Cottman,Crawford and the Jersey guy.

Conquering Post-Holiday Blues to Navigating Multiverses: Self-Care, Superheroes, and T-Shirt Ventures with the Nerdy Crew

Keny, Louis, Tom Season 3 Episode 2

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As the last of the holiday decorations are stashed away, we're left to confront the not-so-merry aftermath of seasonal stress and family feuds we'd rather forget. That's why we're kicking off this episode with a heartfelt chat about surviving the holidays and why it's crucial to prioritize our mental health as the festive glow dims. I even spill the beans on my own triple-threat sickness saga, because nothing says 'Happy Holidays' like a bout of pink eye, a sinus infection, and a side of COVID. We then pivot to the importance of holding space for emotions and the strategies to keep our mental wellbeing in check, a conversation that's both personal and universally relevant as we face a new year.

The nerd in each of us rejoices as we navigate the labyrinth of the Marvel and DC multiverses, offering up conjectures on the future of our beloved characters. Will Doctor Strange continue to be the custodian of our reality-blending adventures? What's next for the Spider-Verse? And let's not forget the powerhouse entrance of The Rock as Black Adam—will he shake the DC universe to its core? No stone is left unturned as we dissect these comic book worlds with the passion only true fans understand. But it's not all capes and chaos; we also pay homage to the legendary wars among the stars and the hopeful voyages of Star Trek, celebrating how animation has given us even more ways to explore these rich universes.

Closing out the episode, our trip down memory lane lands us back in the golden age of comics and video games, where every holographic card held the promise of another epic tale. We share laughs and lamentations over lost collectibles and the storylines that shaped our younger selves. Finally, we pull back the curtain on our latest creative venture into T-shirt production, where the designs are not just threads but stories we wear. It's a candid peek into the process, from the drawing board to the marketplace, and a thank you to all of you who have joined us on this eclectic journey of superheroes, space odysseys, and now, fashion statements.

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Speaker 1:

Cotman, crawford and the Jersey Guy podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, Kenny.

Speaker 1:

Cotman, lewis Crawford and I'm Tom Remmage, the Jersey Guy.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello my people. What's happening, everybody what's going on what's going on? Everybody good yeah doing great, yes, listeners, followers, all that other good stuff.

Speaker 3:

I hope everybody had a really good holiday.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, yep, everybody's good, everybody's chilling. You know, just enjoyed the holidays. Yeah, Everybody relaxed and chilled, enjoyed the family. Well, the ones that you liked, anyway, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got family.

Speaker 2:

We don't like it like that. I'm hoping I don't go.

Speaker 1:

That was that one uncle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.

Speaker 2:

Don't give them no more alcohol, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Right Get out of control Right.

Speaker 2:

I was there. Can I have another one? Exactly?

Speaker 3:

One of those, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I hope everybody stayed mentally and physically okay. You know, I'm sure it's not a big deal. I had COVID sinus infection and pink eye through Christmas and New Year's. Yeah, I should do it Jesus Christ.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, bro, I was foobar bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was like shut up my bitch, yeah, but it was all good, because then, you know, people had to think about a house and nothing like that. Well, nobody came over for Christmas. You know, I was just like kind of getting over just for Christmas. Yeah, I was still feeling funky, but I was laid up for two and a half weeks. Yeah, you were you were hurting, man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was, but you know what I said, so physically everybody, I hope everybody stayed good, you know mentally.

Speaker 3:

How are you mentally?

Speaker 2:

Well, it depends on what you're asking.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm good mentally, brother.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

During the whole show. Oh, I was actually pretty good in all honesty, Like you know, for the holidays or whatever. I was in a good place, I know you were feeling like crap. Yeah, yeah, because it was just physical crap Right.

Speaker 3:

You know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean I wasn't mentally, I was actually pretty spiffy, I really really was. It's a. You know, even now saying it, I'm like, oh shit, okay cool, there was no real worry at it, and bug out about little stupid shit. Right, you just rested. Yeah, just rested, you know, and I said Christmas came around, you know, just the holiday, and I got to see my kids because I was, I was negative on Christmas day, you know like that. For that I was like it's Sunday, christmas ended on Sunday, so that I was good, you know, saturday and so right, no, christmas was actually Monday.

Speaker 3:

Monday, I'm sorry, I said I was good.

Speaker 2:

So Saturday was like the last, and then Sunday I was like all right, cool, I can get up and I can move and do whatever. And then you know, so I was negative on Monday for Christmas, so which was cool.

Speaker 1:

That's good.

Speaker 2:

So yeah. So I said I had three of the four that were over by the house so we were good to go and hanging out. So I said mentally I was pretty good and God how about you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no good, just relax.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Just took advantage of the time and being able to stay home and not have to go anywhere, or do anything you know, and just relax.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Advantage of the time off.

Speaker 2:

Good, good, good, good, good, Absolutely. And you, sir.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, we we have our. You know we got to like do with the whole family thing, so like for like Christmas Eve we had a Towers family come over. We'd do like breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Oh cool.

Speaker 1:

And then at night I had some friends over. You know Suzanne came on the show, you know a couple of their friends came over and we did like a Christmas Eve, like dinner, nice, and then Christmas day, you know, chase with all the presents and stuff, and then we just you know, my stuff, my sorry, my father-in-law comes over for dinner and then, you know, niggers, we go by my parents' house down Delaware, nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, excellent, that's cool. That's cool. So we do all that stuff. It's good. Yeah, I'm glad the snow held the woods after the holidays.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, you know this way, everybody's been traveling. It would have been nice if it was on Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Well, the light, snow, yeah, and the tree a little bit, yeah, but you know we live in New York and it just carried away sometimes Like, oh, just a little bit of snow be great. All of a sudden, brow, we got a blizzard and shit Blasted. Yeah, like no, but yeah. So you know, I just wanted to say to, you know, just add on to. You know, I hope everybody stays mentally healthy. You know, don't sweat the small stuff. You know things will get better. Holidays are done. You can't be stressing over the holidays. You know I just really I can't say it enough because you know I said last year we did our Christmas.

Speaker 2:

During the holidays we did a mental health episode and that just kind of stuck to me. You know that people do go through whatever mental stuff they think too much about, whatever. You know they get depressed and stuff. You know you feel like you can't get everybody the gifts that you want to get them and whatnot. You know what Tough time for a lot of people. Yeah, and you know just everybody, just keep your head right. You know, just stay strong. You know, talk to people. You know, share whatever emotions you might be having, any thoughts, you know, I know for me in the past, you know I was worried about getting gifts or just being able to see the whole family or just being with whatever friends. You know, just face it out better, you know, just just so you're not stressed out about oh, I got to run over here, I got to go do this, I got to get that, I got to take this, take a breath, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's so sad too, that like consumerism is like so in control, that it causes people to become like really super stressed super stressed and depressed over like buying gifts because like consumerism has like taken over, you know with you know with Christmas you know Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. People don't need to, we don't need to, we need to be in a lot.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, it's the thought that I know people say in brick, and as we get older too, I think we realize that more than you know when you're a kid.

Speaker 2:

But even when I was a kid, I don't remember getting blasted with that, right yeah, but because you appreciated what you got Right, you know what I mean and you know the whole thing. Always when being a kid and you know, no matter what holiday you celebrated through that time of the year, you know it was. You appreciated because you got, you know, say like you got that one gift that you really wanted, right, you know, and everything else was just a little stuff that you might get to close the underwear or whatever you know, and you got that one toy that I wanted.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we appreciated it now because you know, we've also said when I grow up, I'm going to give my kids everything that they want. So we always try to. You know, just do that a little bit more. You know we I don't know if I said that though, no, no, you didn't say that this time, you said it last time. But you know it's like we it's just appreciate what you have, appreciate the family that's there with you. You know what I'm saying Enjoy who's there with you, friends, family, whatever. Yeah, you know, and just they said keep your head right, always, always. Just, you know, look to the future to be better, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but for some times it's not as easy for some people to do that. No, true, but?

Speaker 2:

then go get the help. Right, you know, because now there's so many. Go and get the help. You know whether it's a friend, a family member. What was the hotline?

Speaker 3:

Oh, oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and you know just, no, it wasn't easy, I don't think it was that, but you know just go and get the help.

Speaker 2:

Talk to somebody. You know, there's always something 988. 988, sorry, it was the other way. I was sorry so 988, call 988. You know, now they have the therapists online. They have therapists phone calls yeah, you know, hell, yeah. So you guys turn around and message us and we catch it. You know I'm sure I don't think anybody here at this table would disagree Don't be able to point somebody in the right direction, you know to if we can't help you with something. You know, just to vent.

Speaker 3:

Listen, we're not therapists. We're not therapists. Oh, no, no, no, by no means. That's the disclaimer. I would just recommend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we recommend something, you know, just If you have a question?

Speaker 3:

fine, yeah, we can answer a question, but we're not going to give advice. Yeah, no, we're not going to give advice like that.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I just meant you know that we could put you in the right direction, you know.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We could you know instead of hospitals, fire departments, police stations, they, you know yeah, they are, yeah, the neighbor, if you have to hurt, you know and you can be. Just don't put on that dark rabbit hole. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Listen. I know from experience that you can. It's not a good thing. It doesn't feel good and you don't like being there, right? You know what I mean. So that's the thing you know. Don't give into it, right? Just do the best you can to get through it and then just go talk to somebody. Yeah, believe it or not, whether you're thinking or not, it's going to help.

Speaker 1:

Trust me when I tell you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sometimes it's easy to go to somebody you don't know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

That you have no history with whatever right it's between you and them. Even if you do it online, even if it's like one of those things that they do, they can do it on your phone, yeah. Now you can touch with a therapist right off the gate. You know, out of the gate, Right? Yeah, it is, if it's a phone call or whatever do it and then just, you're never going to see that person again.

Speaker 3:

You were able to unload and get something off your chest and, yeah, express yourself, yeah or even if you feel that kind of good that now becomes a regular thing.

Speaker 2:

You know it doesn't hurt and it's not a bad thing to see a therapist. You know they Just people deal with things differently. You know, do what's best for you and always make sure that you're you're good, you're okay. Exactly, you know when you, when you're a person that takes care of everybody else, if you don't take care of you, you can't take care of those. Yeah, that's, yeah, others, everybody else, everything harder. Yeah, it's on your mind all the time.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, like you know, you know, um, and once you're able to Finally whatever it is that hopefully you get out of it and you figure it out right, and then you going in the right direction. You know this is better what we would do, what I was just doing, right, right, right. So yeah, do something, don't. Don't sit at home, like. If you feel that way, go for a walk. I know, hold outside, but sometimes a brisk walk is good. Yeah, go see a movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely driving a car, yeah radio.

Speaker 3:

Put your headphones on.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, something in a notebook, anything. Yeah, diaries.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, journal diary, Whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know yeah, so that was our PSA. Yeah, and just you said something that just kind of like man. So have you guys seen the new movie trailers for Ghostbusters?

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't seen yet. Oh dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, it's gonna be good. It was because all the, so it's not. It's not a spoiler alert, because in the trailer they show all the original ghost buses are in it. That's awesome, so that's gonna be cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna be gone, Right? No?

Speaker 2:

no, you got is in it too. Oh, they showed you gone in it. Nice yeah. So yeah, cuz he passed away in real life. So those who didn't know and yeah, how famous.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes. So they see G item and so he's a ghost. See, that's cool Cuz he's gonna be like a ghost fighting other go yeah right and, like you imagine, like if they had, like, a problem inside the containment center, that can send them in and yeah, maybe go fuck another ghost, figure out where it's coming from, yeah, and report back, or some yeah, able to do something yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's what happened in the, in the one where the grandkids was that they found the car, that's when they found the car in the barn and whatnot.

Speaker 3:

Yeah it was good, I was really good, that was.

Speaker 2:

yeah, it was a cool. It was a cool, I came.

Speaker 1:

I mean there's a lot of. I love that that was. That was a really fun movie, Like the part when he had that the little miniature stay puffed mouth.

Speaker 2:

That was To do a chasing what's his name? Around. That was great man. That was great. I love it. Yeah, I love all them. So this year it looks like Marvel is Is gonna restart, will not reason, I'm sorry. They're gonna start a new arc, so you're gonna start a new storyline and really on what which one? So before it was, the last one was I have a comic books was off of a infinity gauntlet Infinity gauntlet, so that's you know what it had getting all the stones and right.

Speaker 1:

They were to control that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Now, this one is secret wars, so I'm not gonna say what it's. A you know how the secret was one of the comic books, because you know they might switch it up and then right, like me, I don't know yeah so, you know, switch it up too much. But I wonder how it's gonna be, because now they have the multiverse and like almost all of this stuff, right, yeah, so now it's a different multiverse from the spider-man's that we've seen, because venom was out of the secret wars.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so venom wasn't because he was in that. So he was, because he wasn't venom from the spider-man. You know he was spider-man, didn't exist in his right.

Speaker 2:

So what it was in the comic book when he got it. So in secret wars there were, you know, all the superheroes were fighting up in another. Like the I can't think of the name of the game guy that. He's the one that does all these the games and post people from wherever. I can't think his name right now, but anyway, like the game master.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah so the guy that was in Guardians of the galaxy that he had, yeah, but anyways, so he there has all these superheroes there they fight Spider-man suit gets kind of torn up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he goes over and where they're staying. He goes up to the like the it was almost like a ATM, I guess we'll say. And he's like I need a new suit and poof, the suit pops up, he puts it on and it mine melds with him. So now he can control it mentally. So now he's able to shoot his web and everything to the suit and all that other good stuff. You can make it into short sleeves like. The comic book was great. I read the comic book like this is.

Speaker 1:

You're talking about the original Secret Wars book.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay so then, for my understanding, this is what's gonna be. So now, when my point was what other stuff right Is that now they would have to change the universe where the the spider-man is and how the venom is? Yeah, I know it's getting so confusing with the different Versus right easy it is, it's gonna go bananas, because now you also have Doc Strange. Yeah, so Doc Strange now. All of them right, but like I said, so now he Bouncing back through all of the universes. So have you seen the what ifs?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I saw the one on the new one.

Speaker 2:

No, there's some new episodes really.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, check them out.

Speaker 2:

So now they're showing him bouncing still to different multiverses.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I saw the one in the movie with him.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I know, but in the what if on this Disney plus yeah, on the Disney plus, they added a new season okay to them, to the other ones and they did another what if? Where he's bouncing, he's still bouncing. So Dr Strange is the only person in the In the what ifs, that is the one guy that can bounce back and forth. So he knows the this universe is, you know, captain America. Yeah, he knows the other universes where it's Captain Carter, yeah, you know, he knows where spider-man wasn't this spider-man. He knows who's what. Yeah, like Miles Morales and the spider-man.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, I'm a rather Spider-man noir.

Speaker 2:

He's the one that's like yeah, so that's another one I supposed to be coming out. That's another spider-man.

Speaker 3:

They're gonna make that it's gonna be black and white no I heard that the way to do it was very hard to frame when they made that yeah, oh dude, it was insane. That's what I'm doing. What about? You know no guy.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, sorry, I don't want to. No, no, no, no, guy guys, no, no, that was okay, so I was no saying what about like DC universe, like like? Batman they're gonna be doing a new, a different Batman all together, they're still gonna do a sequel to the Batman.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, wait a minute now. What's going on with is the? Is there anything about Henry Cavill? Again, I saw something going on, or I thought I saw something so if I understood right the way I read it, because originally they've had a new guy already in place, right.

Speaker 2:

So they messed up with the rock. The rock, supposedly, was messing up how and who he wanted to am and everything.

Speaker 3:

Which Zym and I he wanted, he was, he was um you. He wasn't choosing Black, adam Black.

Speaker 2:

Adam. So that then the way he wanted to make it. And then he was like, well, we're going to do this, I want Henry Cavill to play, and I guess he was messing around. So the last I understood they had pretty much just deaded that whole thing. So there's not going to be that kind of mix, and I don't even think that they're letting Henry Cavill be a superman.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, yeah, yeah, that's what I said.

Speaker 2:

So, because of all that that was going on, they kind of turned it off. Yeah, what was the kid that played this last Batman, the one who was from?

Speaker 1:

Twilight, twilight. What's the?

Speaker 2:

name Because that kid is. Now. He's going to be the Batman in this new one, and they've upgraded his toys, so now he's really the Batman, right, and he's, and it's so good, but it's a different universe though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not the same one as what's his face From Twilight.

Speaker 1:

No, no, bad Afflick. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's not the same one.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to be with that too.

Speaker 1:

I hear Right so that, then that's so like all over the place. That's where it's the problem.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that's what flash was supposed to be about. Flash was awesome, right, so I haven't seen it yet.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to lie. Are you freaking mind?

Speaker 2:

Well, you and I really had our conversations about DC and I can't see.

Speaker 3:

Was that not a good movie? Did you see that movie? That movie, they did that right. Who was in it? Michael Keen, I'm Batman.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, right right, because, but that's what I'm saying. So that's what the flash was supposed to be, or is supposed to be. I'm Batman, yeah, you're funny as hell. So that's what flash was bringing those stories together and starting the multiverse for DC. Watch the movie, okay, dear, yes, honey, watch as you.

Speaker 1:

And speaking of going back to like Disney, because Marvel's Disney but Star Wars they didn't know. Trailer, but only a poster for the next one that's going to be Ray.

Speaker 2:

So now with that. It's funny that I know some of the show.

Speaker 1:

But I heard rumors that they were going to do a high Republic movie. Well, that.

Speaker 2:

So now Disney and Star Wars, they've been kind of going a little bit back and forth, because Star Wars people are like oh, we're going to do this, we're going to do this, we're going to do this, but it's not official. Yeah, yeah. So then now when Disney is like this is what we're doing, like they were giving us starting to give grief for Soka.

Speaker 1:

So Soka just got okay for season two, season two, so you haven't seen it yet, bro, you got a wide I already saw it.

Speaker 2:

So I love Soka and so now they're going to have her. She's having a new season and they want to build off of that.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait to see what's going to happen with that. Why? There's the rumor that they were going to have a Thrawn movie, and but there was. But they did show a poster, though, that they're going to do a sequel to the movies with Ray, so well, they're supposed to be right.

Speaker 2:

They're supposed to be a new movie with Ray, because she was still over there arguing with Luke and whatever else and still training and stuff. So yes, that's supposed to be a real one, but again they're trying to.

Speaker 1:

just, you know you mean Luke is a force ghost, or yes? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. So now it's. You know, see, what happened, because look at her Soka. Soka would had Anakin and hers. So you know, that was pretty groovy, you know, having Anakin come back, like I don't know if they're going to have him come again, though, that was probably one of the best episodes. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The way they did. That was great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Because that's when she became a master. You know now she was a Jedi master because she fought and did what she did with him and her when she had you know her afterlife or whatever it was. Yeah, the astral playing, whatever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was pretty cool. Though it was pretty cool. Yeah, it was really good. That was one of the coolest. Don't you hear that? Yeah, I hear lightsabers, so so.

Speaker 2:

I have been.

Speaker 1:

I have been following the entire story. I'm watching it in chronological order what are you up to? I'm on Rebels now.

Speaker 3:

So that's where I'm getting to see those characters. Yeah, soka Rebels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so now I'm on second season of Rebels Okay, like halfway through the second season, but yeah, so I'm watching everything in chronological order for Star Wars. So those characters from Ahsoka are all from Rebels. Right, everybody from that is from Rebels, including.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, right. And then she was again in Rebels.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, because that's when she had left Anakin because they had blamed her, for I forgot what it was they blamed her for. And she got in trouble.

Speaker 1:

It's so interesting though, because, like, clone Wars was on Cartoon Network, yeah, and then Rebels aired on Disney XD, yes, so yeah, but they look the graphics are a little different. Yeah, it's still good, though it's a. The Rebels looks more like kid-ish, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Clone Wars was like Japanese anime. It was very serious.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the animation was awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I got. There's a couple episodes that got real teary-eyed. I thought it was just me when fucking fives gets fucking killed.

Speaker 2:

That's ridiculous, oh my God, yes, yes, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

The Clone Wars bro was in so serious yeah bro, it's not like, yeah, like you felt it, bro, if you think it's for kids, it's not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not. It is not. So the storyline is amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like they made the movies and just made them animate.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it's 22 episodes.

Speaker 3:

Oh, dude, there's so many episodes. Somebody was putting up the fight scene with Obi-Wan and that yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's an extended version the cartoon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Well, they animated one, yes, and they put it up with the actual movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And it's almost identical to the way it's nuts and I was like what that was. I thought at first. I thought, oh they just made that up.

Speaker 1:

Did someone make that, or was that official?

Speaker 2:

I don't even know, because I only saw it. I didn't even read up on it, I didn't read it, I just saw it Because they used the.

Speaker 1:

Clone Wars. Like the Clone Wars Because, well, that's the cool thing. What I did with the Clone Wars, that was the fucking coolest thing I did Is I watched the Clone Wars and then, when you get to the last four episodes, the last season, of the Clone. Wars, it's simultaneously happening.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Episode three yes, so, revenge of the Sith. So what I did was I'm watching Clone Wars and then the scene where they're like, oh, they're attacking Coruscant, then you start episode three, and then you get to another part in episode three, then you start the next episode. Yup, and it was like it made it like I was like holy shit, this is completely different now Epic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was so cool. Yeah, I wish you were into that a little bit more.

Speaker 3:

I'm so fucking happy. I just love it. I just love it. I mean I still was. I do know a lot of it. I mean I do follow it.

Speaker 1:

I understand it, I do understand it though. Yeah, it's like a hundred, and something episodes yeah, yeah, yeah, but then it's just, and a movie before it there was a movie, and then the Clone Wars, right.

Speaker 2:

And it's just crazy how they just all like I said that's what I was telling you back when the animated series bro. It's a whole new thing, like now you understand who everybody is, where they came from, you know how Star Trek has like a universe with a lot of different species and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know, ask me, yeah, star Wars movies. They really don't really go into a lot of like what the other species are about to see them like in the bars on in the Tatooine and stuff. But like when you watch the shows, they go into so much depth about the characters and like and like the species that Ahsoka is like.

Speaker 1:

There's a scene when they get like all fucking kidnapped and like it's so fucked up, like she opened the door and they're fall to their death. They got them like cause they're going to turn, they were going to make them slaves, like the empire was going to make them. That wasn't the empire, it was the whatever they were the ones that were fighting them.

Speaker 3:

Come on Star Wars guys. Yeah, I know we're just having a brain fire Cause it's like it's all over the place, Sorry, but because Bumbajaba the hut had one.

Speaker 2:

He had an Ahsoka was his before he changed Prince's layer up. He had one of them that was his when a couple of his dancers, the bartenders and shit like that.

Speaker 1:

And he dropped it down to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the, to the cliffs. Or wasn't she the same species as Hera?

Speaker 2:

Hera as the one that Right, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I was Bladegy Great and it's so different from Star Trek, you know, like Star Trek was, I guess, almost more realistic for us. Yeah, you know what I mean and how we are here, and then you know, finally going on to finding the stars, so to me, I always figured Star Wars as a combination of medieval, if medieval was a sci-fi movie, you've got the swords and the way, and they're almost like the way the samurai the Jedi are very similar to the samurai.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who the Sith would be, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, yeah, I don't know what the claim would be. Yeah, they would be a bad samurai.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, yeah, I guess.

Speaker 3:

But they were just you know, they were good samurai and they were also bad samurai. It wasn't you know.

Speaker 1:

But I mean but yes, but like I guess maybe they follow us, maybe there are bad samurai that had those rules that the Sith have you know and they move too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Well, they say Back in the day it was ruthless.

Speaker 2:

I mean, those guys didn't play around, yeah oh, it was crazy, Right what they say that the Star Wars is. You have to know the Bible, but pull some of the stories out of the Bible and ancient Greece and stuff like that, and ancient Japan, yeah, and they say the same thing about like what's Superman?

Speaker 3:

Right, exactly they could compare it to Moses. Yes, exactly the story. Right, you know that's how he got the story you know. So there's debate on that too. Yeah, but the thing I like about Star Trek is those, because it it's not only exploring, but every but that money's not needed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You're working, you're volunteering, whatever it is you're doing, you know it's.

Speaker 1:

That's a better society. Right, that's a better society. You're looking to help other species. Star Wars, that's the right. Make peace Right.

Speaker 3:

Of course, being Star Trek. They have to get, you know. You know you get the good movies like the con and all the classics and stuff like that. And even I like in the new ones too. I like the fact that the episode with what do you call it? Strange New World oh yeah. An actual animated.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

An animated character that come into real life in their universe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, from below that, and they were actually a human being, right, and it was weird.

Speaker 3:

And then someone else came and it was like, wow, this is cool, they actually crossed over with animation.

Speaker 2:

Animation. Have you seen that Universe into Star Trek? Yeah, so they had. So it's. You know what's it called, what's the animated one?

Speaker 1:

They're doing animated Star Trek? Yeah, they have an animated stuff.

Speaker 3:

They have it. They have an animated one too. Yeah, but you know, what, but that was pretty cool though. I thought that was cool. Yeah, that was way freaking cool that was way freaking cool, you know.

Speaker 1:

I like that. That's like, like, like. So like you get the animated Star Trek, you get an animated Star Wars. I like it because they can do more with it Because you're limited with with like movies because it's a lot of money in the production and like it's things like that, but where you, you know that's why they were able to do all that, and so I'm sure with like Star Trek, they're gonna be able to do so much more now.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, well, hopefully they go there because they said so. It's a comedy show, lower Decks and lower Decks, lower Decks.

Speaker 1:

I heard about that.

Speaker 3:

And then you have Picard as well.

Speaker 2:

Picard was an animated, that was live action. No, no, I was gonna say people that know that. So yeah, just the general.

Speaker 3:

Great. The whole series was great Awesome.

Speaker 2:

I'm surprised you didn't see that one though.

Speaker 3:

That was good too.

Speaker 2:

I'm surprised you didn't see that, but yes, I got into Star Trek.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And I feel like I'm lost. I remember when I was, you would have to watch Star Trek Generations and listen the same way, yeah. The same way you do Star Wars, I'd have to start the whole.

Speaker 3:

You would have to do it the way you were talking to me.

Speaker 1:

The same way, because you have to start off in the beginning from with Kirk and then it goes into another thing. Yeah, then it goes all over the place. I wonder if I could do the movies. I don't know if I could do the show, the problem with the movies?

Speaker 2:

There's no.

Speaker 1:

That's the fighting music. But I'm kind of doing a little bit of Jim Carrey doing that yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was funny, that was great. Yeah, no, that's, that was great. You guys are hilarious. No, but the Star Trek you can't do. If you do the movies, it's a little bit off. Oh, it is because the Wrath of Khan and no the strange new worlds.

Speaker 3:

Right, you're talking about Singh's granddaughter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just watching them in Right, just watching the shows in order Right. The movies, I don't remember them coinciding with the they do.

Speaker 3:

It does so when she's. She's one of the, the the engineer, I believe it is security one of the two, but she happens to be offspring of Khan. Is of Khan. Right, that was yeah.

Speaker 2:

I forgot, so they didn't find him yet.

Speaker 3:

Right, he's still floating in space because Kirk is not even captain yet. Kirk comes, it's captain, he's still on the ship, but he, you know, he, he doesn't, he's not on the enterprise yet Right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're right, it happens when he's on the enterprise. But it doesn't have he. He bought the first time, the first episode. They find the ship, they get them on, they save them, whatever, and then he tries to steal cat, you know, to take his ship over, but didn't they do it? And then they put them on the planet. And then we see the movie the Wrath of Khan, but didn't they already?

Speaker 2:

do it off timeline, because wasn't Kirk? Kirk wasn't a captain when they found Khan right the first time.

Speaker 3:

No, no, he never found he. When he was captain, he found them. But when they did the Star Trek over again, right, right, it's a different timeline that okay, then you go all right, All right, right, right, right right, whatever, it's just different. Or or the DC yeah, so this captain Kirk, yeah, it happened where it was actually, where he wasn't captain, episode, or you know. No, actually he was captain, but no, he wasn't it was right. Yeah, they knocked him down, and then he became captain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yes, remember that episode, because that's when she got.

Speaker 3:

I was also good, I like the version, the way they did a different timeline on that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was, that was good. I forgot about that episode, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so me. I know the star tricks like yeah, but but there are people who know Things that I would never even think of over.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, you know, I'm saying yeah, like this in a little bit like your, your friend with the Star Wars.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, yeah me. And Steven, right, you guys are like, you guys are all over that. Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm pretty decent, honestly. Oh yeah, no, definitely. Yeah, this shit that you said, I'm like what? Yeah, I got here really, and then I take back, I think about it, so I wound up watching the reruns right all time, and then the movies came out and I was like that's.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just clicked with me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I watched the whole time. I come home and I remember you come home a certain time and yeah, right, so you would have the odd couple and then it would be oh it was the other one. It was honeymooners, honeymooners, and then Twilight Zone and then Star Trek.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah sometimes yes, because such excellent be later, early, that wasn't on you know my time, but like when, in what? When I grew up, I had, you know, cable track the next generation?

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, and I used to. I watched that. I remember. Yeah, I watched generations. I did. I liked it, deep space. Nine was my favorite, see I, that was the one I did not really get in now, isn't one of the people from deep space nine in Star Wars.

Speaker 1:

What's her name? The one who plays. Who plays? What's her name? She's a Mandalorian. She's the one that, like, wanted the light, that got the dark saber. Now, what's her?

Speaker 2:

no, I don't think. I remember her being in.

Speaker 1:

She's blonde. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm a lover, I think you're talking about seven, nine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, no, no no generations. Katie Katie's. No, she wasn't something sad. No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

She wasn't in. That's not her.

Speaker 3:

He's thinking somebody else.

Speaker 1:

With the thing with the yeah, no, no, no. But who so? Who she?

Speaker 3:

is she's she's generations.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah right, right, yeah, no, there's just so many.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, there's a different generation, was Voyager.

Speaker 2:

Voyager was seven of nine. Yeah right, but that's not it. It's not. The same actress is a different actress. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah yeah, promise, yeah yeah, different act. And then she was in the Picard ride. Yeah that was really good yeah she was good.

Speaker 1:

She was like. She was like a mercenary.

Speaker 2:

She was like taking people out we just get to that point where she was just like total.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, she was, just, she didn't play.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, it was funny. We just, we just geeked a lot on on sci-fi. Well, I'll say sorry. I was a star trek that was funny as hell. Well, people, by sitting in like what, what, no, this, while we're telling what was it?

Speaker 1:

listening to us.

Speaker 2:

They're looking it up. Yeah, they were looking up. Wait, no wait.

Speaker 3:

Oh say, listen, I listen if we're wrong on anything we said.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let us know.

Speaker 3:

Please, absolutely let us know because, going by what we, know, or we think we Know. I know I'm pretty decent with my stuff, but if there's anything that we did.

Speaker 2:

I want to know for sure and then you know, don't make me have to go, I'm not to go to my mother's house. And they got the old. I have the old secret wars, comic books, I have the whole series. Yeah, and it's in my mom's house in Florida, oh don't we?

Speaker 3:

why telling people bro in Florida yeah, oh, it's over here, make out the car, make a left.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but Kiki, yeah, no, listen, I gotta go.

Speaker 1:

That's my make a trip, we'll get my stuff, yeah, you should you know what would be a good person to get on on our show? The guy who owns the comic bookstore. Yeah he's an interesting guy.

Speaker 2:

Is he what's comic books?

Speaker 1:

there by us expired robot. They just moved. They used to be in the shopping mall where stop and shop is, you know we should do? We should go there for the podcast.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that would be that would. He would love that in the freaking comic book, this guy this guy actually used to work for MTV.

Speaker 1:

He used to work for MTV news. Like four or five people. He wasn't that. He wasn't one of the people on air. But yeah, he, he said he even, he knows Kurt Loder no kidding, hey, that's so, other than we should talk, you know. Here we're doing. You know Serena, all right, stall All those people. Like Kurt Loder, is Serena all troll? He knows all those people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, dude, yeah, that'll be great man. You talk to him.

Speaker 3:

Listen. Yeah, that would be good idea.

Speaker 1:

For sure so, but I was thinking like all this geek stuff, yeah, it'd be good with the comic book stuff, like, if you're talking about stuff like that, yeah, yeah, he'll know, he'll know, he knows. Oh yeah yeah, yeah. He'll totally blow your mind and stuff like the chase buys a Pokemon car.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I see, did you ever?

Speaker 1:

collect any of that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Did the Pokemon did? What did you do, like the?

Speaker 3:

baseball card. I did, but I most of them weren't really worth anything. Okay what's that I had but my my dad saved so for my son, my son has all his yeah, my father had got you know see for him. So, yeah, he's got all that, and I, my son still, I think he has his Pokemon cards. I used to say poke man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Drive him, but man, it's not poke man, it's Pokemon, it's poke you, but anyway so I said yeah, no, no, you're not man, get out of your pants, stop talking. Yeah, no, it's an O, exactly did you collect anything?

Speaker 1:

Tom me, I did have comic books. Yeah, and I did, and at my, when I was During my age, it was like the early 90s, mid 90s they the Marvel cards were really yeah, I had my actually Like I got the 10 set for yeah, so did I, bro, I had I'm gonna tell you what fucking happened to me, bro, and. I'm pissed off so I'm you know this is a need. I opened them.

Speaker 2:

No, no, so I had but see it so.

Speaker 1:

I had them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I moved to Florida, yeah, and I had gotten pulled over. Yeah, cops ransacked my fucking car, oh, and they took my cards, bro, and I had no proof that I had the cards in the car. Wow, and they took them. They Freakly took them there and they really did because this girl I was dating at the time, her dad, had to go to because they didn't want to give back my car, they took on my the. When they told my car, they, they, literally they really started to strip my car, they took my music system out, they had gutted half of my shit.

Speaker 2:

And then the girl I was dating said her father went over like yo Give my son and Lord his shit, put it all back and if anything's not working, we're coming back here. And what me somebody's ass. Like, no, like that was the real conversation. Go, dude guys are the truth. And the cops had taken my cards and some other combo because I had just moved to Florida and I was moving to another apartment and they freaking got me. I was so pissed so I look I had all the cut. Dude, the cards. They were holographic, hologram cards.

Speaker 1:

Right, I had Superman the one that was worth the most was the Wolverine one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Higher card was a hologram.

Speaker 2:

I fucking had it. I had the card bro. Right now I have that card.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my cousin might have that card. Dude, I'm telling you, man, those I sold the book because it was so rare, yeah, but they were rare because they only had them for a little while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, only had it for a super short time set. They had them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep, and the death of Robin. I have the death of Robin with the tin foil colors.

Speaker 3:

I have the Superman series with when he died. Yeah, do you have the sealed ones? I have the whole thing. My cousin gave it to me, so I have the ones that when they came out, because they came out box all of them.

Speaker 2:

I got them that they're in the plastic when they were first, when it first first came out.

Speaker 3:

I have them all in. I think they're in plastic. Yeah, the box, oh dude bro.

Speaker 2:

Those are that right there. Yeah, the death of Superman then.

Speaker 3:

Wolverine fighting spider-man. He comes back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hey, well, because he wasn't dead. That was the whole shit. The Spider-Man fighting Wolverine yeah bro, I read that kind of book like ten times. It was such a they made that into live action or into cartoon.

Speaker 3:

How was that even possible, that spider-man could fight Wolverine? I mean, really, he's got blades bro, and he's got spider sense Right and he's strong. Okay, so if he cuts him, he cuts him right. He's not like you know.

Speaker 2:

He's oh yeah, no, no, he's cutting him, but he has to get close enough and you know he has to be able to to actually cut spider-man, Spider-man is out, and then Wolverine he just heals Exactly.

Speaker 3:

So it's like a fight that's just gonna so continue to go forever.

Speaker 2:

So, because I know probably people aren't gonna really read like that, I'm gonna tell you the end. So at the end, like this little fight in and blah, blah, blah going back and forth I think they did actually make a cartoon of this shit, but anyways. So they were fighting, going back and forth and Spider-man grabs Wolverine by his neck and he's got his thumbs underneath Wolverine's neck because Spider-man is strong enough To snap the Ad-Man Tiam bones, right. So he had spider-man Wolverine. He's facing him, he's holding his head and he's got his thumbs under his chin and he's like you know what this is gonna end? And when they pan back in the comic book, no, they show the next picture. Wolverine has his fist up underneath spider-man's neck and he's like so when you snap my neck, it's gonna make me twitch and you're gonna die too. Oh, that's so Dude. Oh, my god, it was fan, fucking tastic dude. I was great yeah that was a tie.

Speaker 2:

It was a tie. Yeah, they like, literally, just like don't let each other go at the same time I'm not the way yeah. Mm-hmm, right, yeah, it was spider-man hunting One of Wolverine's girlfriends because she was like an assassin of some shit Gotcha. Yeah, it was fucking great, cart to. I mean a comic book bro, and I said I'm pretty sure that there was the animated thing of that too. So yeah, it was fucking great. I love that shit, bro.

Speaker 1:

Well, I was like yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, comic books, bro.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was the the thing, yeah, yeah, and I wasn't much into my new about them and I and I was into all that stuff, but I didn't really buy them a lot.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but um, but I was around people who did really weren't doing everything, but I was love all that stuff anyway, you know animation so you know, just the expanded universe like right happening with X men when I was younger.

Speaker 1:

When they start come out with like it was always X men, uncanny X men, but then they start.

Speaker 2:

X factor, x factor. I have the X factor there was generation X. Yeah, I didn't like that one too much, bro. I don't like jubilee was like yeah, they should like the leader and she and you know, jubilee came from the TV show. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, yep. But they put her in the comic book after that, but that's her first appearance. Was the right and the other guy too, morp? I think, his name was yes, it was Morph he was only in there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then TV show that was good.

Speaker 3:

I love that, this one. I meant that was talking about geek stuff.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I set my son this as soon as I saw it.

Speaker 2:

It's a trailer for Legend of Zelda oh, I heard, so I heard about that. I didn't see the trailer. Did it look good? Yeah, it looked real good.

Speaker 3:

My son was like it's about time, because he was obsessed with that Mm-hmm. He would play that game. Every time it was a new game that came out, he got it. Yeah loved it, so I sent that to him. He's like, yeah, that's pretty he was. He said saw this looks amazing, but about time they did this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, now they got the, now they had to take, now we have the technology, you know they can rebuild the movie. Yeah, because yo Zelda road, that was. Yeah, it was a good game, but now I wonder if they make any. I didn't really play the game, I'm not always a. Peter Jackson yeah, I don't know the face.

Speaker 3:

He's the one who did Lord of the Rings, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, the director. You mean yeah, oh, yes, yes, yes. So then is it gonna look like loaded the rings? We're gonna find out, then it might be something similar to it like like the details.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh yeah, because those movies I loved all those the way just it, just the cinematics and the raw.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's gonna be probably gonna be very much like that for Zelda.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's probably gonna be right to the game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, well, it was Orlando Bloom. Right was the one that played the elf.

Speaker 3:

In um. Yes, that's correct.

Speaker 2:

So that then. But I don't know him well. He's older now, so he might be like the elder elf, you know, he may not be and what's the one?

Speaker 1:

that's all, though. Who's gonna be Zelda? Oh yeah, I don't know. I don't know because.

Speaker 3:

Zelda was the one actor in.

Speaker 2:

Zelda, because the cuz Zelda was not the main character, right? So he was gonna go right say the princess. So that's what I'm saying. Who was gonna be the elf, or I don't even know.

Speaker 1:

The freak, I know that's what I said.

Speaker 2:

If he's gonna be the elder one and you know the whole storyline or whatever, they gotta make it extra that be cool.

Speaker 1:

If it was, what's his name, that be the elder elf, because he was in Lord of the Rings right me the one, the one from agent Smith.

Speaker 2:

Right, you Smith, right, yeah, I played agent Smith. Yeah, from matrix. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right he was the end of.

Speaker 1:

I can't put his name. Yeah, I can't even name you the, but yeah, but yeah, so um yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that about wraps up our time. Do you know me?

Speaker 1:

So this was is gonna a little experimental episode. We're gonna see how it goes. But we were thinking about doing like, just like a hangout episode every Every now and then, yeah, every other episode. We're gonna see how it goes, and that's. A lot of people tell us that our fans of the show, some of our family members, they say our favorite thing is to. Their favorite thing about our show is that they feel like they're hanging out in a room. I've mentioned that before. You know, yeah, is it feel like they're hanging out with us? So we figure, maybe we'll just do an episode. We just talk about whatever you know yeah, yeah, I think you're going yeah, have you come to episode, you guys?

Speaker 1:

shit episode. Yeah right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yo, everybody miss that one. Lose have it, that's right. Yeah, you get the hand to us and everything. Yeah, I said so the point hand to us. Yeah, we like, flick your whole, yeah, the whole.

Speaker 1:

Good, best part, best way to describe it for a way, listen, that is great.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, so I mean, you're still with that, Even though come up with different ideas again. Still, people, you know, give us suggestions, because then we could just have a bullshit and they, you know, round table talk of just whatever you know, whatever, like today just happened to be so we did the PSA, we got a, we got a, count the fullest stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely so.

Speaker 2:

I said I mean I would not, you know, say maybe once a month or whatever, but or every other month, whatever, but still just have a round table. But yeah, no, absolutely like this episode. You know I it was for me that I asked about you know doing the PSA. Yeah, you know, and then we do able to switch up and it's just fine, yeah, which is cool, I said, but this is you know, everybody, just you know yeah, exactly just be here, laugh with us, joke with us, enjoy the time with us, as we enjoy doing this.

Speaker 2:

You know we're in front and trying to. We're gonna try to start getting into T-shirts and Britain nice. So we'll see a picture, the one that Santa Claus bought Lewis you know, and you guys saw the other one that we had got before. So hoping, looking for my niece to start making these t-shirts and we start getting them in and, yeah, start sending them out, selling them, giveaways, grab bags, you know yeah, yeah, yeah so for sure. So, all right everybody. Thank you for listening. Gentlemen, Appreciate y'all being here. Thank you Love it.

Speaker 3:

So love peace and hand grease live long and prosper and give vegan.

Speaker 2:

Oh wait, are you sure it's go vegan? Yes, yes, thank you for listening.

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