when I sent you the pictures, Joey, I sent you the one with him on the table that one would be him having anxiety, Just so you know. He was like. You know, we'll turn around and go. What are you doing?

Speaker 4:

He's like walking around the table.

Speaker 3:

You know, I mean it's funny.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, that is a funny shit. Yeah, they see the puppy doing that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he just does on there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you just climb the mountain, yeah. The funny thing is that.

Speaker 3:

And he can't get down, joe. So you know, because the table slippery. So now he knew how to get up, but he can't get down, so I have to go and pick him up, put him down. Yeah, so, yeah, it's the funniest thing. So, and how long have you had her now, lola?

Speaker 4:

Lola, she is 11. Wow, God bless. Yeah, she's going strong, she's in good shape, no health issues. And yeah, she takes her oil every day. And yeah, knock on wood, she's going strong. I mean Chihuahua's fit man. Some of these Chihuahuas live forever. They do live long she may outlet me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, see, and that's awesome because it's you a Chihuahua and, like you said, like Tom was questioning, they're usually a bit high strung, so to say that, yeah, this is working on your puppy there, that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's little person syndrome in a dog. It's kind of what happens with the Chihuahuas, yeah, but they are dogs and it's also the owner too. Oh, definitely, who helps with that? If you're good with your dog and you train them and you take care of them and love them, of course they're going to respond to that.

Speaker 3:

And some dogs are just super high in anxiety, like Jida. You guys see it when you come. But, joey, how does your wife get involved with this? Does she help you out with marketing and everything like that, or are you just the sole guy doing all the work and hanging out?

Speaker 4:

Or is it? Do you have your family?

Speaker 3:

involved as well.

Speaker 4:

She's super helpful. I mean she has a full-time job herself. She's a technical recruiter, but she does help out with all sorts of stuff. Marketing she's got a ton of great marketing ideas, administrative stuff, customer service, I mean you name it. She helps out Kind of like a consultant.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, that is awesome, that's great. Yeah. Well, I tell you what, man, I can't wait till you get to where everybody is a true believer and not always questioning. You know what I'm saying, and yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think it's going to just take time. It's a matter of time. I mean, you see it happening and of course, you see all the products on social media as well. Everybody's doing it now. And when I saw this, someone just stuck on me and I was like I want to get it, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

And then I was just like, let me just call and talk to him and everything, and that was great. I mean, even I see work on G. Oh yeah, you can see it. Yeah, that's the difference.

Speaker 3:

Joey, no kidding, he would be anti-social. Just lay around, not want to be near the other dogs, just leave me alone, rolled up into like a little ball and just in a corner or the couch or something. Now he's sitting with them and playing with them and everything. And I'm like honey, do you see what I'm seeing? Because this is not the same dog. What's going on here? And I'm like, oh, it's coincidence, it's only a week, we've got to wait, we've got to give it a little while. And then we were like OK, this stuff is good.

Speaker 3:

It's for real man. It's awesome.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man, it's relaxing, it's working. I mean, listen, I'm happy to hear that Jesus has been responding well Again. Not every dog responds well, so it's great to hear. But if you have a choice between something like this and a tracidone or a Prozac, Absolutely yeah, it's no brainer for me, For me it's definitely no brainer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is where it's at. This is again that it's safe. You know what I mean. That's A number one, and I can't wait to more people, More people, more vets. Get on it.

Speaker 3:

Right, I'm talking about people. I saw that on your site that you're starting to have something for people as well now with the CBD oil as well.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we don't want to. We're building a pet company, Right. But we've had a lot of companies or a lot of customers ask I've seen what it has done for my dog. You have human products. So about a year or two ago we started launching or we had a human oil made. It's the same oil as the pet, it's just a little more concentrated.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

So I'd be careful giving it to a dog, especially a small dog, because it is strong. But yeah, we have a human hemp oil. We have a human bomb. That will probably be the extent of human products that we launch, but it's nice to have when someone asks, being a small business, hey, do you carry human products? Yeah, of course we do. We got a human oil, human bomb. It's good to help people out of their need as well.

Speaker 2:

Very, very good. So you, just once I go ahead and look at it, I'll say it's better now doing it the way you're doing it, because so many other companies, other people, what have you? They concentrate on the humans first, so you guys are able to concentrate on the pets first, that then, yeah, the humans could be second. There you got like 150, what do you call it? Now it's time for somebody to look out for the pets, for the animals.

Speaker 3:

yeah, and what you said earlier, kenny, too, about how pet care was so much different, not only to help the dogs with vet care or medication, but it was also with the food too. A lot of the foods are changing now. There's vegan food. You got the fresh food. Now you can get your water, so it's more. It's not so processed or baked and they don't lose a lot of stuff. So you're seeing that now too. That's also what evolved as well.

Speaker 1:

Of course, you gotta be careful because you don't know, so that's a good direction and it's nice to see that, and people love their animals.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I know I'm crazy, but I'm sure you're the same way. I'm sure your wife probably makes fun of you when you're sitting with the dog and like really Really. Because I know I get that way with mine, so I.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, who's speaking from experience? Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

I love my animals and it makes my heart when I can't figure out what's going on with them, and it's good to know that at least there's something, there's an option. Right, yeah, yeah and thanks to Joey and his product. I think that's a good direction and a good option for people to go to, yeah, appreciate that guys.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3:

So, with that being said, Joey, thank you so much for being on with us. We appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Appreciate. It was a good show, yeah, awesome.

Speaker 2:

Super, super, Like I mean, I appreciate you guys, you and Lou talking, Joey, you and Lou, you don't have a pet right. No, no, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So Tom and I, we're just like yeah, we here and we see what Lou goes through with some of our other friends and just the idea of taking care of their animals and that this is happening is pretty groovy. I can't believe how much I've learned and just doing this podcast. Yeah, you know everything from mental health to now taking care of our pets and making sure and I always say love, peace and haggles because I want everybody to have love and be happy and all the time.

Speaker 1:

And be healthy, yeah, and be healthy.

Speaker 2:

So, joey, I appreciate you and Lola hemp, and this is awesome. This is great. I can't wait to it's mainstream I guess we'll call it where you're able to get into every store, brick and mortar, mom and pop, whatever that is just you know, that is just there.

Speaker 3:

Well, when, joey, when you get to that point and we don't want to put any, you know, any kind of cannery on it. That's a Yiddish word, you know any bad luck on it. But you know I see it, good things for you in the future and hopefully when you get to that point we could have you on again yeah. And we can you know and talk about how well things are going for you with that?

Speaker 4:

And the honest yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I'll come back now whenever.

Speaker 3:

Appreciate it, man.

Speaker 4:

Thanks for the kind words and you know, for believing in what we're doing and for the opportunity. I appreciate you guys. Just keep sharing the word you know, let people know about the product. And yeah, if you guys need anything, let me know. Happy to send you guys product. You know you got a pet that needs it, just you know, let Lewis know I'd be happy to send out some stuff.

Speaker 3:

So thank you, Joe.

Speaker 2:

Awesome brother, awesome. I said don't hang up, Give us two seconds. And to everybody else and all our listeners, I appreciate you guys. Love peace and hair grease. Live long and prosper and go vegan.

Speaker 1:

Hola Was one of those. What I would tell them that in Vegas.

CBD for Pets
Endocannabinoid System and Dosage for Pets
CBD for Pets
CBD for Dogs, Market Challenges
CBD Oil for Pets and Humans
Appreciation and Support for Lola Hemp